Mills update


It seems to me like he learned a lesson. I hate that any little issue puts him at risk for the next 3 years. I could have never made it with only 3 strikes when some minor stuff can be a strike

I think we may be blowing the 2 out of 3 strikes thing way out of the water. Yes some infractions are 3 strikes and you are out. I've heard nothing confirming either of Mills "strikes" are in this type category. Maybe one is, I dunno, but the other is not IMO if word on it was true.


Helluva Engineer
It seems to me like he learned a lesson. I hate that any little issue puts him at risk for the next 3 years. I could have never made it with only 3 strikes when some minor stuff can be a strike
I feel much better about him after reading his quotes, but still concerned about any kid going 3 years without another incident, considering the stuff I did as a student.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
I think we may be blowing the 2 out of 3 strikes thing way out of the water. Yes some infractions are 3 strikes and you are out. I've heard nothing confirming either of Mills "strikes" are in this type category. Maybe one is, I dunno, but the other is not IMO if word on it was true.

If you take what KQ says as fact, then Mills is indeed one strike away.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I'd imagine if the first strike was accidentally sleeping in after getting back from Dublin that he may get a forth if needed. Let's hope it doesn't come to that though.
The "strike" that caused the Mercer game suspension would not be one that would count towards a mandatory removal from the team.


Helluva Engineer
The "strike" that caused the Mercer game suspension would not be one that would count towards a mandatory removal from the team.
Knowing nothing about any of it, it seems to me that unlike the criminal "three strikes" barrier -- itself more of a shield to keep those responsible from having to make tough decisions than any real impediment to potential violators -- a football team is hardly a criminal enterprise. I'd hate to think that any coach would create an enforce such a provision if violations came, say two years apart, assuming the violations were not of violent or predatory nature. I'd hate to think a kid could screw up at 18 and lose his scholarship for being stupid. Because with rare exception we all were at 18. Now as adults we just create prohibitions to being stupid.


Helluva Engineer
Sometimes all a kid needs is a wake-up call. I can't figure out why so many on here have written off DM as a third-strike dismissal inevitability. To me, it's apparent he loves the game and misses it with all his heart when he's forced to sit out. Sometimes you don't know what you've got till it's gone. Sometimes it takes more than once.

It's also difficult to change what a lifetime of habits, good or bad, have created. I know it took me near failing out to finally buckle down to the degree necessary.


Helluva Engineer
It's also difficult to change what a lifetime of habits, good or bad, have created. I know it took me near failing out to finally buckle down to the degree necessary.

I didn't go to Tech, but on this: me too. I almost flunked out of college in the first semester of my soph year. Sheer laziness along with a poor choice of courses. Happens to a lot of us. Apparently, Mills has gotten the message early.

Not, mind, that I was all that good a student after almost flunking out …


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Hope, responsibility accompany Dedrick Mills into 2017

“He’s a guy that loves to play, loves to play the game and I wish that he’d got to play more games this year for whatever the circumstances were, but I think if he’ll continue to work and continue to do the right things, he’s got a bright future,” coach Paul Johnson said. “He can be really good.”

“The football part has never been a problem for Dedrick,” Johnson said.

“Dedrick hasn’t done a whole lot of things that a normal student would be in trouble for,” he said. “In fact, nothing probably. But when you’re playing, you’re held to a higher standard.”

This past Tuesday, Mills gave a statement about his absences that might encourage Tech fans.

“Next season, there isn’t any of that,” he said. “It’s just pushed me to the next season. I’ll be at every game, I’ll be going hard, 100 percent.”


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
The "strike" that caused the Mercer game suspension would not be one that would count towards a mandatory removal from the team.

This is true. But the strike that caused his two game suspension, was strike two that would count for mandatory removal.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
Here's the tweet from Kelly. So before the season was Strike 1, first suspension was not a strike, then second suspension was Strike 2. Now Kelly could be wrong, but if you take everything he says as fact, then Mills is indeed one strike away from being off the team, assuming three strikes and you're out.



Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
And for those wondering where this whole three strike thing comes from, here's a screenshot straight from the student athlete handbook.
