Official Ted Roof Discussion Thread


Ramblin' Wreck
OK, fine. You suggested that people are expecting "Factory" results, and I tried to show that was not the case. Now, ignore that "Factory" nonsense that you started and go back to just blaming personnel.

By the way, why did Coach Roof simplify his scheme after UNC if he had already been doing the best possible with his personnel?
I don't know if Roof made any major changes in scheme after UNC or not. Coaches tweak schemes on a daily basis. Somebody said we wouldn't ever change to make recruiting easier and I agreed. That's why we have personnel difficulties. The stats you brought up are what they are. I don't care what Wake Forest did. We didn't play them. The difficulty we've had on defense are mostly getting enough good players with experience at each position. It's not a major coaching issue. I don't know how I can be more clear than that. That's my opinion. You can have your opinion but those who want to get rid of Roof are messing with screwing us up for another decade. Ask Tennessee.


I believe it was CPJ that actually said we are either going to go all out or not at all (referring to rushing the passer) after that, play calling for more aggressive and it showed.

Because our front four weren't able to get there. Then five wasn't enough. Then six. If a scheme tweak is all that was necessary it woulda been made.


Helluva Engineer
Because our front four weren't able to get there. Then five wasn't enough. Then six. If a scheme tweak is all that was necessary it woulda been made.
Ok...... yea more twist, stunts delays wouldn't have helped. Something we rarely did. Tell me if this paints a picture for you 2 LB's line up in each A gap, show the blitz 5 seconds before the ball is snapped and then run through the same A gap they are showing blitz in? Just because you send more doesn't mean you are sending them right. But don't listen to me. Take the word of an EX GT player, or maybe two if I'm not mistaken that have commented on this subject. Do you know more than them?


Ok...... yea more twist, stunts delays wouldn't have helped. Something we rarely did. Tell me if this paints a picture for you 2 LB's line up in each A gap, show the blitz 5 seconds before the ball is snapped and then run through the same A gap they are showing blitz in? Just because you send more doesn't mean you are sending them right. But don't listen to me. Take the word of an EX GT player, or maybe two if I'm not mistaken that have commented on this subject. Do you know more than them?

Maybe it's just the lack of tone from pure text but you seem to be getting a bit worked up. Maybe take a deep breath and drink a beer? If you don't like my posts or opinions feel free to ignore.

LB blitz tip offs. Well when a blitz is called, no audible is made, and the LB shows blitz early due to snap that a scheme error or player error? If there isn't time to change the play the LB either blitzes as designed or calls TO. Only 3 of those per half and CPJ kinda likes to be able to use them at the end of halves. When this happens it's usually best to go with it and try and beat the other guy physically.

Do I know more than ballin? Nope. Never claimed to. Would you like me to stop posting my opinion now?

Nothing against @Ibeeballin, I value his input greatly actually, but does he know more than Pelton, Roof, or CPJ? Does he coach any position groups currently, is he observing practices to see how guys absorb coaching?

Don't get me wrong. I think ballins criticisms have merit regarding player performance and tendencies. I'm just not certain those on field errors are all related to poor scheme or deficiencies in coaching.


Helluva Engineer
Maybe it's just the lack of tone from pure text but you seem to be getting a bit worked up. Maybe take a deep breath and drink a beer? If you don't like my posts or opinions feel free to ignore.

LB blitz tip offs. Well when a blitz is called, no audible is made, and the LB shows blitz early due to snap that a scheme error or player error? If there isn't time to change the play the LB either blitzes as designed or calls TO. Only 3 of those per half and CPJ kinda likes to be able to use them at the end of halves. When this happens it's usually best to go with it and try and beat the other guy physically.

Do I know more than ballin? Nope. Never claimed to. Would you like me to stop posting my opinion now?

Nothing against @Ibeeballin, I value his input greatly actually, but does he know more than Pelton, Roof, or CPJ? Does he coach any position groups currently, is he observing practices to see how guys absorb coaching?

Don't get me wrong. I think ballins criticisms have merit regarding player performance and tendencies. I'm just not certain those on field errors are all related to poor scheme or deficiencies in coaching.
I'm not worked up one bit, I get the same impression from you. I guess that's the wonders of the internet. And idk why your asking if you should stop giving your opinion and if I don't like your option then I should ignore you. I replied back to your comment with my opinion, the same thing you originally did towards my comment. We haven't done anything different than each other, we've just given our opinions. No big deal. I also don't think all of it is related to coaching/scheme. I think everything on D is related in doing bad from players to coaches and scheme. If you remember it took some of the player to ask for things to be changed. Just because someone is a coach doesn't mean they have it all figured out, that's why we see guys fired and hired. I'll ask you the same question I asked another poster. Do you think our D talent is 94th in the country in D efficiency? If not then we have to put blame somewhere besides 100% on the personnel. That's all I'm trying to get at.


