Mark "Bark Madley" Bradley is Retiring


Jolly Good Fellow
Good riddance to bad rubbish as far as I’m concerned. He showed me how unprofessional he was by showing up to a GT basketball game and spending the entire game mostly watching another game on a little TV (yes this was the late 80s). Following said game he collected the post game quotes sheet since he didn’t bother trying to interview anyone himself nor did he listen to Bobby’s postgame presser and yet the next day proceeded to write a column about the game. It was clear from the column that he had no idea what had actually happened in the game and just wrote from the stats, play by play sheet, and quotes. Bradley is also the only person I’ve ever seen be openly antagonistic towards Bobby Cremins (other than the refs during a game). I don’t mean writing negative stuff. And I don’t mean asking legit questions about poor performances. I’m talking about just being a jerk to him in tone and attitude. I was there writing for the Technique. I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. I’m not talking about stories other people told me.

The shame of it all for me is that Bradley is actually a very talented writer. I also think he’s a very smart guy and usually backs up his opinions pretty well. I don’t know what his beef was with Bobby but it soured me to anything Bradley ever did since then.
always wondered about mark’s prob w BC… liked Mark almost everywhere else but, as jojatk writes, there was clearly something between them