I know posts like this are heretical around here

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"Please address why we have had 3 DC's in 8 years?"
Perhaps because this same coach who "doesn't care anything about defense" cares enough to try to get a DC who can build a good defense.
How can anyone develop talent and cohesiveness in one or two years. His offense is so complicated and he still hasn't installed it all according to him. So his expectations for his DC is not the same as it is for the OC? By Paul's own admission he still hasn't installed his entire offense and it's been what 8 years. When is he going to roll out the whole package?
"Please address why we have had 3 DC's in 8 years?"
Perhaps because this same coach who "doesn't care anything about defense" cares enough to try to get a DC who can build a good defense.
Paul's first year at Tech his defense gave up 16.18 points per game. This year Paul's defense gave up 25.75 points per game. Points per game against Tech has gone up every year Paul has been here and yes Tech's points per game has also gone up, but this discussion is about the defense. Those are numbers from a coach that half heartedly cares about defense. The article that has this debate going comes across to me that he was ticked off that author may have said something about his offense, so he blows back about expectations and all that BS. The ending to all this is he is responsible for the whole pie good, bad, indifferent. He needs to own the whole mess not say well if they did or they should have, if expectations were the same. What he's doing is saying the defense is not my fault, I run the offense blame them for that. Obama like, deflection.


Helluva Engineer
Paul's first year at Tech his defense gave up 16.18 points per game. This year Paul's defense gave up 25.75 points per game. Points per game against Tech has gone up every year Paul has been here and yes Tech's points per game has also gone up, but this discussion is about the defense. Those are numbers from a coach that half heartedly cares about defense. The article that has this debate going comes across to me that he was ticked off that author may have said something about his offense, so he blows back about expectations and all that BS. The ending to all this is he is responsible for the whole pie good, bad, indifferent. He needs to own the whole mess not say well if they did or they should have, if expectations were the same. What he's doing is saying the defense is not my fault, I run the offense blame them for that. Obama like, deflection.
I just need a yes or no answer. I am not asking if you read articles that reference them, I am asking if you listen to them personally. Do you listen to his radio shows or weekly press conferences?
Augusta, GA
Paul's first year at Tech his defense gave up 16.18 points per game. This year Paul's defense gave up 25.75 points per game. Points per game against Tech has gone up every year Paul has been here and yes Tech's points per game has also gone up, but this discussion is about the defense. Those are numbers from a coach that half heartedly cares about defense. The article that has this debate going comes across to me that he was ticked off that author may have said something about his offense, so he blows back about expectations and all that BS. The ending to all this is he is responsible for the whole pie good, bad, indifferent. He needs to own the whole mess not say well if they did or they should have, if expectations were the same. What he's doing is saying the defense is not my fault, I run the offense blame them for that. Obama like, deflection.
What's BS is somebody saying that he only cares half-heartedly about the defense. Hell, the man wants to win. Do you really think he's stupid and doesn't realize that a defense is important too? Like I said, THAT is just pure BS.


Helluva Engineer
What's BS is somebody saying that he only cares half-heartedly about the defense. Hell, the man wants to win. Do you really think he's stupid and doesn't realize that a defense is important too? Like I said, THAT is just pure BS.
I agree and tried to give the benefit of the doubt by asking if he listened to press conferences/radio shows. I have never gotten the notion that Johnson only cares about offense. In fact, when we fired Groh and CPJ said he was going to personally step in to help out, we got better (Kelly might have been the true reason!!, I always loved him!). CPJ may very well suffer from the inability to properly delegate tasks. That is an incredibly tough task and is why CEO's and high level managers get paid the big bucks. but to think CPJ doesn't actually care about defense is laughable. He was (once upon a time) a defensive coach and not exactly bad at it. Maybe Paul is actually such a good coach that he has raised all of our expectations to the point where losing games just isn't acceptable?? I don't know. Saban found a way to not make it to a bowl while at Bama, I think I'll give Johnson some slack.


Helluva Engineer
No I do not.
Thanks! That's fine. No reporter reports when CPJ says "wow we played awful and that is solely on me". I promise he says that after every loss and it is one of the first things he says. We are all disappointed with how the season turned out, and who knows, maybe he isn't right for the job! I can at least say definitively that CPJ takes personal responsibly for the shortcomings of the team. Whether or not he is capable of fixing these apparent short comings in the coming seasons will determine whether or not he remains our coach.
What's BS is somebody saying that he only cares half-heartedly about the defense. Hell, the man wants to win. Do you really think he's stupid and doesn't realize that a defense is important too? Like I said, THAT is just pure BS.
Dude, the defense has gotten worse since he has been here. Explain that. Other coaches at Tech with less support have done much better than what we are seeing. I don't want to hear about defections and academic casualties because that would be against your argument that Tech doesn't have those problems. EIGHT years buddy and this ish is worse than year ONE. Numbers don't lie.
Thanks! That's fine. No reporter reports when CPJ says "wow we played awful and that is solely on me". I promise he says that after every loss and it is one of the first things he says. We are all disappointed with how the season turned out, and who knows, maybe he isn't right for the job! I can at least say definitively that CPJ takes personal responsibly for the shortcomings of the team. Whether or not he is capable of fixing these apparent short comings in the coming seasons will determine whether or not he remains our coach.
I can buy that.


