Las Vegas Mass Casualty Attack


Helluva Engineer
I’m not trying to be partisan about this, What’s everyone’s thoughts on the Florida school shooting? Is there a law that could have prevented this? Will congress do anything?

Deleted member 2897

I’m not trying to be partisan about this, What’s everyone’s thoughts on the Florida school shooting? Is there a law that could have prevented this? Will congress do anything?

If there was a law that would prevent any of these, I think it would have passed with filibuster proof majorities.

Here is the big problem I see with this particular shooting:
* This guy was reported to the FBI to be a threat to the community, specifically about shooting up schools.
* He was expelled from his school.
* He was on a campus no-fly list.
* He was a member of several Resistance groups in social media and posted violent and threatening content everywhere.

Yet we couldn't stop him? This is like staring at a lot full of black SUVs and being asked to point out the bright red sports car.

We have the technology, resources, surveillance capabilities, and everything else we need to track and monitor people like this. Why we aren't, is beyond me.


Helluva Engineer
I would guess that law enforcement is overwhelmed with similar suspicious people

How was he able to get the firearm and ammo?

Deleted member 2897

I would guess that law enforcement is overwhelmed with similar suspicious people

How was he able to get the firearm and ammo?

To me, that excuse doesn't fly. We have plenty of resources to surveil and investigate our political opponents. We have literally thousands (no exaggeration) of cyber security guys within the NSA - focused on international hacking and threats. And that's important. But what more important function would those types of people have than protecting against mass violence?

In terms of firearm and ammo, I don't know. I've never seen a single one of these shootings where it mattered. Whether its the Vegas guy who was a model citizen, or a felon who then stole one or bought it on the black market, I've not yet seen any suggestion on how to prevent acquisition. If anybody can come up with something, I'm sure everyone would be for it.

Personally, I see no reason why each school can't have an armed resource officer. Ultimately there is nothing you can do to stop everything. But the deterrent of knowing there is at least 1 person on site with a gun who probably shoots better than you couldn't hurt.


We have literally thousands (no exaggeration) of cyber security guys within the NSA - focused on international hacking and threats.
The NSA is for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. FBI is responsible for domestic intelligence.

The FBI’s “sleuths” were told the individual’s name & provided a copy of his posting and couldn’t figure out who he was.

C’mon defenders please let me know why the FBI fell down on this one. We can’t actually see the report so it doesn’t exist, right?


Helluva Engineer
To be fair, we have no idea how many of these potential mass shooters have been stopped either. I haven’t read why the fbi failed on this guy, i’ll reserve judgement until then. You have to know that there are thousands off kids like this Cruz who have made threats, been kicked out of school, been reported as dangerous etc, should he have been surveilled 24/7 anyway?

Deleted member 2897

The NSA is for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. FBI is responsible for domestic intelligence.

I know. I'm just saying we have tons and tons of resources and technology that we can bring to the table.

The FBI’s “sleuths” were told the individual’s name & provided a copy of his posting and couldn’t figure out who he was.

This is an amazing indictment on the FBI. The guy USED HIS REAL NAME and HIS REAL YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. That is horrificly incompetent.


Helluva Engineer
I do not believe there is a law on the books that prevents such people as this shooter from buying weapons. Congress passed a bill in 2017 to restore buying rights
to some who had lost that ability in previous legislation or presidential executive orders. Posting on the internet is not yet a crime.

Just a thought, but a question I do not see addressed anywhere is why so many of the mass shooters, in particular the school shooters, are white males. What's up with we white males?

Deleted member 2897

I do not believe there is a law on the books that prevents such people as this shooter from buying weapons. Congress passed a bill in 2017 to restore buying rights
to some who had lost that ability in previous legislation or presidential executive orders. Posting on the internet is not yet a crime.

Just a thought, but a question I do not see addressed anywhere is why so many of the mass shooters, in particular the school shooters, are white males. What's up with we white males?

Um, he's Hispanic.

If we could have a law that banned weird people from having guns, that would be a huge step forward. The problem is how do you define weird?

