There's being a legend, and there is being good at your job - good enough that you don't get canned.
I admit, I listen to very little sports talk radio, because most of it is just really, really bad. Especially in the Atlanta market. I knew Bell and ran into Cellini every so often when I worked up there in that market. But by and large, with the exception of Dimino, who actually does do his own homework and legwork, most of them are just lazy hacks.
Was Joe good at 680's morning show? I have no idea. Was he a good analyst on Tech football? Honestly, he was ... OK. He loves Tech, so that was never an issue. But I never thought he was the second coming of Kim King in there.
Georgia's radio crew, for what it's worth, sucks. Howard and Zeier are awful. You can never tell what the hell is happening listening to Howard. And I got my own issues with Z. Though I do like Jeff Dantzler in their post game stuff, and some that is because I've known Jeff for a very long time.