Helluva Engineer
Well, part of that this year is due to the undue hype from the offseason around here. I tried to moderate that and thought 8-4 would be a good year; I was shouted at, cursed at, sent vicious PMs, and generally ridden out of town on a rail for being a naysayer.

I made the same exact prediction and even said 7-5 was a possibility and absolutely none of that happened to me. I'm not trying to call you a liar but I have to think you're over exaggerating a little bit. Maybe it's how you said it rather than what you said.

I have conceded that both the (understandable) overall anti-media vibe CPJ has and the framing of this particular article are probably more of a factor here.

I think it's a huge factor. Seems like the author took a quote out of context and ran with it to stir the pot and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. The headline screams clickbait. Was CPJ asked a question about the defense that prompted the answer? Did he absolve the other units? We don't know because there's not even a mention of context of the quote. He's been blaming every unit and himself in press interactions all year. Probably did the same in this one. He's not really wrong in anything he said either.


Helluva Engineer
The article that has this debate going comes across to me that he was ticked off that author may have said something about his offense, so he blows back about expectations and all that BS. The ending to all this is he is responsible for the whole pie good, bad, indifferent. ............ What he's doing is saying the defense is not my fault, I run the offense blame them for that. Obama like, deflection.

This article only had comments about defense. Every time I have listened to CPJ at a press conference, or on his radio show, he talks about good things that players did on offense, defense, and special teams. He also talks about things that players did not do well on offense, defense, and special teams. After the Tulane game he talked about how the offense: couldn't line up correctly, couldn't block the right person, couldn't run in the correct direction, etc. That was him talking about the offense immediately after a blowout win. People who don't study the film were ranting on the forums that he was just trying to add fire to the players. After ND, the same people were shocked that the team didn't look good.

CPJ gets excited when people try to argue that his offensive scheme doesn't work. I have not heard him get upset if he is asked specific questions about specific mistakes.(A player missing an assignment or CPJ misreading defensive schemes) In his radio show after the Miami game, he said that twice in the game, he gave feedback to Jordan that caused issues later. He isn't adverse to giving honest analysis of: defense, special teams, offense, or coaches.
The four years prior to Johnson arriving at Tech the defense gave up
07 20.84 ppg
06 17.86 ppg
05 20.08 ppg
04 19.17 ppg

The Johnson era
15 25.75 ppg
14 24.78 ppg
13 22.85 ppg
12 28.29 ppg
11 26.07 ppg
10 25.23 ppg
09 23.64 ppg
08 16.18 ppg

I could have gone back four extra years to even out the two sets of data, but there is no need. In short these numbers, which I didn't make up, show the lack of support Paul gives to the defense. Did the players we recruit all of a sudden forget how to tackle or follow directions? Is the numerous number of DC's we've had confuse the current roster? Is recruiting really that bad and the talent level on the defensive side of the ball has gone to hell? Only constant I know in these various scenarios is PJ. Like tetris stated, he may not be able to delegate or know how to fix this. Either way if it doesn't change I wont be the only one wanting him gone. 08 can't be used for Paul's defense. It was full of Gomer's boys.
Augusta, GA
The four years prior to Johnson arriving at Tech the defense gave up
07 20.84 ppg
06 17.86 ppg
05 20.08 ppg
04 19.17 ppg

The Johnson era
15 25.75 ppg
14 24.78 ppg
13 22.85 ppg
12 28.29 ppg
11 26.07 ppg
10 25.23 ppg
09 23.64 ppg
08 16.18 ppg

I could have gone back four extra years to even out the two sets of data, but there is no need. In short these numbers, which I didn't make up, show the lack of support Paul gives to the defense. Did the players we recruit all of a sudden forget how to tackle or follow directions? Is the numerous number of DC's we've had confuse the current roster? Is recruiting really that bad and the talent level on the defensive side of the ball has gone to hell? Only constant I know in these various scenarios is PJ. Like tetris stated, he may not be able to delegate or know how to fix this. Either way if it doesn't change I wont be the only one wanting him gone. 08 can't be used for Paul's defense. It was full of Gomer's boys.
Chan didn't coach defense, and neither does Johnson. Was Tenuta a better DC than any whom Johnson has hired? Probably, although he sure had his share of screwups too. Chan lucked into having Tenuta, and, in spite of the screwups, his defenses were better, but his success had nothing to do with Chan at all. Johnson took a calculated risk in hiring Groh, and it obviously did not pay off. He then hired Roof, whom frankly I didn't want, but it was a smart, safe hire. Has it paid off? Certainly not in the way anyone hoped, but again, that's not Johnson's fault, anymore than it was Chan's credit for what Tenuta did. Could Johnson have made better hires? Possibly, although with the budget constraints that DRad forced on him, it's doubtful he could have gotten anyone much better. As far as recruiting, that's one positive thing I can say about Roof: he is a good recruiter. Will it pay off with a good defense? Only time will tell, unless he is let go. Johnson as HC MUST bear responsibility for the ENTIRE TEAM, as well as for the recruiting, but, as I said before, to claim that he doesn't care about defense is the ranting of a simple-minded, foolish hater.