The FBI was warned that literally this guy was threatening to shoot up a school, and they did nothing. I mean aside from gun control or anything else, if you can't stop/prevent a guy that is literally threatening publicly to shoot up a school, I don't have much confidence in anything.

A Love Supreme

Ramblin' Wreck
Um, he's Hispanic.

If we could have a law that banned weird people from having guns, that would be a huge step forward. The problem is how do you define weird?

The FBI was warned that literally this guy was threatening to shoot up a school, and they did nothing. I mean aside from gun control or anything else, if you can't stop/prevent a guy that is literally threatening publicly to shoot up a school, I don't have much confidence in anything.

Is it true that the shooter did some training with a white supremacist group?


Helluva Engineer
I’m not trying to be partisan about this, What’s everyone’s thoughts on the Florida school shooting? Is there a law that could have prevented this? Will congress do anything?
My thoughts on this are the same Onion headline that is posted every few months when many people are killed:

"No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

In other words, no congress won't do anything about this. They literally don't care at all about it and doing something about it is not worth risking the contributions that they get from the NRA.

Deleted member 2897

My thoughts on this are the same Onion headline that is posted every few months when many people are killed:

"No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

In other words, no congress won't do anything about this. They literally don't care at all about it and doing something about it is not worth risking the contributions that they get from the NRA.

If anybody could come up with an idea that would have prevented this, I think congress would do something. All I read all day are caustic criticisms and insults towards people to just do something....without being able to suggest what to do. Sad.


Helluva Engineer
If anybody could come up with an idea that would have prevented this, I think congress would do something. All I read all day are caustic criticisms and insults towards people to just do something....without being able to suggest what to do. Sad.
You can’t say that anything would have prevented this one act but maybe making it a little more difficult for a teenager to buy a semi automatic rifle and tons of ammunition is a good place to start. Maybe not allowing people to buy guns with cash at gun shows could be helpful. Maybe reasonable background checks might help. Etc. Congress couldn’t even ban bump stocks after the Vegas shootings. They literally are incapable of passing anything related to guns.

I just don’t understand the mindset that nothing can possibly be done to improve things when we are by far the worst country in the world when it comes to gun deaths. Things like this have happened in other countries and they responded accordingly. Why we just shrug our shoulders and act helpless while kids are being killed is beyond me.


Helluva Engineer
Um, he's Hispanic.

If we could have a law that banned weird people from having guns, that would be a huge step forward. The problem is how do you define weird?

The FBI was warned that literally this guy was threatening to shoot up a school, and they did nothing. I mean aside from gun control or anything else, if you can't stop/prevent a guy that is literally threatening publicly to shoot up a school, I don't have much confidence in anything.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
On average, 90 people a day are shot in the US (read this after some forgotten mass shooting a year or two ago). 2/3 are self inflicted.

I felt "safer" in Mexico City than I would in many of our major cities or even the local stores with all the people proudly carrying their guns on their hips.

But in reality, I'm not worried since I have little control and nothing is going to change. If there were a simple and politically possible solution, it would have been done.

A Love Supreme

Ramblin' Wreck
You can’t say that anything would have prevented this one act but maybe making it a little more difficult for a teenager to buy a semi automatic rifle and tons of ammunition is a good place to start. Maybe not allowing people to buy guns with cash at gun shows could be helpful. Maybe reasonable background checks might help. Etc. Congress couldn’t even ban bump stocks after the Vegas shootings. They literally are incapable of passing anything related to guns.

I just don’t understand the mindset that nothing can possibly be done to improve things when we are by far the worst country in the world when it comes to gun deaths. Things like this have happened in other countries and they responded accordingly. Why we just shrug our shoulders and act helpless while kids are being killed is beyond me.

You would have thought something would have changed after Sandy Hook but the gun lobby is too powerful. Congress doesn't want to do anything. Usually after these things happen, gun sales actually go up. I wonder what will happen to gun sales and what the NRA is going to say now that they don't have the Obama boogieman in office. They can no longer lie and say Obama is going to take your guns away.