Helluva Engineer
And you think CPJ is incapable or unwilling to make a DC change his scheme?
Not saying that, but I also don't know the background stuff so I can't say much regarding anything like that. I've also said Roof isn't a bad coach but I believe he just needs to evolve as a coach. Just like we run an offensive scheme to offset talent, you can do that on D and imo we don't do that with our scheme. People have showed ways to help offset talent but I haven't had one person say why we should keep our scheme? What about it is good for the type of players we get at GT? Serious question, not trying to argue.


I'm not worked up one bit, I get the same impression from you. I guess that's the wonders of the internet. And idk why your asking if you should stop giving your opinion and if I don't like your option then I should ignore you. I replied back to your comment with my opinion, the same thing you originally did towards my comment. We haven't done anything different than each other, we've just given our opinions. No big deal. I also don't think all of it is related to coaching/scheme. I think everything on D is related in doing bad from players to coaches and scheme. If you remember it took some of the player to ask for things to be changed. Just because someone is a coach doesn't mean they have it all figured out, that's why we see guys fired and hired. I'll ask you the same question I asked another poster. Do you think our D talent is 94th in the country in D efficiency? If not then we have to put blame somewhere besides 100% on the personnel. That's all I'm trying to get at.

Asking if I know as much about football as a former player seemed a bit snide. Seened you might be implying that if I don't, and if my opinion varied from ballin, it was thus invalid.

Is that not what you were implying? If so I apologize for taking it the wrong way.

For the record I don't place blame entirely on personnel. I think it's the biggest factor in success or failure in p5 though.


Not saying that, but I also don't know the background stuff so I can't say much regarding anything like that. I've also said Roof isn't a bad coach but I believe he just needs to evolve as a coach. Just like we run an offensive scheme to offset talent, you can do that on D and imo we don't do that with our scheme. People have showed ways to help offset talent but I haven't had one person say why we should keep our scheme? What about it is good for the type of players we get at GT? Serious question, not trying to argue.

I think strategically Bend but don't break does help offset a talent deficiency. Especially with regards to DL.


Helluva Engineer
Asking if I know as much about football as a former player seemed a bit snide. Seened you might be implying that if I don't, and if my opinion varied from ballin, it was thus invalid.

Is that not what you were implying? If so I apologize for taking it the wrong way.

For the record I don't place blame entirely on personnel. I think it's the biggest factor in success or failure in p5 though.
I actually was thinking you were saying it was all personnel and not coaching at all so my comment was basically saying that ibeballin knows better in that aspect because of the college level experience. So in a way it was a bit snide but because it seemed as if you were being that way in your original comment towards me. If I am incorrect I apologize as well. No hard feelings.


Helluva Engineer
I think strategically Bend but don't break does help offset a talent deficiency. Especially with regards to DL.
Ok I can respect that even though I disagree. I think what VT does on D covers up D efficiency. They don't recruit out of this world on D but they sure can play it. Do you think our level of talent is 94th nationally on D though?

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Summary of my thoughts, then I'll hang up and listen:
1) I don't know anything about Def philosophy, and I certainly don't think I know more than Roof
2) I recognize that our talent/depth is not at the level of Climpson or Bama etc
3) I don't think BC's talent/depth was at that level either in 2015 when their D was top 5 or last year when their D was top 25.
4) So, I think that coaching can maximize results from talent on the Defensive side of the ball, even if not to the same degree as on the Offensive
5) I believe that our talent/depth is not just equal to but better than our results
6) So, I think that there is something that our DC could do differently to get better results.


Ok I can respect that even though I disagree. I think what VT does on D covers up D efficiency. They don't recruit out of this world on D but they sure can play it. Do you think our level of talent is 94th nationally on D though?

D efficiency is a great measuring stick. Does it tell the whole story though? No. Is our overall talent on D outside top 90. I'd have to do way too much research to give anything approaching an educated guess. My wild az guess would say we are better than that.

Does our bend but don't break D scheme hurt us in these and total D stats? I'd say probably.

Can / should our coaches get more from what we have? I'd honestly have to be in coaches meetings and at practices to again have anything approaching an informed opinion. But maybe.

As for efficiency and other D stats go. The competition and offenses we face factor in when comparing ourselves nationally. I mean the ACC > SEC :cigar:


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
When we play "finesse" teams with more depth/talent, I do believe the D coaching can make an impact on our performance. When we play power running teams with more size/speed, I do believe the D coaching can make an impact on our performance, although less.

But, Defense cannot be so "tricky" or different that magic can be worked. When you don't have big nasties OR NFL quality linebackers in numbers, NO D coordinator, in my opinion, can make the difference that many of you believe.