Heather Dinnich is a tool...


Helluva Engineer
Now you are really reaching. Teams get blown out for a lot of reasons. Without getting into why FSU and Winston finally had their breakdown, why don't we just look at this another way.

Ole Miss. The team that took down mighty Alabama. Beaten in their big bowl game. By 39 points Say that again slowly. 39 points.

Do you see my point? The SEC can lose blowout games right and left and the following year it is as if it never happened. The ACC loses one key playoff game and the whole conference is horse dung. Double standard?
You are right as far as you go. But the awkward point I reached for is excellence over time, I suppose. When the ACC can do it every year, then we can complain about treatment. Without brushing off complaints, I think it is human nature to expect much from those who have produced much. Or something like that. Besides that, there is the air bag effect: vote safe. Anyway I just posted a really entertaining -- and otherwise interesting -- piece on the SEC's incessant whining. To sum it up: the hit dog barks.


Helluva Engineer
Sorry but that is too easy to me. The problem is that if the media talks up a conference the losses don't count as much. If the ACC starts off in a deep pit perception wise then every team has to have an almost perfect record to even gain a modicum of respectability. The climb out becomes too great.

By contrast the mighty SEC west got thoroughly embarrassed during bowl season but I bet the average starting position in the polls of any of those teams this year will be at least 15-20 places ahead of the average starting position of any ACC team. I am all for manning up but starting perception also becomes reality too often.

The media seems to start with the conclusion that the SEC is better. They then spin the facts to match that conclusion. They will then ignore the "facts" that they spun only a month earlier to "prove" that the SEC is better.

A few years ago, when Ole Miss was bad and Florida was good, Wake Forest beat Ole Miss early in the season. The "common opinion" was that the game had no relevance to the ACC vs the SEC because Ole Miss was a bottom feeder of the SEC. Three weeks later, Ole Miss beat #4 Florida. The "common opinion" was that the win proved how "tough" the SEC is because they are so good from top to bottom. "There is never a bye week in the SEC". The same people made both arguments, that Ole Miss doesn't count and that they would be a power in every other conference.

Last year, the ACC was 4-0 against the SEC during the last weekend. The "common opinion" wat that it didn't matter because the ACC was playing against the weakest division of the SEC. A month later, the SEC West was pitiful in the bowl games, but the SEC East "proved" that the SEC was the most powerful conference by winning their mid-tier bowls.

I don't mind people making an opinion BASED on something, even if I disagree with it. It drives me crazy to see people change their criteria solely to "prove" their opinion.


Ramblin' Wreck
It's a fixed racket. The main stream media can make more money spinning it that the SEC is the best conference because there are more consumers (fans) in the conference. If the NCAA was interested in a true champion they would have a tournament like they do in every other sport and the other football divisions. The other divisions get a 16 team playoff. ESPN nor the SEC want that because it's fair. They want it weighted so they can make more money. The worst part about it is we let them get away with it. You tell me how it is more fair that a group of people sit in a room and decide who is better than someone else instead of deciding it on the field.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
This discussion is why I like this site.

But as far as Heather, I think she is like most announcers. I really don't care since when I watch games I don't have to listen to them. If we win more, they will all be lemmings and come running to us. If we don't, they will go to who ever has the hot hand. I know I'm simplifying, but that's all it seems to be to me.

Eat, drink and be merry for ..........


Ramblin' Wreck
This discussion is why I like this site.

But as far as Heather, I think she is like most announcers. I really don't care since when I watch games I don't have to listen to them. If we win more, they will all be lemmings and come running to us. If we don't, they will go to who ever has the hot hand. I know I'm simplifying, but that's all it seems to be to me.

Eat, drink and be merry for ..........
Just give everyone a fair chance. No voting.


Ramblin' Wreck
We need to listen to the wisdom our coach on matters like this. It is what it is. You cannot control what people think so why worry about it? Win games, win the conference and things will take care of themselves.


Helluva Engineer
We need to listen to the wisdom our coach on matters like this. It is what it is. You cannot control what people think so why worry about it? Win games, win the conference and things will take care of themselves.
Not necessarily. There is already a movement to leave the ACC out this year instead of the big 12. That was the narrative yesterday on CFB Live. According to them the PAC, 12, 10, and SEC are in regardless of record. Of course the games have not been played, but the ACC is entering the season already with two strikes against us.


Ramblin' Wreck
Not necessarily. There is already a movement to leave the ACC out this year instead of the big 12. That was the narrative yesterday on CFB Live. According to them the PAC, 12, 10, and SEC are in regardless of record. Of course the games have not been played, but the ACC is entering the season already with two strikes against us.
That's right and of course last year at one time there were 4 SEC teams VOTED in to the top 4. MSU being one of them and we know what a fraud they were. The system needs to be fair across the board. The ACC champ will have to go undefeated to make the playoff over a 2loss SEC team.


