I guess it's easier to convert to "option" than to convert to "modern"

Augusta, GA
If the problem is we intend to rely on talent instead of coaching, we’re in for a hard ride. P’nut’s probably a gap filler and he’ll be replaced at season’s end, but our OL Coach is not. He’s accustomed to having a bench full of 4* and 5*’s. It’s not hard to win 10-11 games per year when you’re overloaded with talent have massive staff resources, etc.

Well if he can recruit that at GT, his coaching ability will not be an issue as the talent will overcome any of his shortcomings. There are 65 Power 5 football teams so a top 30 recruiting class at GT puts you right about average. If you are not a superior coach or have a superior scheme, well you’ll produce about average which will get us 5 wins out of 10 games plus beat 2 cupcakes for a whopping 7-5 annual expected record. Split your generic bowl game (win 50%) & you nail the GT recent historic mean of 7.5 wins per year.

Coach Key better start raking them in because what he has by some accounts on this board is complete crap to work with, we’re not exactly breaking recruiting records by him pulling some of his recruiting targets over to GT which would be evidence of the amount of respect recruits have for his coaching ability. Show me the money!
Sure hope you're right about P'nut


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Just think of 3 years of Oliver under center with all these frosh and Soph on the squad. CPJ defensive recruiting had picked up. We win 7-8 this year in a weak ACC. Then 9-10 the next season. Then a possible better run than 2014 in year 3.

Saying that...I like CGC...I will be patience while he builds his team. I think he will do a good job. I just don't want us to pat him on the back in 5-6 years because he produced a 8-9 win team. We already had that. We brought him in to compete for the Natty. That is what I was led to believe.
I think someone told you wrong>


Helluva Engineer
Most definitely. Unfortunately I think some let there fandom blind them to the realities of our program under Johnson. Virtually every preseason publication forecasted the debacle that was about to take place. We were all about Johnson and his scheme during his tenure. Remove that and we were truly awful. Hopefully we never find ourself in this position from a talent perspective again.
Most publications picked us last in the Coastal and expected us to be a bad team. I will acknowledge that. That usually means you are a 3-4 win team. That’s why the Vegas future preseason was 3.5 wins. It will be a minor miracle if we get to 3-4 wins the way we are playing. If we do finish 1-11 then it will be the worst record by an ACC team since 2007 when Duke was still awful. You have to go back to 1995 to find a non Duke team that only won 1 game. So yes, we were expected to be bad. No one expected us to be quite this bad.


Helluva Engineer
Transition to TO
After year one , 6 or 7 guys left gt early to go to nfl.
In last few years we have very few nfl.
We have had a l ki t of players leave early in few years.

Talent == loaded at start and not so much at end.
WHO CARES!?! I bet CGC with a loaded tech team couldn't produce a proficient offense to come close to previous production. I don't recruiting will get much better anyways. Haven't seen anything yet anyways.

I also didn't see ccg do anything with all that talent.

Let me also remind you this program had Parker Braun, Kirvonte Benson on o which would be huge for that side of the ball. Also Adams was on the d line and tragically lost. The cupboard want left as bare as people are making it sound.

When will you guys hold these coaches accountable?!?

Plus even if they some how manage to pull a few good classes together, I foresee Tennessee and Butch Jones 2.0


Helluva Engineer
Most publications picked us last in the Coastal and expected us to be a bad team. I will acknowledge that. That usually means you are a 3-4 win team. That’s why the Vegas future preseason was 3.5 wins. It will be a minor miracle if we get to 3-4 wins the way we are playing. If we do finish 1-11 then it will be the worst record by an ACC team since 2007 when Duke was still awful. You have to go back to 1995 to find a non Duke team that only won 1 game. So yes, we were expected to be bad. No one expected us to be quite this bad.
This is different from the previous decade how? And remind me how those predictions ended up.

It's the dumbest thing to say "hey guys, it's ok that we suck, everyone predicted it, so no big deal"

I want a winner, not excuses for why it's bad, and not why it's ok to suck.


This is different from the previous decade how? And remind me how those predictions ended up.

It's the dumbest thing to say "hey guys, it's ok that we suck, everyone predicted it, so no big deal"

I want a winner, not excuses for why it's bad, and not why it's ok to suck.
The GT predictions have been laughable the last decade. They picked us in the cellar, we won the Coastal. They picked us to win the Coastal, we ended up in the cellar. They were wrong, wrong, then wrong again, then they were wrong, followed up by being wrong, wrong & wrong & capped it off with 3 straight wrongs. The primary thing that was wrong though was so many people listening to a damn thing they said.

