This thread needs to be taken down as it's extremely unethical and illegal.
Depends on which parts of the discussion you are referring to:
Spreading information or facts that were presented behind a paywall is not illegal. You cannot copyright facts. You can copyright the presentation of facts and pictures/diagrams/text that you use to present facts. Many people say that you cannot legally discuss information from behind a paywall. That is absurd. You cannot copy the writing, or pictures, or diagrams, or anything else from behind the paywall. However, you can legally discuss in your own words any facts or rumors of facts that are presented anywhere. A paywall could decide to exclude you if you release information, or you could sign non-disclosure agreements that would have civil penalties. However, there isn't anything criminal about generally sharing information.
On the other hand, bypassing a paywall to get to content that the publisher is trying to keep you from without authorization could be a different matter. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act makes it illegal to "intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access". This has been used in cases that had no criminal or even ill intent to hammer people. Aaron Swartz was facing 50 years in prison for connecting to MIT's wifi network and downloading public domain files from their network. The federal prosecutors had to stretch hard to arrive at a conclusion that he had an unauthorized connection to a wifi network that is tacitly advertised as entirely open. I seriously doubt that federal prosecutors would investigate bypassing the firewall of the AJC as a crime. However, suppose a federal prosecutor believes that you have incriminating information about a coworker that you don't have. If he doesn't believe you are telling the truth and he finds out that you had "unauthorized" access to the "protected" pages of the AJC, you could end up serving a 50 year sentence for CFAA violation.
BTW IANAL, so don't take my statements as any legal advice.