Everyone Please Read This


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
...while I didn't see the sun rise this morning (clods) I can verify that it popped out a couple of times, thus I accept the premise that the sun did rise this morning :)

Bottom line, @Animal02 is correct. Life does go on.


Southeastern Michigan
I remain fascinated--with a smidge of annoyed and disappointed thrown in-- at just how nasty some people on here can be. And, how consistently troll-ish some think it's okay to be with people they've never met.

Of course, I realize this is typical of social media in general.

As CPJ once said, "It's amazing some of the things people will say...when they're hiding behind anonymity and sitting on the couch in their Mama's basement." I think we're after a higher standard. I hope.

CPJ hinted at the quality of the team this year.......too many thought making the playoffs was in the bag. There is not a team on the schedule this year that we could not beat. There are 10 that could just as easily beat us. Last year was magical because of some lucky breaks at the right time of the season (a whole bag full in the Pitt game) Who knows what the rest of the season will bring.

Tech First

Jolly Good Fellow
Barrow County Ga.
Been a GT fan since the early fifties. Tech has over the years won more that they were supposed to win and lost less than we were supposed to loose. As a Tech fan I have learned to be thankful for the wins and not loose my sense of the fact that life goes on anyway when we loose.

I told a friend the other day the difference between a Tech fan and a UGAG fan is that a ugag fan expects to win every game and as a result when they loose they are devastated. While a Tech fan realizes that losses do occur and when they loose they take it in stride and move on knowing that life goes on.

Having been a side walk fan for over 60 years you have to learn to go with the flow knowing Tech won't win them all. ( They play by the rules when it comes to student athletes which most others don't and as a result they have more to over come and yet when it comes to winning the big ones they do pretty good). I have seen two NC in my life time which is more than the fans of ugag can say during the same period of time. We don't have the over all record the pups have but when we are good we are good. Just my two cents.


Southeastern Michigan
Been a GT fan since the early fifties. Tech has over the years won more that they were supposed to win and lost less than we were supposed to loose. As a Tech fan I have learned to be thankful for the wins and not loose my sense of the fact that life goes on anyway when we loose.

I told a friend the other day the difference between a Tech fan and a UGAG fan is that a ugag fan expects to win every game and as a result when they loose they are devastated. While a Tech fan realizes that losses do occur and when they loose they take it in stride and move on knowing that life goes on.

Having been a side walk fan for over 60 years you have to learn to go with the flow knowing Tech won't win them all. ( They play by the rules when it comes to student athletes which most others don't and as a result they have more to over come and yet when it comes to winning the big ones they do pretty good). I have seen two NC in my life time which is more than the fans of ugag can say during the same period of time. We don't have the over all record the pups have but when we are good we are good. Just my two cents.
I have posted this before....after suffering through as a student, season records of 7-5, 4-6-1, 1-9-1, 1-10, and 6-5......any season with a chance of being above 500% is a good year


Jolly Good Fellow
Navy Nuke- come on buddy show me where you are at:
Agree 100%, , complaining and targeting each other is not how we swarm!
Bring out such stuff as: couple of field goals verse ND and we are in that game- no matter how the O looked!
Take 3 touchdowns from our special teams off the board during Duke and who cares the O-Line is blocking in our backfield and have no push much less reaching the second level!
4 and 0, to 2 and 0 - in a flash.
"Together" "We" "Swarm"


Georgia Tech Fan
Everyone should do this, just step back for 24 hours after a loss

I think this is sage advice. There are many opinions and after two losses like that it's best to unplug for awhile. These losses eat many of us up who have lived and died with GT but I'm here to say any of us who've followed GT for awhile have been on this ride before.

The build up preseason just makes the fall from grace higher and harder to stomach and yes there is a full season ahead of us and we'll need to make the best of it but taking time to hit pause is best for many of us myself included.

Thanks to mods who have to wade into the knee deep dumpster fire during times such as this and don't have the luxury of taking a "break".

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Some of the worst negativity has been posted by folks I don't recognize. People who have accumulated a few posts at some point, but don't seem (in my perception) to have been around much in the last year or so. Comes off as though they have been just waiting silently--tolerating the success--but hoping for some difficulty so that they could pounce again.
This happened on FTRS also. People we had never heard a peep from when Tech was on high note last year and who didn't have anything to say this summer when everyone was gulping down the Kool Aid, suddenly have all kinds of opinions about why this offense won't work and why CPJ needs to go. All with a very nasty tone that adds no insight to the conversation. We even had to ban a couple of people.


Helluva Engineer
Re the won - loss record: Coach said the week of the ND game that we were not as good as a lot of people thought we were. Listen to Coach.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
This happened on FTRS also. People we had never heard a peep from when Tech was on high note last year and who didn't have anything to say this summer when everyone was gulping down the Kool Aid, suddenly have all kinds of opinions about why this offense won't work and why CPJ needs to go. All with a very nasty tone that adds no insight to the conversation. We even had to ban a couple of people.

Imo, it's pretty easy to spot obvious trolls. However, our mods are more tolerant.


Helluva Engineer
Made the mistake coming onto the website after re-watching the game Saturday night and let my emotions (with a little liquid help) get the best of me.

Threw an insult out and felt bad about it afterwards ... won't happen again.

Although we all have our own opinions when things go wrong, we also all have one thing in common ... GO JACKETS !!

When gt lost to uga in 1972, In a drunken rage threw my tv off the balcony of my second floor apartment. My future wife quietly left for her apartment. Next day Apology accepted with caveat drop the rage and get a color TV .

Gt jake - your passion for gt is great so it's all good with me.