Hey, they’re experts. They picked us last this year & finally got it right! Congratulations.


GT Athlete
Is he available?

Not for us. Willie is a head coach. I still want CGC. Unfortunately we will probably see another year of Pat unless it’s just hilariously bad. I torn between giving him another chance or letting him “walk”- I could also see Pat leaving on his own “accord”.

I don’t feel like we have an intelligent offense in any sense of that phrase. Our guys don’t look smart on the field. Our play choices. All of the above. That’s uncharacteristic of what we want and what’s expected at GT. That’s on coaches and players. What they’re learning can’t be *that* complicated that they don’t understand it. At the same time, how is it possible that we can’t teach our guys offense? Perhaps it’s not intuitive?

If it was me, I’d simplify it to 3 step easy drop passes, 1 inside zone play, 1 outside zone play, power, 4 verts, and a crossing route play. We would read the defense and go to the line with simple color checks.

A color check is an audible that allows you to go right or left based upon what the quarterback pre snap read that’s announced in the cadence.

“Blue 80 Blue 80” = let’s run left

“Green 80 green 80”= let’s run right

There’s a lot of other more complicated things we could do to scheme around our apparent inability to transition guys from one scheme to the next.

Don’t get it confused, what’s happening is maddening...but it was expected.


What has changed is i thought we would be above average run blockers. I believed we had the athletic body’s and nasty mentality to move people. I thought we run enough to effectively until our pass pro gel. That has not been the case. At times, i feel we worse run blockers than pass blockers.

We are very talented imo, but i underestimated transition for those guys on the OL

Also, not being settled on a QB troubled me. I’ve also said the UNC gm is where we settle on starter from henceforth, so we will see if that is true.

Leaving points on the field by not having a reliable kicker.

But...but...Coach Key was gonna show us what a great OL coach could do with our guys.....


Not for us. Willie is a head coach. I still want CGC. Unfortunately we will probably see another year of Pat unless it’s just hilariously bad. I torn between giving him another chance or letting him “walk”- I could also see Pat leaving on his own “accord”.

I don’t feel like we have an intelligent offense in any sense of that phrase. Our guys don’t look smart on the field. Our play choices. All of the above. That’s uncharacteristic of what we want and what’s expected at GT. That’s on coaches and players. What they’re learning can’t be *that* complicated that they don’t understand it. At the same time, how is it possible that we can’t teach our guys offense? Perhaps it’s not intuitive?

If it was me, I’d simplify it to 3 step easy drop passes, 1 inside zone play, 1 outside zone play, power, 4 verts, and a crossing route play. We would read the defense and go to the line with simple color checks.

A color check is an audible that allows you to go right or left based upon what the quarterback pre snap read that’s announced in the cadence.

“Blue 80 Blue 80” = let’s run left

“Green 80 green 80”= let’s run right

There’s a lot of other more complicated things we could do to scheme around our apparent inability to transition guys from one scheme to the next.

Don’t get it confused, what’s happening is maddening...but it was expected.

I think you are absolutely right that we need to simplify things. Amazing how often we hear that across staffs and on both sides of the ball. I hear it from a lot of other programs too though.

It does seem like fewer reads and calls would help our guys out.


GT Athlete
I think you are absolutely right that we need to simplify things. Amazing how often we hear that across staffs and on both sides of the ball. I hear it from a lot of other programs too though.

It does seem like fewer reads and calls would help our guys out.

It always felt like punishment whenever that phrased was used- at least to me. It’s just...boring. But you have to be good at them to set the base for everything else.

But we can’t even throw a ball consistently so **** it. Just run it up the middle, left, and right.


Not our current guys lol.

That was a narrative before the games started and the wheels came off.

I admit that injuries have really jacked things up at OL. As much as I dislike Key it’s not fair to judge his performance off this season. But it’s hard to resist getting some digs in on folks who have gotten baseless digs in on other topics.

One improvement I noticed vs Temple was our snaps. And they were driving me a little crazy. They seemed crisper vs Temple than previously and I don’t recall to many instances of our QBs having to juggle bad ones.

On a side note. His *** better bring in a ton of top talent after his “easier than at Bama” BS.


Ramblin' Wreck
I don’t know if it’s punishment, to complicated or what but it certainly seems smart to put a FB in the game and run some stuff straight ahead with a lead blocker.

It’s suicide to run one back off tackle if this line is so banged up and bad right now.