At the end of each season, one of the ways Vegas predicts future results for a team is to "adjust" their record based on the results of one score games. For instance, if a team goes 10-2 and wins 8 times by 7-8 points or less and both losses are by less than 7-8 points, then they would assume a 5-5 record in those 10 games. The Adjusted Record would then be 7-5. (Subtract the 5 wins and add the three additional losses.) Close records like this generally indicate that a team is either overperforming or underperforming. I've kept up with these numbers over the years and most our teams perform to expectations, i.e. 7 wins or so. In 2009 we overperformed and in 2015 we underperformed. 2014, believe it or not, was spot on. We were just that good.
Collins years so far, after adjusted records are 4-8 in 2019, 3-7 in 2020, and 5-5 in 2021. Were we actually 5-5 right now we'd probably still be disappointed, but we wouldn't be as off the chart mad as most of us are. As
@orientalnc and others have been saying, we are a lot closer to turning this thing around than it seems. As much as I hate money downs, Juice Crews, and all the other peripheral nonsense associated with this program, it does appear that he is making progress to me.
I know for many of you nothing I say will matter. Your mind is made up and nothing short of a firing will help. For those of you still on the ledge, all I can say is back up a bit. Collins may well fail, and it may turn out that he was a horrible hire, but right now there is some light at the end of the tunnel, we just need to be patient for another season and I think we will finally start to see the results we are looking for.