GT Bowl Projections


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Kids don't want to go play in the Idaho Potato Bowl b/c they managed to scrape out 6 wins. Its not glamorous and there will be less than 10k in the stands.

I think we are saying the same thing?

If I was a star athlete at a major program, how jacked up do you get to go to the Home Depot Rigid Tool Bowl in Des Moines with a sterling 6-5 record?

Better to say, we finished in the Top 25 and deserve a spot at a decent bowl. That's me. And probably not a view that is widely shared.


Ramblin' Wreck
I think we are saying the same thing?

If I was a star athlete at a major program, how jacked up do you get to go to the Home Depot Rigid Tool Bowl in Des Moines with a sterling 6-5 record?

Better to say, we finished in the Top 25 and deserve a spot at a decent bowl. That's me. And probably not a view that is widely shared.

10/4 lol..
I thought you were saying we should be jacked to go to any bowl, which is not the case.

I live in Mobile, how many players are pumped to come to the new Dollar General Bowl? We don't even like it lol.


Ramblin' Wreck
I would say the extra practice you get by being bowl eligible is worth a lot going into next season.
I knew it would'nt take long for someone to spout this gem. How has this worked out for Tech during the 18 year bowl run?We are still a terrible football team!


Helluva Engineer
What a GREAT statement.

I love seeing teams refuse to go to bowls because they are not up to their standards. Shows a true level of competitiveness.

I think it was 1983 and Alabama went to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis. Bear Bryant stopped taking his medication and died. So much for the Liberty Bowl.
Well, in the words of the immortal Samuel L. Jackson, allow me to retort.

Back in 2004 Tech played in the Humanitarian Bowl in Boise. Pretty much the epitome of a "crap bowl": in Boise, on blue turf, we played Tulsa, and just about everything else. The players loved every minute of it. First, they were treated like kings by the hosts, who knew where their bread was buttered. Second, most of the players hadn't even seen snow before, much less getting skiing lessons. They also got really slick winter garb; something most of them didn't have, for reasons already mentioned. Then we went out and cremated Tulsa with P. J. Daniels (Mills is his clone, btw) setting a bowl rushing record.

After the game, the story said that a delegation of players approached Gailey and asked if they could come back to Boise in 2005 if they won the ACC. They weren't impressed with his answer.

So, yes, the players love bowls. You get to travel to places you've never been before, you get treated like nobility, you get free stuff, and you get to play another game. The coaches are partial to them as well. I hope we go again. This year.


Helluva Engineer
The teams we have beaten have a combined 3 power 5 wins. Virginia has 1, Georgia has 4.

It's projecting like we will be 6-6.

Chances of winning our remaining games in my eyes:

VT: 5%
UVA: 70%
Georgia: 25%

VT game will be similar to UNC. We will have to pretty much score every possession to have a chance.

We are better than Virginia, and I expect an outstanding performance from JT in his final home game.

Georgia hasn't looked good on offense, but they haven't exactly been playing teams that are as bad as we are on defense. We've been pretty good against pro style offenses under Roof...there just aren't many of them left. This should be close, but on the road with a young team that frankly has looked awful away from home doesn't bode well.


Helluva Engineer
Fredericksburg, Virginia
I happen to live in Tennessee and have access to a really good sports talk station on the Nashville radio. (if you live in the ATL you have to take it on faith that they do exist). There is a guy there who appears regularly and is a big UT guy.Has been for many, many years. Whenever the topic comes up about the extra practice, he maintains that there is almost no correlation between bowl appearances and the following year's W-L record. He has been consistent with this over the years that I have listened, claims that he has done the analysis and I do not have data to dispute him. He is not against teams going to bowls, just unconvinced that there is any real benefit (in terms of next year's result)to be gained by it. as always, take this and any post on the interwebs with a grain of salt.
I really cannot think of any reason to NOT accept a bowl bid. I would love to understand in more detail this guy's analysis. Year-to-year there are so many other variables carrying much more weight that impact W-L the following year. I too... do not have the data to dispute him; but seems crazy that having 2-4 more weeks of time learning and preparing to play is only a good thing. Not to mention... the exposure for the program and something "good" for young men to experience together.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
I really cannot think of any reason to NOT accept a bowl bid. I would love to understand in more detail this guy's analysis. Year-to-year there are so many other variables carrying much more weight that impact W-L the following year. I too... do not have the data to dispute him; but seems crazy that having 2-4 more weeks of time learning and preparing to play is only a good thing. Not to mention... the exposure for the program and something "good" for young men to experience together.

For several years I took my team to a post season tournament to play two extra games. If we played a 10 game regular season this would add 2 (20%) games. If we made the playoffs this could be a 13, 14,or 15 game (30%-50% more) season. In addition to the extra practice time we would face teams from other conferences and experience new things to learn. I always felt these extra games and practice times were a big advantage. An extra Bowl Game and practice time at the college level should also be an advantage in the big picture. It often also opens up opportunities to have reserve players see more action.


Helluva Engineer
I'm betting that you'll be ok. The Belk seems to like NC teams, no matter what the record. I'd say your biggest worry is the Sun. We like them; they like us.