No offense to anyone else doing Hype Videos


Helluva Engineer
My daughter (GT senior) was in Madison, Wisconsin, for a job interview last night and today, and told us they were familiar with this video already up must be a YouTube hit or something!


Helluva Engineer
I know the TC video is from 2006, and this one is from 2007 but in it Derrick Moore says it came from his middle school coach. Either way glad we have something that is ours and we should market the hell out of it


AE 87

Helluva Engineer
It probably originated from the Ballad of Andrew Barton

"Fight on, my men," says Sir Andrew Barton,
"I am hurt, but I am not slain;
I'll lay me down and bleed a while,
And then I'll rise and fight again.

"Fight on my men," says Sir Andrew Barton,
"These English dogs they bite so low;
Fight on for Scotland and Saint Andrew
Till you hear my whistle blow!"



Staff member
Definitely appears that the D'Mo story about the middle school coach is right.. The team looks like they had never seen it before in that clip.


Jolly Good Fellow
Corpus Christi, TX
There's always a guy on the team who thinks pregame speeches are hokey. "I don't need a speech to get me ready to play. I'm always ready. Bring it on," that guy says. I'm that guy - or I was, until I saw that video.

Ain't it nice to be reminded we have so much to be proud of?

Now let's take it to the Dookies.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
I am talking about our crowd. I know the players have been doing this for a while. As another poster stated, it could be a chant like our YELLOW JACKETS chant.
yeah i think all tech chants and traditions had to start somewhere. I think the way to get this to become a crowd chant is to get the two student sections across the stadium organized to chant it back and forth. That may also be cool in that yellow . . . jackets goes east to west and "bleed a while . . . fight some more" could be done north to south. If the student sections can organize white out t shirts then someone in the student body should be able to organize this as a chant. I think it could really catch on and inspire the players. anyone who is a student can go to student council and the greek council with the ideas to organize it


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I loved it, but I have been thinking since reading through this thread. He is obviously a powerful speaker. The words he uses early in the speech are what resonate with me, about family and never being able to recapture moments etc. Those fundamental truths are the foundation of the speech for what was to follow. Having said that, I am hesitant to make bulletin board, T shirt, or recurring message board material out of this speech, because I don't want to see it diluted. Speeches like that are so powerful and impactful partly because of the moment in time and the environment in which they are delivered. Obviously his oration was genuine, heartfelt, and impactful. It was a beautiful thing and obviously those seeds bore fruit. I never want to see that speech turned into a mindless chant whose true meaning gets lost in the shuffle as time goes by.

Such is the challenge of true leadership. You have to keep coming up with new material that works. In short, the team probably needs a new message tomorrow. I'm sure he will be awesome once again.