I don't think anyone is arguing that there are no good teams in the SEC, at least I am not. However, the hype usually makes it sound like any SEC team except Vandy against any non-SEC team is like comparing an NFL team to a high school team. The SEC people think that there is some mystical quality of being in the SEC that automatically makes the teams better no matter what metrics or stats say. If the SEC has a winning percentage against other conferences, it is proof of their dominance. If the SEC has a losing percentage against other conferences, there are a myriad of excuses as to why it doesn't signify anything.
Last week, the ACC was dominant against the SEC. The only loss was a very bad Virginia team that lost to an SEC team that struggled with Austin Peay. If the ACC had lost 2-1, the hype from ESPN would have been how dominant the SEC was. Instead, the ignored the conference head to head and had a story about how weak the ACC is since UVA lost to Tenn, BC lost to NIU, GT lost, and Clemson lost. The GT game and the Clemson game were conference games, so there was going to be an ACC loss no matter what. BC and UVA are two of the worst teams in the conference.
The hype is just extremely obvious this year. At some point the SEC hype boys are going to have to admit that SEC teams are not equivalent to NFL teams. It will matter later in the season. If the top six teams all have one loss, should a 1 loss mutt team get picked for the playoffs over a 1 loss Ohio State, FSU, USC, and Texas? If the hype remains that the SEC is head over heels better than everyone else, they will. However, the OOC record for the SEC seems to indicate that they are at worse than other conferences. I think it is reasonable to say that this year the SEC is at last no higher than on par with other conferences.