Player suspensions

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
What is going on?

Apparently, Hillary Clinton and her pal John Podesta began colluding with the Russians in 2009. John and his brother had formed the Podesta Group, and Paul Manafort worked with them on behalf of Putin and Russia. First, they supported Putin/Russia efforts to acquire 1/5 of US Uranium production. While Robert Mueller was head of the FBI, US Attorney Rosenstein oversaw an investigation of Russian money laundering, bribes, extortion, and kickbacks in order to get this deal. 145 million dollars was reportedly also paid to the Clinton Foundation by members of the board of the Russian company which acquired the Uranium deal. Reportedly, Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller had a responsibility to inform Congress, but that did not happen. On top of that, the Obama administration approved a visa in 2011 and 2014 for a Russian nuclear official about whom they had evidence of criminal activity, apparently against the law. There is now talk that the AG will create a special counsel to investigate all of this.

That's the big thing that is going on.


Helluva Engineer
Flint Michigan
Hopefully this is resolved by time we play Ucla. That's a high exposure game for us on opening night. A win like that is huge for the RPI and tournament time because/if we are on the bubble. Not having a few guys and getting ran by the Bruins won't help.