Fake defensive injuries


Georgia Tech Fan
No offense @SwarmingRound but with 15+ years of cheating under UNC's belt (https://www.cnn.com/2014/10/22/us/unc-report-academic-fraud/index.html). They deserve a bit of medicine until the year 2050. **** their program.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not talking as someone sitting on a judgment seat and proclaiming self-righteousness here. This is not about right versus wrong, it's about being able to say to any onlookers that you won the game playing within the confines of the rules. Just because there's not a rule explicitly against this, it certainly qualifies as unsportsmanlike conduct. It's a lot worse than taunting, and that will get you a 15-yard penalty.

If I have to hide cards under the table to win a card game, I don't even want to play the game. People who would cheat to win a board game, a sporting event, an election, or anything else like that, lack self-respect and the respect of others.


Helluva Engineer
When you cheat to win, the win becomes less meaningful. Just look at how people view the Houston Astros world series that they won. It means less.

Sometimes there's a fine line between gaming the system and cheating. This is not one of them. I am all for gaming the system within the rules. Hack-a-shaq is gaming the system. Hidden ball trick is gaming the system. All good. Intentionally faking an injury is unacceptable on any level.

One of the hallmarks of American football is toughness. This is the antithesis of that and undermines everything that this game is supposed to represent. The minute that people are hurt, the game stops and we handle it. This makes it impossible to address legitimate injuries.
This is not against any rule or it would be called by the refs and teams do it against us. CFB needs to fix it. This is not cheating.


Georgia Tech Fan
Glad to see GT actually doing it for once. Louisville did it against GT in that game whenever GT started to get momentum going as well. Literally happens every game that is close. Getting brownie points because you’re the “morally better team” won’t help you in this situation. And GT’s reputation isn’t going to magically go down the gutter by doing it either. It’s been happening for like a decade now if not longer. However, I do prefer GT to just being good enough to win on their own without having to exploit the rules.


Georgia Tech Fan
Glad to see GT actually doing it for once. Louisville did it against GT in that game whenever GT started to get momentum going as well. Literally happens every game that is close. Getting brownie points because you’re the “morally better team” won’t help you in this situation. And GT’s reputation isn’t going to magically go down the gutter by doing it either. It’s been happening for like a decade now if not longer. However, I do prefer GT to just being good enough to win on their own without having to exploit the rules.
Ole Miss hangs their hat on it, and they're a top 10 team.... in any case it doesn't hurt their perception. If it gets our defense more rest and/or opportunities to stop the other guy, then as long as it's not against the rules go for it.

All of that said, I think there should be more rules to prevent this. But as long as there aren't, go for it.


Helluva Engineer
First of all, hell of a finish to an amazing game to get to a 5-2 start.

However, I am so embarrassed to see Tech defensive players coordinating which one of them should fake an injury in this UNC game, on UNC's last scoring drive.

They did it multiple times. I am appalled. This is not "whatever it takes to win," it is cowardly, unsportsmanlike, and max cringe.

If the other team did it, I'd be up in arms, and I'm even more upset that we would do it.

As a proud double jacket alum and multi decade fan, I cannot endorse this brand of football. If I see them do this crap again, I will be incredibly disappointed.
I rember ugag doing this to us years back in close games. Was not a fan of it then. Not a fan of it now.


Helluva Engineer
OMG the “Holier than Thou" attitude on this board is so Over the Top! It is legal! It is stupid to let other teams do that and say "we wouldn't stoop to doing something LEGAL" that "Looks Bad" because we are "Tech Men!"

Simply insane! Guess many on here liked Curry as he lost more than he won! As they say You Play The Game to WIN! You don't play the game to be a Gentelman!


Georgia Tech Fan
I get it. It isn't new. What does seem to be new is a different player going down on every play. As a team, it looks like you're saying: We can't win if we can't catch our breath, disrupt their momentum, or whatever else we hoped to gain by doing it. I do get that guys go down with cramps, but come on, most, if not all, of these were faked injuries.


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
I get it. It isn't new. What does seem to be new is a different player going down on every play. As a team, it looks like you're saying: We can't win if we can't catch our breath, disrupt their momentum, or whatever else we hoped to gain by doing it. I do get that guys go down with cramps, but come on, most, if not all, of these were faked injuries.
It's a way to level the playing field. It didn't exist until the HUO became popular.


Helluva Engineer
It’s a way to get free timeouts. So the players can get a breather and so the coaches can tell the players what they want them to do on the next play.

It’s legal.
