Custis, Hunt-Days not eligible for ’14 football season


Remember the county school system in which Custis attended school lost its accreditation while he was in HS. Perhaps this has something to do with it, to this day.


Jolly Good Fellow
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
The crazy thing about JHD is if you are/were a student at GT, you know the first 2 years are the hardest. If you can get through those two years, it's downhill from there (well, the hill isn't as is GT afterall).

JHD was redshirted and heading into his 4th academic year. He knew what needed to be done, and he got past the hardest part of his time at GT. Don't want to criticize him because I'm not in his shoes so I don't know the whole story, but I am disappointed in him as an upperclassman.

The first two years while I was at Tech were the easiest. Once you got to your upper level major classes and classes like thermodynamics and differential equations it was much harder. Now when I went to law school the first two years were easier than the last year. But at Tech the last two years were much harder than the first two.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
2014 will be the last season for PJ, and I don't relish saying that. I think the ONLY way this could have been avoided, and even this might not have worked, would have been a more national recruiting strategy from the beginning. Today's high school players that are high 3 star, 4 star and higher are in most part NOT ready for academic rigor, and they don't want it anyway. When you add the "PJ system" to the negative recruiting, I am not sure how you overcome this handicap.

Anyway, I was a CPJ supporter from the beginning. I emailed DRAD several times telling him I wanted CPJ to be hired as our coach, but I was wrong, and I was wrong in a big way.

NOTE: I don't "blame" PJ for this latest revelation, although the buck does stop at his desk, but I do believe it is another reason for next year being another mediocre season, with no wins over the better teams.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
2014 will be the last season for PJ, and I don't relish saying that. I think the ONLY way this could have been avoided, and even this might not have worked, would have been a more national recruiting strategy from the beginning. Today's high school players that are high 3 star, 4 star and higher are in most part NOT ready for academic rigor, and they don't want it anyway. When you add the "PJ system" to the negative recruiting, I am not sure how you overcome this handicap.

Anyway, I was a CPJ supporter from the beginning. I emailed DRAD several times telling him I wanted CPJ to be hired as our coach, but I was wrong, and I was wrong in a big way.

NOTE: I don't "blame" PJ for this latest revelation, although the buck does stop at his desk, but I do believe it is another reason for next year being another mediocre season, with no wins over the better teams.
Augusta, GA
2014 will be the last season for PJ, and I don't relish saying that. I think the ONLY way this could have been avoided, and even this might not have worked, would have been a more national recruiting strategy from the beginning. Today's high school players that are high 3 star, 4 star and higher are in most part NOT ready for academic rigor, and they don't want it anyway. When you add the "PJ system" to the negative recruiting, I am not sure how you overcome this handicap.

Anyway, I was a CPJ supporter from the beginning. I emailed DRAD several times telling him I wanted CPJ to be hired as our coach, but I was wrong, and I was wrong in a big way.

NOTE: I don't "blame" PJ for this latest revelation, although the buck does stop at his desk, but I do believe it is another reason for next year being another mediocre season, with no wins over the better teams.

If a new coach comes in in 2015 and installs an entirely new system, with the schedule we have that year, we may not win a single game. Johnson may or may not need to go, but it would be better to keep him for 2015 than to start anew then.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
If a new coach comes in in 2015 and installs an entirely new system, with the schedule we have that year, we may not win a single game. Johnson may or may not need to go, but it would be better to keep him for 2015 than to start anew then.

I'm not saying this based on short term winning or losing, but long term program success. Without some very good recruits at the skill positions and on the D-line, the mediocrity will NOT change, and I just don't see the recruiting suddenly improving dramatically. Again, I think CPJ could be VERY successful with just a few more players, but he isn't getting them, IMO.


Jolly Good Fellow
The Custis issue is really, really tough. From what I've read, it sounds like the kid and family have done absolutely everything asked of them. It also sounds like GT has done everything they could to recruit and support a local, stud running back and provide an opportunity to a high character kid from a high character family. After the 1st time, it would have been really, really easy for him to go to a school with little to no academic expectations.

