Financial Problems


Jolly Good Fellow
Following up on my on post, I was curious about the APR numbers quoted in the press release. I notice that the press release counts the 2010-2011 APR as Gregory's first year, even though he was hired in March 2011 (or maybe April 1). There's some logic to this, in that to achieve full "retention" points for the school year the S-A's have to enroll the following fall, so Gregory had to convince them to continue to work through the semester and then return or enroll elsewhere (if they didn't graduate). However, that was Hewitt's team, and he was responsible for them through the end of the season.

Here's the history of the GTMBB APR:


Hewitt had horrendous numbers in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. 2007-2008 was the year Faye quit early in the season, and Dickey was academically ineligible and then left. However, after that his numbers climbed, particularly depending on how much credit you give him for 2010-2011. And in fact, in 2011-2012 I think the only team members who were not Hewitt holdovers were Pierre Jordan and Julian Royal, and Royal was a Hewitt recruit. I would guess that the recruiting standards shifted after 2008.

I don't mean to diminish the good work Gregory has done on the academic front, but the clean-up had already begun when he came in, at least based on APR.


Helluva Engineer
The GTAA Board of Trustees has control of the intercollegiate athletics conducted at or in the name of the Georgia Institute of Technology and all of the business affairs of the GTAA

And the Board of Trustees is dominated by faculty members, not alumni or business people. Therein lies much of the problem with GT Athletics.