Gameday Experience And More

The Doddfather

Jolly Good Fellow
As far as the changes this year:

The team ran out slightly after the wreck and cheerleaders instead of directly behind as in years past.
Nothing to complain about.

Money down instead of thirrrrd down. It’s still the 3rd down of the series no matter what the PA guy says. Stand up and yell regardless.
Nothing to complain about.

The band played in some key moments on third down, and there was piped in music in key moments as well. Everyone’s taste is different so the band/music selection won’t please everyone. My only suggestion was to not play “this is how we do it” after we give up a long pass play to our 1 yard line.
Complain if you will. Music choice is subjective.

Whiteout early in the season. Emails were sent out, it was printed on the tickets, and most fans these days have friends or social media that will let them know that before they get dressed before the first home game. Unless you live under a rock, you knew it was a whiteout. Also, nobody had to try to find a white jacket or hoodie this year, so.....
Nothing to complain about.

Sure everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that’s what makes for good discussions. But I’m more than a little tired of all the complaining that is going on over petty stuff on this board.

More football talk would be great, not just the constant back and forth on all the same old topics of uniform colors and new vs old regime etc etc. Because it’s starting to get hard to find some real x’s and o’s talk here.

I think there are some great posters on this board, ex athletes especially. The insight some of you guys provide is great. I realize this will go nowhere, but i feel like it’s worth running up the flagpole. Let’s please not turn this board into a stingtalk.

This is a great board but I feel like everyone needs to take a step back and remember that we are all pulling on the same side of the rope. Gold, white, blue, Tobias, Lucas, JG, upper east, lower west, sidewalk fan, alum, whatever. We all come to this board for the same reason. Cause we love Tech. Ok I’m done. Let er rip......


Georgia Tech Fan
Money Down seemed cheesy to me but if the players and students like it then who cares.

The Above the Line thing is a cool concept but it really dragged on when all the names were being listed out. I enjoyed seeing video of each starter in previous years as it is nice to put a face to a name.

Why can't we sound check our microphones before Randy Rhino asks what the good word is? That is embarrassing.

All in all, I thought the crowd did good with the whiteout. It was also a bigger turnout than I expected. 95 degree forecast with not much cloud cover at 2pm vs USF. It could have been a much worse turnout.


Helluva Engineer
<rant>I'm fine with Money Down, Waffle House Return, whatever. Let's just please get another announcer. There's not a lot of difference between MONEY DOWN! and THIIIIIRRRRRDD DOOOOWNNNNN! They both sound stupid and annoying coming from that guy. Has for years. World Wide Wrestling reject, at best. </rant>

And I agree, we should focus more on football and less on meaningless rants. This is not the place for that stuff!

Although truth-be-known, the ex-football players on here would do well to listen to my football wisdom. I played quarterback in pee-wee and in middle school.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
<rant>I'm fine with Money Down, Waffle House Return, whatever. Let's just please get another announcer. There's not a lot of difference between MONEY DOWN! and THIIIIIRRRRRDD DOOOOWNNNNN! They both sound stupid and annoying coming from that guy. Has for years. World Wide Wrestling reject, at best. </rant>

And I agree, we should focus more on football and less on meaningless rants. This is not the place for that stuff!

Although truth-be-known, the ex-football players on here would do well to listen to my football wisdom. I played quarterback in pee-wee and in middle school.
Yes the guy mess up a few times and didn't even know which yard line the ball was on.


Georgia Tech Fan
I felt that there was a lot of dead air during the game. No music, no video board, no excitement. If this is a staff of excitement and fun, the game coordinators for the stadium missed it yesterday.


Helluva Engineer
I felt that there was a lot of dead air during the game. No music, no video board, no excitement. If this is a staff of excitement and fun, the game coordinators for the stadium missed it yesterday.

Its probably because the idiots at gt are responsible for it not collins and morpheus. They are trying to act that way and are too lame. At least. Thats what i think. Maybe.


Helluva Engineer
Big complaint....for some reason they emptied the water monster on the east side at the start of the 3rd quarter leaving only a 10minute plus line for the hydration station. This needs to be addressed before saturday.


Helluva Engineer
No steam whistle is a legitimate complaint. That is a GT tradition for as long as I can remember. (I also like the video board whistle on first downs, but that isn’t historic.)

In the upper north, I was also very disappointed that none of the TVs were working by the concessions/hydration station and the radio feed was not being pumped into the restroom as in years past.


Jolly Good Fellow
Sigh. Nice try, @The Doddfather. I was excited to be back in Bobby Dodd and excited for a win. Everything else is road noise. And yes, to those of you saying it’s fine to have an opinion - you’re right. Opinions are like *******s - everyone has one. My issue with the board as of late is that opinions turn into attacks and are presented as fact and regurgitated ad nauseum and in every thread. I miss the true game discussion and our mutual love for our team being the thing that binds us. It’s just gotten exhausting around here lately.


Jolly Good Fellow
Agree, my kids and I loved the steam whistle

I hate the money down crap, please get rid of it and bring back the band playing E-tuning chords

Agree. Hearing "that's ANOTHER Georgia Tech first down" sounded like being at a home UVA game. Bring back the steam whistle.
And instead of PA guy screaming "money down", how bout having the band just play a few bars of the O'Jays "Money Money Money --- Money!"


Georgia Tech Fan
If the game experience outside of the football being played does not live up to what longtime GT fans expect, ( such as the traditional team entrance, whistle acknowledging first downs ,etc ), then there may be a problem that needs to be addressed.


Ramblin' Wreck
If the game experience outside of the football being played does not live up to what longtime GT fans expect, ( such as the traditional team entrance, whistle acknowledging first downs ,etc ), then there may be a problem that needs to be addressed.

Not arguing with you but just wondering, if the longtime GT fans made the decisions I’m afraid we would be a div 2 school in all sports.

Most GT fans could in some form or fashion qualify as nerds ( except me, I’m like very worldly ). We would be playing Harvard and someone would be refilling the caviar dishes in the air conditioned suits, cause there wouldn’t be those pesky people blocking the corridors at concession stands if we didn’t have peasant food being served


Georgia Tech Fan
Not arguing with you but just wondering, if the longtime GT fans made the decisions I’m afraid we would be a div 2 school in all sports.

Most GT fans could in some form or fashion qualify as nerds ( except me, I’m like very worldly ). We would be playing Harvard and someone would be refilling the caviar dishes in the air conditioned suits, cause there wouldn’t be those pesky people blocking the corridors at concession stands if we didn’t have peasant food being served
I too wonder if longtime GT fans were to stop contributing money because of their game experience was not satisfying if we indeed might drop down to D-2 level in all sports. At least that way they could eat caviar in the comfort of their own homes since they would not be at a football game on a hot Saturday afternoon.