I'll add to this... we are the Georgia Institute of TECHNOLOGY. Cell phones? Probably the first thing you pick up in the morning. Technology is everywhere. Technology ideas should be easier for us to implement than say, at Alabama
Anyway, students love their cell phones. So again to encourage student attendance with a reward at the end, how about displaying the game hashtag, #togetherweswarm, or maybe something random each quarter of the game on the jumbotron? Students have to Tweet something from the game with that hashtag. Or maybe do Snapchat submissions to the GT account.
Win/win for GT and students. GT gets to get content out there and start trending. Photos of students having fun is good for students and good for GT. Students who participate in all 4 quarters are randomly selected at with 2:00 to go in the game and get free food. Nominal cost. (And by the way, a lot of food is going to get chucked/wasted by this point in the game anyway).