Orange Bowl Redux

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
Mississippi State fans had cause to be confident? Just for their information, MSU has never beaten GT in football. Never. So why wouild they not be confident going in. I think they forgot to study their football history. Typical SEC BS.

Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
Haha, I just rewatched the Orange Bowl yesterday... What stood out to me was how we couldn't sustain drives in the first half... I guess CPJ made his patent-pending halftime adjustments which caused us to put a hat on their monster MLB (#50 I think?) which opened up the dive mercilessly. I also noticed Bostic making decent attempts at blocking but their OLB would make athletic hurdles and maintain their feet/momentum enough to make a tackle for loss. We turned it around in the second half, though.
I am not a very good film watcher or analyst. Terrible at it. But what I saw in the second half, stuff I caught on the second and third playbacks, was some terrific trap blocking by our left guard who pulled when the Bbacks bounced out to the tackle gap, and the play side A back firing through there first looking I suppose for the first man up, which generally was a LB. I did not catch that when the same basic play was run to the right. Days' TD run and a couple of others for 10 yards or so were on that particular rendition. I can't figure out how Johnson knows this but even more, how he can make so many changes in blocking schemes in such a short period of time. I keep remembering the Birddog blogger for Navy who warned eight years ago to be ready for some dreadful first halves. It hasn't been that bad, but clearly big changes happen at halftime.


Helluva Engineer
I've never seen an event where a large percentage of a crowd doesn't walk out when defeat is all but certain.
Completely off topic, completely . But the only other person in the history of the world that I ever heard use the term "bass ackwards" was my mother, who found she could still say it and claim not to curse. I haven't heard it since years ago in South Georgia.


Jolly Good Fellow
So many great memories from that night! The pre-game atmosphere, the parachuting, the way we kept running for big yardage in the second half, Synjyn's TD run, watching CPJ on the sidelines talking with the offense, players on the bench cheering with the fans, the countdown to midnight during the trophy ceremony, and the huge sense of relief after beating a good team from the SEC on a national stage! It is my favorite of all of the games I have been to over the past 10 years.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
Completely off topic, completely . But the only other person in the history of the world that I ever heard use the term "bass ackwards" was my mother, who found she could still say it and claim not to curse. I haven't heard it since years ago in South Georgia.

LOL! I used it for years as has my school teacher wife! Her favorite expletive deleted is fudge!


Helluva Engineer
I just wish Brent was watching on Synjyn's TD run. Pretty obvious Brent was looking somewhere else and then just had to throw in filler words to make up for it.


Helluva Engineer
We stayed until the trophy presentation on the field. My best memories will be JT's last TD run, which pretty much sealed the deal, and the players jumping into the stands at the end of the game.


Helluva Engineer
We stayed until the trophy presentation on the field. My best memories will be JT's last TD run, which pretty much sealed the deal, and the players jumping into the stands at the end of the game.
We stayed, too. Even though we had a 1.5 hr drive ahead of us as soon as the game was over, we wanted to savor the moment. We stuck around for the trophy presentations and it was worth it.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Completely off topic, completely . But the only other person in the history of the world that I ever heard use the term "bass ackwards" was my mother, who found she could still say it and claim not to curse. I haven't heard it since years ago in South Georgia.
Makes me want to get even further off topic since bass ackwards is a phrase I grew up with and thought was common.