Post video clips here please


Helluva Engineer
I just re-watched our final offensive set of downs, you know, the one where we won the game. I've read several guys complain about not running straight ahead on 1st and 2nd down. As it turns out, CPJ had good plays called as Ugag had amassed 9 guys in the box. The reason they didn't work was due to missed blocks. On 1st down, our RT missed his block or we'd have gotten it down to the 2. On 2nd down our LAback missed the lead cut block forcing a quick pitch. Still, if Lynch decides to race to the pylon, he may have just gotten there, or at least very close. Instead, he decides to cut it back and he slips down. (hence the mild ***-chew by JT).

Both plays were foiled by missed blocks/nice block avoidance by Ugag. The option is a numbers game, when we miss blocks, we get outnumbered at the point of attack. Funny how missed blocks get interpreted as poor play calls.

In complete hindsight, the perfect call on first down would have been a fake rocket toss right, qb bootleg to the left. There were only two defenders on that side as everybody bit on the motion. One was in tight at the LOS, Jet would have easily outrun him to the corner even if the Aback whiffed. The other was the corner who was deep in the endzone, easy block by the wr. JeT would have had a ton of green.


Georgia Tech Fan
Here it is on GT Bob's video. This might honestly be my favorite play of the game.

Mine too. He broke two tackles then run over #2 then carried an LB on his back. The dawgs around me in the stadium were very quiet after that run. It was extremely physical and showed who wanted the game more.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
Now this video makes me sad:(

Sad because MM is transferring yeah. But hey he said he's transferring in January. Could that mean he might still play in the (December) bowl game? We're all assuming he's done, but has that actually been confirmed?

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Helluva Engineer
Not that i have any. But would be nice for a media thread
I have watched the "Leap" from every conceivable angle and find it just short of miraculous that the officials did not rule it a fumble. I know, breaking the plane and all that but given the peculiar things that have happened to us in that stadium... Did anyone besides me, hold their breath on the review thinking they just might call it a fumble? Just asking.


Helluva Engineer
I have watched the "Leap" from every conceivable angle and find it just short of miraculous that the officials did not rule it a fumble. I know, breaking the plane and all that but given the peculiar things that have happened to us in that stadium... Did anyone besides me, hold their breath on the review thinking they just might call it a fumble? Just asking.

Of course u hold your breathe. But it was obvious he broke the plane. But i am with u. I was like oh no


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
Replays showed the football landed in the endzone, so we can assume it was already a Touchdown, but wow. A micro-second separated Qua from legendary hero to epic fail.
Augusta, GA
I have watched the "Leap" from every conceivable angle and find it just short of miraculous that the officials did not rule it a fumble. I know, breaking the plane and all that but given the peculiar things that have happened to us in that stadium... Did anyone besides me, hold their breath on the review thinking they just might call it a fumble? Just asking.
Pretty sure he had the ball when the pile was unraveled, so it wouldn't have mattered


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
I have watched the "Leap" from every conceivable angle and find it just short of miraculous that the officials did not rule it a fumble. I know, breaking the plane and all that but given the peculiar things that have happened to us in that stadium... Did anyone besides me, hold their breath on the review thinking they just might call it a fumble? Just asking.
At that point I thought the only thing they could check was to see if it was a TD or was his knee down before he crossed the end zone .


Helluva Engineer
What's up with all this talk of "we wanted the game more"? To say because we made a good play we wanted it more is just crazy, our guys are just good enough to make good plays. I'm pretty sure UGA wanted to win the game just as bad as our guys did. The difference was we outplayed them in the fourth quarter.


Helluva Engineer
You could barely see the ball on the ground. Whether or not he had possession of it at that point, I don't know. But when they unpiled, he had the ball. End of story.
Pretty much game, set, match. I kept seeing the ball (half hidden by Bulldog defenders mind you) and fearing the worst.
Augusta, GA
Pretty much game, set, match. I kept seeing the ball (half hidden by Bulldog defenders mind you) and fearing the worst.
I guess the key is that you saw it HALF hidden by mutt defenders. That means, at the very least, that it was also half hidden by Qua. Regardless, if he had already crossed the endzone with it, which was confirmed by the replay, then it doesn't matter. Of course, those WERE SEC refs, so, as we all know, anything can happen....LOL


Helluva Engineer
The problem with saying it should have been ruled a fumble is who do you give the ball to? Nowhere on any of those tapes do they show someone recover the ball after it's out. All you see is the ball come out and then a massive pile ensure. Then you don't see any Georgia player come out with the ball, and I don't remember seeing Qua come out with the ball.

The other odd thing is that none of these angles clearly show the ball crossing the plane. The sideline view of Justin and the ref is the closest, but Justin's body is actually blocking the view of Qua when he crosses the line. It looks like the ref had a perfect view though, because he didn't really hesitate all that much before he signaled.

Questionable play call, great play, one for the good guys. I'll never forget it. Go Jackets!


Ramblin' Wreck
They did well with the broadcast, and, oddly enough, this was the most fair I have ever seen a SEC officiating crew in the series as well. For the first time I can remember, we didn't get jobbed by the refs.
I did not see PI on our #20 in the end zone and the unsportsmanlike on same was in reaction to taunting...which at the time got me pretty wrapped around the axel...