GT Bowl Projections


Helluva Engineer
I would say the extra practice you get by being bowl eligible is worth a lot going into next season.

Since when? Not for GT it has not been.

Great for the HC. He gets extra pay to celebrate failure.

And rare is the case when GT does not lose money on these excursions. Yes sir, we can afford that.

Just more exposure to deficient coaching. Time would be better spent recruiting (if allowed during that time).


Helluva Engineer
You people do know that there are college teams who haven't been to a bowl in decades or, in some cases, at all, don't you?

This is more of the feeling of entitlement some Tech fans have. We had such unrelieved success for so many years - not many teams go to a bowl for 18 straight years - that we got spoiled rotten. I, for one, will go to any bowl, provided we qualify. The coaches want to do it and so do the players. So let's get our chin straps on and play ball in the last three games.

Saying the players "want" to go to some of these bowls might not be as true as many think.


Jolly Good Fellow
Since when? Not for GT it has not been.

Great for the HC. He gets extra pay to celebrate failure.

And rare is the case when GT does not lose money on these excursions. Yes sir, we can afford that.

Just more exposure to deficient coaching. Time would be better spent recruiting (if allowed during that time).
Please cite your sources for "GT losing money on these excursions."


We'll probably get invited to some trash bowl. I'm sure everyone is as excited over the prospect as I am.
A bowl requires 6 wins, correct? I cannot say with confidence that we win another game, this year. We SHOULD beat UVA, we have the ability to beat UGA. However; when it comes down to it, do any of us, really have the faith the defense can shut any of these teams down?


Helluva Engineer
Landrum SC
A bowl requires 6 wins, correct? I cannot say with confidence that we win another game, this year. We SHOULD beat UVA, we have the ability to beat UGA. However; when it comes down to it, do any of us, really have the faith the defense can shut any of these teams down?

Only because UGA has proven its offense is as inept as our defense I do believe we can win that game. I don't see us beating any team from VA.


Helluva Engineer
I believe a team can get a bowl bid with a losing record under certain circumstances.

That in itself is an indictment of another sort.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL

What a GREAT statement.

I love seeing teams refuse to go to bowls because they are not up to their standards. Shows a true level of competitiveness.

I think it was 1983 and Alabama went to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis. Bear Bryant stopped taking his medication and died. So much for the Liberty Bowl.


Ramblin' Wreck
What a GREAT statement.

I love seeing teams refuse to go to bowls because they are not up to their standards. Shows a true level of competitiveness.

I think it was 1983 and Alabama went to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis. Bear Bryant stopped taking his medication and died. So much for the Liberty Bowl.

You are thinking with your adult brain not your 18-20 year old kid, immature, I'm a superstar, I am owed everything brain.
If you have been touted your whole life, made it to the D1 level in a p5 conf., you want ( and expect) to go to a major bowl.
Kids don't want to go play in the Idaho Potato Bowl b/c they managed to scrape out 6 wins. Its not glamorous and there will be less than 10k in the stands.
It is what it is man.