Official MBS Announcement: 5 Games over 5 Years


Amount of incremental revenue.

Impact on recruiting.

Can GT use this as a platform to increase the fan base, specifically sidewalk fans?

Will the GT fan base step up to buy up tickets?

These are a few things we don't know today, thus wait & see.

I'll get over myself when you're no longer too obtuse to see the big picture.

And again you are too obtuse to realize other people put values on completely different things than you do. You keep doing you though.(y)


Helluva Engineer
The reality is, the MBS deal puts the onus on GT FANS to step up. If it fails, GT fans will have no one to blame but ourselves. We are the ones responsible for buying the tickets and showing up. If we don't buy the tickets and show up to BDS (which was happening a LOT lately...UVA homecoming anyone?) it's a small blip on the ATLANTA radar. If we don't buy tickets and show up to MBS games, its a blip on the NATIONAL radar. If you want to complain, at least complain inside MBS while drinking your $5 beer and eating your $2 hotdog while being in a conditioned environment and staring at the gigantic jumbotron and wraparound screens. It's ONE game a year for 5 years...driving an extra 2 miles down the road isn't going to hurt fact, it's going to HELP GT.

GT fans want nice things. Thinking outside the box with the MBS deal is one way for GT to get those nice things.

It is crucial to have a good showing from the fans for these games. Bring a friend or a few whether they are Tech fans or not (as long as they aren't fans of our opponent). Pay them to cheer by buying them beers. Shoot, if all else fails, buy up tickets for poor kids like we did in Detroit and give them all gold shirts. whatever it takes.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
What the heck are you guys talking about? BDS is a classic, and isn’t going anywhere. Nor should it, it’s a great venue. Nor would we ever have the money to do more than small tweaks.

Personally, I like BDS. But, read the research on what fans today want ... they want unobstructed sight lines, fan zones, in stadium tailgating, more use of technology, better concessions, accessible restaurants, etc.

BDS is a great LOCATION ... but it needs a refresh if we are to appeal to new fans and become a great VENUE.


The reality is, the MBS deal puts the onus on GT FANS to step up. If it fails, GT fans will have no one to blame but ourselves. We are the ones responsible for buying the tickets and showing up. If we don't buy the tickets and show up to BDS (which was happening a LOT lately...UVA homecoming anyone?) it's a small blip on the ATLANTA radar. If we don't buy tickets and show up to MBS games, its a blip on the NATIONAL radar. If you want to complain, at least complain inside MBS while drinking your $5 beer and eating your $2 hotdog while being in a conditioned environment and staring at the gigantic jumbotron and wraparound screens. It's ONE game a year for 5 years...driving an extra 2 miles down the road isn't going to hurt fact, it's going to HELP GT.

GT fans want nice things. Thinking outside the box with the MBS deal is one way for GT to get those nice things.

Tech has to incentivize fans to buy tickets. Games at MBS doesn’t do this for some of us.


Helluva Engineer
Parking is cheaper around MBS, especially in the gulch, the best way to go is take MARTA. For what it's worth when I heard the announcement I bought season tickets. :)

I wouldn't plan on parking at the gulch in 2020. There is a multi-billion dollar mixed use development planned for that area. There is a decent chance that the whole area will be under construction in 2020. They do have the 11 acre parking/tailgating lot beside MBS.

From discussions in an earlier thread, parking at GT is getting worse also. The former "East Lot" is now being grazed along with the lot beside it and the car repair shop on the same block. The only thing on that block that isn't torn down and dug up at this point is an old building at 680 West Peachtree. I also understand that the surface lot at the student center will not be available in 2019 for parking.


Helluva Engineer
It is crucial to have a good showing from the fans for these games. Bring a friend or a few whether they are Tech fans or not (as long as they aren't fans of our opponent). Pay them to cheer by buying them beers. Shoot, if all else fails, buy up tickets for poor kids like we did in Detroit and give them all gold shirts. whatever it takes.

This deal actually sets up nicely for the people I attend BDS games with. I wrote last year that 2 of my friends (one 'Bama alum, and one ND alum) that have been season ticket buyers with me for over a decade now were considering not renewing season tix for various reasons. My ND buddy was the first to text...and he is F'ING excited. Hiring CGC convinced them to renew their tix for another season, and the MBS deal gave my ND buddy a reason to renew tix for a few more seasons. His ND buddies are already planning a HUGE get together for the games.

GT fans need to show up or quit complaining.


Helluva Engineer
I've seen multiple mentions in here but our debt is a big deal. It's not like we're missing payments and we currently have the assets to pay back all the debt tomorrow if we wanted to in one lump sum payment. The $220m number is scary looking but it's a bit of a red herring.


This deal actually sets up nicely for the people I attend BDS games with. I wrote last year that 2 of my friends (one 'Bama alum, and one ND alum) that have been season ticket buyers with me for over a decade now were considering not renewing season tix for various reasons. My ND buddy was the first to text...and he is F'ING excited. Hiring CGC convinced them to renew their tix for another season, and the MBS deal gave my ND buddy a reason to renew tix for a few more seasons. His ND buddies are already planning a HUGE get together for the games.

