I can tell there are some strong feelings both ways concerning Mark and the AJC.
I will say that the AJC is about the only Georgia media organization that consistently covers GT, both good and bad. Our local paper barely covers GT. During football season they always have a big front-page article and picture on the Dogs and then place the Tech score in a summary of ACC games on page 2 or 3.
I was watching WSB this morning and heard the reporter say that she was sorry to report that "YOUR Georgia Bulldogs lost their playoff game". I guess we are all UGA fans, and I somehow missed it.
Concerning Mark Bradley, I have had some direct contact with him through email. I have shown praise for some of his articles and expressed disagreement with others. He has always responded with professionalism and often with more information if I asked for anything concerning his articles. As an example, one of his articles pretty much said that the Big 12 had moved into 3rd place above the ACC. I asked why he believed that to be the case and he responded with some financial projections that he had based his article on. I know he criticized Paul Johnson's recruiting, but I think those comments were more factual as opposed to opinion. I suspect we were all happy when he started criticizing TFG! During the ACC's expansion to 12 teams, he had some very positive and complementary articles.
Bottom line is that I come down on the positive side concerning Mark.