Helluva Engineer
In the article the head coach was saying its not just the offense that missed assignments.
He talked about how defense failed to get a stop at end of game when uga was backed in end zone.

He inferred that the best plan to win the game was for the defense to get the ball to the offense - so we could go into our end of game comeback passing attack?

While it was possible, I was shocked when we had them backed up in the end zone and put pressure with a read blitz. SEE attached

Defense was trying to stop run which was the safe play = OC went for a pass
WE had a blitz but it was not a pass blitz
2 guys 35&48 went for play fake and swallowed up the rb who did not have the ball. 51 & 23 let tight end run down field and rotated to also cover short field.
Guys would have stopped any run
Tyler crushed the rb and then Chase 48 released to go after qb and almost got him. In mean time 51 was over to cover for any short pass and 23 spied for a qb run
23 should be playing as he is agile and hits hard. 51 made freshman mistakes but also made great plays

What if Chase had gone straight for qb and 23 rotated over to thight end - hurried pass - 23 intercepts JACKETS WIN!

The past is gone.

I am ready to go to war with this guys next year but I hope we work on pass blitzing early in season so we are very good at end of the last game ( Bowl).


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Helluva Engineer
The four years prior to Johnson arriving at Tech the defense gave up
07 20.84 ppg
06 17.86 ppg
05 20.08 ppg
04 19.17 ppg

The Johnson era
15 25.75 ppg
14 24.78 ppg
13 22.85 ppg
12 28.29 ppg
11 26.07 ppg
10 25.23 ppg
09 23.64 ppg
08 16.18 ppg

I could have gone back four extra years to even out the two sets of data, but there is no need. In short these numbers, which I didn't make up, show the lack of support Paul gives to the defense. Did the players we recruit all of a sudden forget how to tackle or follow directions? Is the numerous number of DC's we've had confuse the current roster? Is recruiting really that bad and the talent level on the defensive side of the ball has gone to hell? Only constant I know in these various scenarios is PJ. Like tetris stated, he may not be able to delegate or know how to fix this. Either way if it doesn't change I wont be the only one wanting him gone. 08 can't be used for Paul's defense. It was full of Gomer's boys.

Collect the same data for the offense. You'll find that under Gailey, along with the 5-8 points fewer points allowed by the defense, GT scored 9-18 points fewer on offense.

So, Gailey's offense scored fewer points and had fewer plays over 20 yards, but for some reason people who want more excitement want to go back to that.
Chan didn't coach defense, and neither does Johnson. Was Tenuta a better DC than any whom Johnson has hired? Probably, although he sure had his share of screwups too. Chan lucked into having Tenuta, and, in spite of the screwups, his defenses were better, but his success had nothing to do with Chan at all. Johnson took a calculated risk in hiring Groh, and it obviously did not pay off. He then hired Roof, whom frankly I didn't want, but it was a smart, safe hire. Has it paid off? Certainly not in the way anyone hoped, but again, that's not Johnson's fault, anymore than it was Chan's credit for what Tenuta did. Could Johnson have made better hires? Possibly, although with the budget constraints that DRad forced on him, it's doubtful he could have gotten anyone much better. As far as recruiting, that's one positive thing I can say about Roof: he is a good recruiter. Will it pay off with a good defense? Only time will tell, unless he is let go. Johnson as HC MUST bear responsibility for the ENTIRE TEAM, as well as for the recruiting, but, as I said before, to claim that he doesn't care about defense is the ranting of a simple-minded, foolish hater.
So Paul is just unlucky that he can't find a good DC? I am a foolish hater? My friend you are ignorant to who and what I am. For some reason my dislike for Paul just rubs you the wrong way and I am not sorry for that. He is responsible for the success of the entire program. So yes he is responsible for the DC and what transpires on that side of the ball (you admit that). Just like Chan was responsible for starting Reggie Ball for 4 years. Reggie's play wasn't Chan's fault but it got him fired. Whether you agree or not has no baring on who is in charge and what they are expected to do. By admitting he is ultimately responsible for the entire program you are chasing your tail. That is all I've been saying the whole night. Paul is responsible good or bad. Paul has a bigger budget to work with than Chan did, Paul has more support in recruiting than Chan did. Yet his overall record is no better. Who is foolish?
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