Southeastern Michigan
That's right and of course last year at one time there were 4 SEC teams VOTED in to the top 4. MSU being one of them and we know what a fraud they were. The system needs to be fair across the board. The ACC champ will have to go undefeated to make the playoff over a 2loss SEC team.
I disagree, an undefeated conference champ being left out in favor of a team with a loss or two would cause all credibility to be lost for the selection committee. Once there are losses in the mix, I would agree with the gist of your premise.


Helluva Engineer
Things I'd like to see happen:

1. End FBS vs FCS games entirely. There's already too many teams in FBS, allowing teams to play the lower division is assinine. There's too few games to put "bad football" on the field.

2. Have a real playoff where you have to win your conference to get in. Maybe have 1 or 2 wild cards, but that's it. All this drama about selection is crap. A football champion should not be chosen like a beauty queen or figure skater. This would also free up teams to play really good OOC games as well as keep their OOC rivalries intact as the outcomes would have no bearing on making the playoffs.


Ramblin' Wreck
My point is if we win the
I disagree, an undefeated conference champ being left out in favor of a team with a loss or two would cause all credibility to be lost for the selection committee. Once there are losses in the mix, I would agree with the gist of your premise.
My point is if we win the ACC with 1 loss and there is a 1 loss SEC team who is not a conference champion. Two SEC teams will go over us. Why not make it an 8 or 16 team playoff and give all the conferences a chance. Why, because that's not the best business model for ESPN. Like I said every other division does it.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
The media seems to start with the conclusion that the SEC is better. They then spin the facts to match that conclusion. They will then ignore the "facts" that they spun only a month earlier to "prove" that the SEC is better.

A few years ago, when Ole Miss was bad and Florida was good, Wake Forest beat Ole Miss early in the season. The "common opinion" was that the game had no relevance to the ACC vs the SEC because Ole Miss was a bottom feeder of the SEC. Three weeks later, Ole Miss beat #4 Florida. The "common opinion" was that the win proved how "tough" the SEC is because they are so good from top to bottom. "There is never a bye week in the SEC". The same people made both arguments, that Ole Miss doesn't count and that they would be a power in every other conference.

Last year, the ACC was 4-0 against the SEC during the last weekend. The "common opinion" wat that it didn't matter because the ACC was playing against the weakest division of the SEC. A month later, the SEC West was pitiful in the bowl games, but the SEC East "proved" that the SEC was the most powerful conference by winning their mid-tier bowls.

I don't mind people making an opinion BASED on something, even if I disagree with it. It drives me crazy to see people change their criteria solely to "prove" their opinion.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
A football champion should not be chosen like a beauty queen or figure skater.
Even figure skating champions are chosen by "objective" criteria. To be sure, the judges are still subjective but they at least start with the same measuring stick with each competitor rather than already giving one skater a four or five place head start over another skater. My point was not to defend figure skating, which I know virtually nothing about, it was to say our method of crowning the national champion in football is perhaps the most subjective competition in all of sports.


Helluva Engineer
That's right and of course last year at one time there were 4 SEC teams VOTED in to the top 4. MSU being one of them and we know what a fraud they were. The system needs to be fair across the board. The ACC champ will have to go undefeated to make the playoff over a 2loss SEC team.
I don't necessarily agree that MSU was a "fraud" in isolation. Rather they were exposed along with all of the SEC as best-in-show for public relations shops. The SEC is very good at it, really world class. The ACC is not. On the other hand, the ACC is burdened, and that is the right word, with a storied reputation as a basketball conference, and my feeling is the average football fan can name more ACC basketball coaches than ACC football coaches.


Helluva Engineer
I disagree, an undefeated conference champ being left out in favor of a team with a loss or two would cause all credibility to be lost for the selection committee. Once there are losses in the mix, I would agree with the gist of your premise.
Yesterday, three "experts" were asked: Could an undefeated ACC champion get left out and all three said yes!


Helluva Engineer
SW Florida
Things I'd like to see happen:

1. End FBS vs FCS games entirely. There's already too many teams in FBS, allowing teams to play the lower division is assinine. There's too few games to put "bad football" on the field.

2. Have a real playoff where you have to win your conference to get in. Maybe have 1 or 2 wild cards, but that's it. All this drama about selection is crap. A football champion should not be chosen like a beauty queen or figure skater. This would also free up teams to play really good OOC games as well as keep their OOC rivalries intact as the outcomes would have no bearing on making the playoffs.

On the right track with this:

I would like to see the four championship spots be picked from the five conference champs (you MUST win your conference).

Settle selection from 5 to 4 based by heavily favoring out of conference record (good wins and bad losses).

If you don't play anyone out of conference (SEC West) and you win your conference you get left out.
