Did GT, dodge a bullet?


Helluva Engineer
If you don't think a guy will work for you and your system, why wouldn't you tell them? I don't get it. They have time to pursue other opportunities at this stage in the game.
I suppose it just gets down to the basic question that represents all that is supposed to be the Institute -- and I am just regurgitating what I have read repeatedly on this board -- is the Institute's word good, or is it not? Louisville does not surprise me. GT saying never you mind would shock me. Tech had a QB, Bennett I think it was, a stationary, in the pocket and sling it QB, coming in when Johnson was named. He decommitted and played at Duke I think. Johnson said he would honor the scholarship and even find a couple of plays he could be useful with, but that no, he was not the QB his system used. So, that is the question and for you to answer. Everyone has a different value set, but honoring one's word seems rather integral to all of them.

Nook Su Kow

Ramblin' Wreck
I suppose it just gets down to the basic question that represents all that is supposed to be the Institute -- and I am just regurgitating what I have read repeatedly on this board -- is the Institute's word good, or is it not? Louisville does not surprise me. GT saying never you mind would shock me. Tech had a QB, Bennett I think it was, a stationary, in the pocket and sling it QB, coming in when Johnson was named. He decommitted and played at Duke I think. Johnson said he would honor the scholarship and even find a couple of plays he could be useful with, but that no, he was not the QB his system used. So, that is the question and for you to answer. Everyone has a different value set, but honoring one's word seems rather integral to all of them.
You have names confused. I'm curious about your source for plays for Renfree, though.


Helluva Engineer
A link? My skepticism is intrigued.

Skeptiscm is a hard word to spell and pronounce.
A link? From 11 years ago? If it makes you feel better, I also recall him saying -- the first time I was irked at his abruptness -- that "I" don't want him, don't need him."

Same conversation. No link either.


Ramblin' Wreck
This is just another symptom of the sad state of CFB in 2018.

Is it wrong to cut a professional athlete from the roster if he's not a good fit or not playing up to par? Certainly not.

Is it wrong to pull a student's scholarship just before the semester starts due to decisions the school made? Most people would agree yes.

The world isn't fair and we all understand that. But when the Schools, Conferences and NCAA harp on the virtues of academics, amateurism, and that these are "kids" (and use these ideals as their defense in court cases.) It's certainly distasteful when they flip to- 'these are 18-year old adults and this is a business.' When it suits them. Especially since they fight tooth and nail to keep the athletes from being able to treat it like a business in turn.

In the business world I'm in; an offer and acceptance constitutes a contract. Firms that break their commitments don't stay in business very long.

I expect CGC to be honest and up front with every commit and athlete at Tech on where they stand and how they fit (or don't) in his vision. I hope he does everything he can to help the ones who decide to go elsewhere land in good spots. But I also expect the Institute will honor its commitment to every student who chooses to stay.


Jolly Good Fellow
Corpus Christi, TX
This is especially bad on Satterfield, considering the timing. It's not like these kids are passing QBs or tight ends and he's bringing in the Flexbone. You give them the option to come on board, take a look at how they perform in your system, and if it doesn't work out, the parties go their separate ways. At least the kid gets his first year of college in. There has to be some semblance of a nod to the student-athlete concept. Satterfield is treating these kids as if Louisville was the NFL.

Ruthless, cold, selfish Scott Satterfield. Shame on you, and shame on your pariah program.


Helluva Engineer
Lovely Ducktown,Tennessee
I am no longer sad we never spoke to Satterfield. He apparently will be right at home in the armpit of Kentucky. I hope people score 80 points per game against them next year.
That really surprised me i didn't expect him to be a slimeball like this. I'm glad he's not the head football coach at Georgia Tech.


Georgia Tech Fan
If Satterfield gave the kids the option of staying with the understanding that based on what he saw that he would expect playing time to be limited based on not being a fit and the players choose to decommit- that is fine. If Satterfield pulled the schollies with no option- that is slime ball.

Schollies should be committable and non-revokable as soon as offered (unless player does something illegal, etc). Programs have way too much "power' in the currect scheme of things


Helluva Engineer
99% of recruits go to school to play football. If you are not a fit for a new system, you probably should go somewhere you are. If you want it, you can get a good education at any school.

When coaches leave and kids want to leave:
NCAA -- You committed to the school. If you want to leave the school, you have to jump through hoops and lose a year of eligibility.

When a new coach arrives and doesn't want the kids:
NCAA -- The coaches make those decisions. Nothing we can do.

This is only one of many things that the NCAA speaks out of both sides of their mouths about. The NCAA rules are set up 100% against the interest of the kids and totally for the business side of the sports. The student-athlete lawsuits are going to succeed because that is how the NCAA operates.

Deleted member 2897

When coaches leave and kids want to leave:
NCAA -- You committed to the school. If you want to leave the school, you have to jump through hoops and lose a year of eligibility.

When a new coach arrives and doesn't want the kids:
NCAA -- The coaches make those decisions. Nothing we can do.

This is only one of many things that the NCAA speaks out of both sides of their mouths about. The NCAA rules are set up 100% against the interest of the kids and totally for the business side of the sports. The student-athlete lawsuits are going to succeed because that is how the NCAA operates.



Helluva Engineer
I'll probably be alone in this but I don't have a problem. These are athletic scholarships. I doubt having his scholarship pulled means he's unable to attend UL so the academic side of things isn't an issue. Instead it means he has to do the same thing thousands of others have to do and go without an athletic scholarship which sucks, but I don't see anyone as being entitled to a scholarship. Especially when pretty much the sole criteria for receiving one is the head coach determines that you deserve one, and in this situation the head coach didn't think he deserved one, so he isn't going to get one, from UL.


Helluva Engineer
Do you actually believe we would have prevented Renfree from joining the team if he had wanted to try running Johnson’s offense? No, we would have let him on the team, proven to him that he was by far the worst fit for the system, and then put him on scout team (probably would have helped our defense, to be honest). A mutual decision is entirely different from a unilateral one.

I never once said I believed any such thing.

I repeated words, not made up by me, that were said about a S/A that once was committed to us. And I said I hope we never again have a coach that uses those words about a young athlete who once was committed to us.

Is there anything I can say to clarify it any more? Is there some sort of hypocritical butthurt going on that people can only point out the “sins” of others instead of taking care of our own crap?