Jaylend Ratliffe ready to enroll !


Helluva Engineer
Greensboro (area) North Carolina
At long last, Jaylend Ratliffe ready to enroll at Georgia Tech https://shar.es/1G9gNF

It’s been a long wait. Prior to the accident, he had planned to enroll early at Tech in January 2015. The accident, caused by him losing control of an ATV in July 2014, threw plans off course. The accident caused bleeding on the brain and brain swelling to the point that a portion of his skull had to be removed. He was induced into a coma. From such severe trauma, he made an inspiring comeback, but after signing with Tech, his enrollment was pushed back to January 2016.

Still uncertain if he'll play. Still glad he's coming !


Helluva Engineer
If QB doesn't work out, with his size and athleticism ... A-back!

Or maybe a safety tandem with AJ Gray. Put those two back there and oh mercy.


Helluva Engineer

I'm not saying the report is wrong but he is throwing in this video. Now you don't see the ball in the air but it doesn't appear to be a five yard throw. He could be throwing duck farts in the video and you would never know. I wonder if it is just that he is not throwing as well as he did before the injury. It might be something coaching can fix.

I guess it's just me hoping too see him at QB, either way glad to see him doing better and starting his education in Jan.


Helluva Engineer

I'm not saying the report is wrong but he is throwing in this video. Now you don't see the ball in the air but it doesn't appear to be a five yard throw. He could be throwing duck farts in the video and you would never know. I wonder if it is just that he is not throwing as well as he did before the injury. It might be something coaching can fix.

I guess it's just me hoping too see him at QB, either way glad to see him doing better and starting his education in Jan.
If he has lost some feeling in his left hand, it might be questionable, even if cleared -- and I don't think he should be -=- that he could play any running back position, with the ball flying around the way it does on the option, and tucking it away when he gets it.


Helluva Engineer

I'm not saying the report is wrong but he is throwing in this video. Now you don't see the ball in the air but it doesn't appear to be a five yard throw. He could be throwing duck farts in the video and you would never know. I wonder if it is just that he is not throwing as well as he did before the injury. It might be something coaching can fix.

I guess it's just me hoping too see him at QB, either way glad to see him doing better and starting his education in Jan.
It sounds like he's lost that extra bit of touch on his throws that separates a guy who can be a good HS QB from a guy who can be a good D1 QB, which definitely sucks for him but it does seem like he has options to fall back on (the benefit of recruiting real athletes at QB). Whatever happens going forward in his career and life, I'll be rooting for him...he seems like such an amazing young man I have faith he will succeed.


Helluva Engineer
I'm glad Tech stood behind him and I hope we give him all the support he needs to graduate. I agree that passing any physical will be difficult, given bios injuries, but you never know. He's young and obviously resilient.

So, good luck, Jaylend! Do your best in college and, remember, athletics is and always will be secondary. Your education is what counts.


Helluva Engineer
Plenty of schools would walk away. They might leave a grey shirt back door possibility or some such, but they'd "politely" pull the offer.

Zero doubt in my mind that Saban, butch jones and miles among others would have "figured something else out".