GT fans need to show up or quit complaining.

ND fans are pumped and planning a huge get together......

Great argument in favor of this plan.....if you are a ND fan. o_O


GT Athlete
Haven't been active on here for a while, but the idea that we are losing "home field advantage" is a bit silly. I can only recall maybe 3-4 games where I thought the crowd made a real difference. Just so so quiet sometimes. We would be sitting there on the bench with coach johnson going nuts and the entire section behind us could catch every word


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
And again you are too obtuse to realize other people put values on completely different things than you do. You keep doing you though.(y)

I've repeatedly said people are welcome to their opinion on what they value.

I call bull when they blatantly downplay or ignore or, sometimes, ridicule the other angles at play here because it doesn't conform with their view.

I have my own personal reasons why I'd have enjoyed ND at BDS, but my personal wishes come secondary to the possible benefits of this opportunity holds for the GTAA and GT football as a whole.

Sorry you don't share a willingness to put the GTAA programs ahead of where you might sit for one game.


Southeastern Michigan
Personally, I like BDS. But, read the research on what fans today want ... they want unobstructed sight lines, fan zones, in stadium tailgating, more use of technology, better concessions, accessible restaurants, etc.

BDS is a great LOCATION ... but it needs a refresh if we are to appeal to new fans and become a great VENUE.
Funny.....I've been to several B10 stadiums that pack in the fans without all those things. I would say Mich State's stadium is way behind BDS.....but it sure had a heck of a game day environment.....even playing a nobody they beat by several touchdowns.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
I've seen multiple mentions in here but our debt is a big deal. It's not like we're missing payments and we currently have the assets to pay back all the debt tomorrow if we wanted to in one lump sum payment. The $220m number is scary looking but it's a bit of a red herring.

Our debt is a big deal. We spent a lot of money upgrading non-revenue arenas which means we have less flexibility to upgrade the facilities that really matter.

Look at it this way. Tennessee (which has very little debt) just announced a $340 million improvement to Neyland Stadium. No way can Tech swing that. Our financial footing is not great ... but first things first ... we have to rebuild a reserve fund. Then, we can tackle the long-term debt.


I've repeatedly said people are welcome to their opinion on what they value.

I call bull when they blatantly downplay or ignore or, sometimes, ridicule the other angles at play here because it doesn't conform with their view.

I have my own personal reasons why I'd have enjoyed ND at BDS, but my personal wishes come secondary to the possible benefits of this opportunity holds for the GTAA and GT football as a whole.

Sorry you don't share a willingness to put the GTAA programs ahead of where you might sit for one game.

You are saying two different things out of both sides of your mouth in this very single post.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Funny.....I've been to several B10 stadiums at pack in the fans without all those things. I would say Mich State's stadium is way behind BDS.....but it sure had a heck of a game day environment.....even playing a nobody they beat by several touchdowns.

I know people that enjoy a good hemorrhoid. But the vast majority don't.


Helluva Engineer


Helluva Engineer
Tech has to incentivize fans to buy tickets. Games at MBS doesn’t do this for some of us.
Unfortunately the last couple years, only having games at BDS haven’t been enough incentive for most alumni to buy tickets. The diehards are always gonna be season ticket holders and the plan is to still have six games at BDS every year of the deal.

If the extra game at MBS encourages more alumni that aren’t currently season ticket holders to get season tickets, it’s a win. Even if the “some” aren’t incentivized to go to MBS, they aren’t likely to cancel their season tickets and give up the other six games. At least that’s the gamble Tstan is making. That the gain of new season ticket holders by this announcement will significantly outnumber cancellations due to the announcement.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
If the extra game at MBS encourages more alumni that aren’t currently season ticket holders to get season tickets, it’s a win.

I can imagine a lot of Tech alumni (and even the opponent) would jump at the chance to fly to Atlanta and see a great match up in a great venue like MBS. Fly to Atlanta, an easy Uber or Marta to downtown hotels, a great meal ... a great game ... fly out. I think it's a home run.


Unfortunately the last couple years, only having games at BDS haven’t been enough incentive for most alumni to buy tickets. The diehards are always gonna be season ticket holders and the plan is to still have six games at BDS every year of the deal.

If the extra game at MBS encourages more alumni that aren’t currently season ticket holders to get season tickets, it’s a win. Even if the “some” aren’t incentivized to go to MBS, they aren’t likely to cancel their season tickets and give up the other six games. At least that’s the gamble Tstan is making. That the gain of new season ticket holders by this announcement will significantly outnumber cancellations due to the announcement.

It might play out that way. Time will tell. But what about people who have leased their seats at MBS? They will have first digs to their seats for these games if I’m not mistaken.

So I’m not sure where Tech plans to put their fans who are accustomed to sitting on the 50 yard line. If these fans get moved into seats that are not on par with their seats at BDS...their could be a huge backlash.

For myself. I just want to see Tech play where we are supposed to. That has always been and imo is where we should always play all home games.