You have to ask? I’m in Albany and have had dealings with both the local school system and Albany State. The Hope is a Ponzi scheme for a community like Albany. They give out 3.0’s in high school so the kids can take the money straight to ASU so the school can brag about growth. Meanwhile, the local school system graduates illiterates with 3.0’s so the Hope can be funneled straight to the college. At the end of the process, the student has little marketable skills but the school system and Albany State can point o metrics about graduation rates, GPA’s, Hope, etc. It’s all a joke. Then the local school system hires the college graduates as teachers who are semi-illiterate. It’s why towns like this are simply dying and being totally subsidized by government schemes. For GT students it’s a win though because we save huge money with Hope and graduate with skills to get jobs.