#GTvsDUKE Postgame

Yaller Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
I still can't believe we pulled this one out. This looked like so many games in recent years when the bad guys made the clutch plays at the end, not us. The blasted tech radio network switched to the Braves just after Sander's first catch, so I had to watch a replay later and stare at the Chat screen to know what was happening.

This could be huge. Or maybe not. No one can know what happens from here.

I should be over thinking we "ought" to have an easy win against Duke. Cutcliffe gets the most from his players and he is a good game day coach. Once I was playing golf with a good player, I was playing lousy and was throwing clubs. The other guy said, "You really should stop that. You aren't good enough to be mad about your game." Well, we are not good enough not to be happy with any win.


Jolly Good Fellow
Road tripped from Atl to Wallace Wade- no TV or internet problems 😁

As much as GT fans like to complain about attendance at BDS, Duke is in a class by itself - at the bottom. I would estimate 10k fans at most. Could easily hear conversations on the GT bench.

Super easy to get in and out of stadium, appreciate some of the pre-game suggestions on parking.

I agree with a lot of the comments on this thread about play calling and executing. Also agree that OL and DL take time to develop, and not counting transfers, GT is very young, so hopefully ‘22’will be better than ‘21. The only other thing I would add while at the game is we could see how banged up and gassed many players were as the game moved on, esp the D. But they didn’t quit!

Also #6 Ke White was suited up, even did the uniform reveal, yet he did not play, or if he did, it was minimal. 🤔

The Bye week is coming at a good time. Maybe White will get to play in two weeks. Hopefully J Williams will be back then also.

stinger 1957

Helluva Engineer
The game was not available for me to view, but just reading on here it appears the same problems exist and nothing but recruiting the trenches both sides of the ball fix that.
What worries me is our OL recruiting. Seems like we recruited 6 OLs in CGCs first full recruiting class and other than Williams that class appears to be developing into a "bust". None of the rest of those guys are showing much promise. If in fact we need a new OC, we can forget that until we fix our OL recruiting, no good OC is coming to GT without a good OL, ain't happening. i remember O'Leary's first full recruiting class he had like 11 OLs and a couple years later the "Fridge" arrives. The way this is going we could be 3 years or more away from a good OL. I think with what we have coming('22 class) so far on the DL we are a couple years away from a good DL, but I do see promise on the DL, OL not so. Also OL seems to take longer to develop.
Love to hear from others on this. Tell me convincingly why I'm wrong about the OL, I want to be wrong.

Yaller Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
I was thinking after our next to last possession when JS missed the wide open TE by throwing off of his back foot that I was ready to turn the reigns over to JY. I am hopeful that that last drive helps Sims to really turn the corner.

When our Irish kid hit the 22 yard punt I was tearing my hair out and lamenting the loss of Percy Harvin. Then that kid hits a 70+ yarder and a 50+ yarder back to back and I am singing his praises from the rooftop of my home.

Is there anything crazier or wosres for one's health than watching 18-20 year old boys play football?

If there were such a thing as a double like, this post would get it. Ain't it the truth?


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I want to see what out OL looks like in 2 weeks - hopefully alot healthier and alot better, because not being able to run the ball with this backfield group is a real issue.

Sims can be dynamic but he has some real weaknesses as well. We basically don't throw over the middle because he both locks onto his primary receiver and seldom looks off, and with his delivery he is susceptible to having balls tipped and/or picked off on middle routes. He's actually better with the longer passes because he has to put air under it.

That holding penalty was huge. Without it they have a first down and can probably run the clock out, or really close to it.

I'll gladly take the win and hope we can continue to improve.


Helluva Engineer
obligatory I love CPJ:

This was the inverse to many of those games we had with teams like Miami during Paul’s tenure. We had a slow start, outplayed them for most of the game, but they made crazy plays at the end to pull it out. No comment on if that is a good sign or bad, but it feels better to win one that way than lose it.

Throwing a 3 yard comeback route on 3rd and 14 for an interception was my headset throw moment. As a big critic of DP, I will say that it has to be hard to call a game with our inconsistency. Sims starter red hot, then sailed stuff for a lot of the game. That last throw was a beaut though.

I said in the chat we must be tipping our hand somehow. Duke always dropping 8 on passes and blitzing during runs. Are we that predictable or are our formations/signs giving us away.

OL being held together with bubble gum and chicken wire. Need some guys back healthy for this next stretch.

The ACC cannot compete if we have games on RSN. In the year of our lord 2021, they can’t get a stream to work. Can’t fill their commercial allotment. Amateur hour.

Kalani Norris must be a hell of a player during practice.

Jamyr Gibbs is really a great player in space, but we focus on up the gut with a gutted OL. We should be getting him 10-15 touches through passing and on the edge per game. I like JP as a player and a person, but he would be my 3rd down blocking back for the most part and I would focus on Tae and Myr running the rock.

Glad to get a W any way we can.


Staff member
Who were they holding? I'm thinking if they don't hold, our guy makes the play. So it wasn't just luck, it was a good play by our DL.
I believe they nearly tackled Domineck. He would have made the play, but not backed them up 10.
Both announcers we basically saying “wow, you gotta call that”.
After last week, and frankly the history of conference refereeing, I wasn’t sure if we’d see a flag


I need to see a replay to analyze it, but here’s what I’ve pieced together from looking up the rules:

If the returner called a fair catch before muffing it, it’s a fumble by the receiving team. Possession was established via fair catch followed by contact with the ball. In that case, the result of the play in would be a safety if it’s recovered in the end zone by the receiving team after the muffed fair catch.

If there was no fair catch signaled, then possession has not been established by the muff, and it’s simply treated as a kick that can be recovered by either team but not advanced. So if it crosses the receiving goal line after the muff (and neither team has established possession), it’s treated like a punt that happened to bounce really strangely. And that’s why it’s a touchback.
I knew possession was the key but I never knew about the fair catch part. Interesting.


Helluva Engineer
Nah, coaching is all that matters. Not recruiting. Cut is going to coach circles around Collins. Just ignore the last two head-to-heads.

Tongue in cheek I assume. We actually got incredibly outcoached today. If Cut was our coach we’d be fighting for the coastal this year.


Helluva Engineer
It doesn’t come as a surprise to read this from you.
Hmmmm but we look the part. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful we won and proud of our boys for never fighting.

But the eyeball test says we suck. Or our OC sucks. Either way. We don’t look like a good team. Hard to argue that.