I am in a quandary over this one. I think the world of Pat Hill as an on-field coach. It seems they always played above their pay grade, in terms of talent etc, especially in the trenches. Pat Hill breeds toughness. That is the way I see it. I have no idea about him as a recruiter though, and Eric may be right. How many west coast kids are we likely to get here? Probably not that many. Lil Joe, on the other hand, is probably the smartest football player we have ever put on the field, personal issues not withstanding. He saw things develop and read defenses extremely well and always seemed to go the right place with the ball. Getting him on staff would be great too. Relating well with the players and recruits would be a natural fit. I would think he could do well at STs coach, but I am unsure of his ability to help with the line. Perhaps, with Joe, a shuffling of the deck will occur with his hiring.