Georgia Tech Spring Game Thread


Helluva Engineer
I came away encouraged.

A Back was better than I expected. Lynch and Searcy look they can be pretty good once they get the blocking and where to go. You can see the physical ability. Andrews is good and Snodddy should be able to pick up where he left off. Ike is a good system player. Inject a frosh or two into the mix and we ought to be ok if we don't get too many injuries.

Allen did some things at BB to show he could be serviceable there with more practice. Swilling was the only other guy I saw and it he didn't have a lot of blocking to show much.

QB Martinson looked pretty good with the ones. Ball came out of his hand suprisingly quick and with more zip than I realized he had. Jordan was hard to evaluate but clearly also needs quite a bit of work. Burden and Braun looked good out there. With the injuries we struggled some protecting but I thought we generally threw the ball well.

Jeune & Summers clearly are the starters at WR. Get Messick up to speed and maybe get a frosh out there. The dropped passes are concerning because Coach has said they've been happening all spring. Hopefully one of the frosh can come in and get in the rotation.

Defensively some young players caught my eye. Kagawa, Jalen Johnson, Terrell Lewis among others. On the 1's Gotsis, Hunt, & Freeman all look good. Harrell was pretty active. Secondary we know what we've got. If guys continue to work on that side of the ball we can be improved there.

Overall I thought is was a good showing and the kids clearly have been working hard. Just keep working and we'll be a real solid football team next year.


Helluva Engineer
I thought MJ did some good things. I think he got a little rattled early on and did not keep his focus. He seemed to give up a little early on pass plays, but I could not really see how much help he was getting from his receivers.


Jolly Good Fellow
@flea77 , if Will is #70, he looked like he has been putting in work at the gym.

I thought Tre Jackson made some nice tackles tonight.

I was in the front row on the gold side, and JHD is big, but not fat at all. Really hope he is eligible in the fall. I thought Jeune played well too. Of course Jet looked good. Quay still looks really skinny.

P Davis was rocking his orange bowl pinky ring. It's huge. A lot of recruits were at the game tonight despite the rain, hopefully a good sign.