[Poll] Out of pure curiosity - Did you attend Georgia Tech?

Did you attend Georgia Tech

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Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Did not , graduated from Southern Technical Institute ( or just Southern Tech) what most people did not know it was a division of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The difference was my degree was in Civil Engineering Technology ( CET ) not Civil Engineering like at Georgia Tech. I could lie and say the reason I picked Southern Tech was because I was working full time and had to take all my classes at night ( which was true but I don't think I could have passed at Georgia Tech). And I know some on here talk about there only being a few women at Georgia Tech but at Southern Tech in the Civil department we only had 1 . They did have a few in the industrial engineering department maybe 20 but not many. It pissed me off a few years ago when they put Southern Tech under Kennesaw State .


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Milwaukee, are you just trying to piss off all the alums here speaking like a know it all? It seems like you have a chip on your shoulder b/c you didn't attend Tech and I'm not sure who can help you with that than yourself. You can say anything you want like you know it but the thing is, it's simply not true. You may have taken calc at Jacksonville State and may have passed with flying colors but that doesn't mean you can just automatically apply your experience to the actual experience of what a Tech student goes through.

I don't think the GT experience can really be described to someone who didn't "get out". I will share this...I did 2 quarters at a large, public state university about 70 miles northeast of Atlanta before transferring to Tech. (back when schools were on the quarter system). So, I think I have a better feel than most on the differences between Tech and a 'normal" school.

I will say this Milwaukee....I don't feel like I have the platform (or even arrogance) to enter into a debate with you on the rigors (or lack thereof) of Jacksonville State as I have not attended school there. I have, however (albeit for 2 quarters) attended a similar school from the standpoint of academic rigor and reputation. Your espousing on what you believe to be the relative difficulty of GT without having set foot in a classroom there does imo damage your credibility as a poster going forward. I'm not going to try to dissuade you from your opinion however as I lack the writing skills to adequately describe to you what the academic experience is like at Tech.


Helluva Engineer
I was reluctant to respond to this thread. Our attendance was 37,000 at our last home game so I don’t care if you “got out”, “flunked out”, are still a student, or even attended college. Thanks a million to our men and women in uniform. What I really care about is getting our athletic programs winning and our fan base coming together behind them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Did not , graduated from Southern Technical Institute ( or just Southern Tech) what most people did not know it was a division of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The difference was my degree was in Civil Engineering Technology ( CET ) not Civil Engineering like at Georgia Tech. I could lie and say the reason I picked Southern Tech was because I was working full time and had to take all my classes at night ( which was true but I don't think I could have passed at Georgia Tech). And I know some on here talk about there only being a few women at Georgia Tech but at Southern Tech in the Civil department we only had 1 . They did have a few in the industrial engineering department maybe 20 but not many. It pissed me off a few years ago when they put Southern Tech under Kennesaw State .

I think ALL real Southern Poly (Southern Tech back in the day) CS and Engineering students are not happy that the SPSU got rolled into KSU. My son got his CS wit ha math minor with the KSU logo even though he started at SPSU. No one in his graduating class (December 2017) was happy with the change. FWIW, about a third of his CS courses were taught by professors that also were teaching at GT.


Jolly Good Fellow
Did not attend Tech

Undergrad Program 2008 - BS Psychology - Jacksonville State University 4.0 President's List (calculus and advanced calculus is simple, don't listen to these people on here)
Graduate Program 2012 - Counseling Psychology - Lakeland University

I like the mixture here of alums and non alums. I've come to the conclusion after 15 years attached to the program and financially investing in it that the non alum GT fans are the best fans we have, much better than the cheap complaining alums that usually don't even know much about sports to begin with. The alum fans are just a little on the weird side, let's face it, the nerdy stereotypes are true. That being said, there are outliers. I've met some of the coolest, most knowledgeable fans that actually did go to Tech but they're few and far between. Most alums here don't understand the fundamental aspects of sports but they do thoroughly enjoy making a spreadsheet that tells you our PPD rate in the rain vs Atlantic opponents on the road during the months of October and November. Hopefully TStan can tap into more intellectual sports fans and have them join the mix, we DESPERATELY need them. Like I said though, there are certainly outliers. But most of our alum are not guys or gals you wanna have a beer/cocktail with and talk football. Fortunately for us here at Swarm though, there's a good mix of both.

Long story short, our sidewalk fans are so much better and knowledgeable than our alum fans. We need so many more and we can start finally acting like a real fan base.

Ouch, Milwaukee throwing down the heat. #truth

Didn’t attend Tech but makes broad statements about the ease of its curriculum and it’s alum fan base.

Sounds legit.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Yes I attended and yes I "got out".

I want to that all the folks that make this site (GTSwarm) damn good.

To the "sidewalk" fans - a heartfelt and sincere thank you for the support your provide GT Sports.

To the alum that actually give a flip about GT Sports, thank you for being "outside" what appears to be the norm for a lot of GT students.


Helluva Engineer
Bud, you have a nice degree, but it ain't MIT. The classroom environment you're describing as if its NASA is pretty much every campus in the US. "400 students, TA's not knowing your name because there's so many students". Good Lord man, how did you "Get Out" with that going on? That's just college, and any decent student with good work ethic should walk right through it. Techs a great school and one should have pride about their diploma, but if you've convinced yourself it's more impressive than it actually is then I guess I shouldn't care. I want everyone to be happy and have high self esteem.

All that being said, there are in fact outliers. But the outliers are easy to spot due to their self awareness.

Well bless your heart, Milwaukee.


Helluva Engineer
GT didn’t want me out of HS so I went to a small private liberal arts school outside Milwaukee.

Then transferred to the 3rd best school in the nation for my program.
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