We should be proud as GT alum in that we are trying to find ways to bring in great athletes without compromising our integrity.

I can't help but assign some level of blame to the Clayton County school system. I just can't find another reason to this. They have failed their kids.
Augusta, GA
I'm not saying this based on short term winning or losing, but long term program success. Without some very good recruits at the skill positions and on the D-line, the mediocrity will NOT change, and I just don't see the recruiting suddenly improving dramatically. Again, I think CPJ could be VERY successful with just a few more players, but he isn't getting them, IMO.

Since OVERALL his recruiting is no worse than that of his predecessor, how can you be sure that a successor will be able to recruit those "few more players" either? Gailey had one very good recruiting class; the rest were just average.
Augusta, GA
The Custis issue is really, really tough. From what I've read, it sounds like the kid and family have done absolutely everything asked of them. It also sounds like GT has done everything they could to recruit and support a local, stud running back and provide an opportunity to a high character kid from a high character family. After the 1st time, it would have been really, really easy for him to go to a school with little to no academic expectations.

We should be proud as GT alum in that we are trying to find ways to bring in great athletes without compromising our integrity.

I can't help but assign some level of blame to the Clayton County school system. I just can't find another reason to this. They have failed their kids.

That's definitely what many are saying, but what we really need is for someone in a position of authority to say that. Then, and only then, might something be done there.


Helluva Engineer
Why do people always equate ish that is completely out of CPJ's hands as to reasons for his demise?

This sucks for the tech program but just a week ago we were seeing reports as to what an incredible job he has done with APR. Get a grip morons.

Paul Johnson is doing as good a job as anyone would do with all the hoops he has to jump through.

I feel like there should be a "thanks CPJ" in the mold of all the "thanks Obama" gifs and memes.


Georgia Tech Fan
Since OVERALL his recruiting is no worse than that of his predecessor, how can you be sure that a successor will be able to recruit those "few more players" either? Gailey had one very good recruiting class; the rest were just average.
Neither Gailey or Johnson had any extensive experience in recruiting at this level when they came to GT. Not trying to say its easy but I don't subscribe to the belief that recruiting is impossible at GT based off a sample size of two coaches.
Augusta, GA
Neither Gailey or Johnson had any extensive experience in recruiting at this level when they came to GT. Not trying to say its easy but I don't subscribe to the belief that recruiting is impossible at GT based off a sample size of two coaches.

Then why have we NEVER had a successive string of 4-star or equivalent recruits, and ZERO 5-star recruits.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
Since OVERALL his recruiting is no worse than that of his predecessor, how can you be sure that a successor will be able to recruit those "few more players" either? Gailey had one very good recruiting class; the rest were just average.

I stated in my first post...I don't care what the numbers say.....if most of his 3 star guys are not upper echelon, and I don't believe they are, the number average means very little.

The "3-star" grouping is HUGE......and all 3-stars are not made alike, and at a few key positions, like DL and WR, we are definitely NOT getting the top guys or something happens to them when we get them....Again, all is not in PJ's control, but his system that has added to negative recruiting, whether correct or not, is in his control.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
It's clear the football program has been on a long and steady decline since the unofficial ACC Championship. My main regret is that the descent has never been rapid enough to prompt action. It's like the frog that immediately jumps out of the pot of hot water it is dropped into, but which will allow itself to boil to death if put in a lukewarm pot being slowly heated. Tech is further frozen into inaction by a risk-averse fanbase that resists change and actively discourages even the mildest of criticism.

There is no appreciable descent for the last 40 years of GT football. I feel your frustration but don't have a solution other than minor changes like a more sports oriented degree with out calculus and labs. That will never happen because it would threaten UGAg recruiting.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
From my point of view, it would make sense if Custis came back after a year at GMC. After you build a relationship and repitoire with your teammates, I imagine it would be hard to leave them even when something as screwy as this happens. Let's hope he is still considering Tech after this. Good news is it sounds like the coach at GMC does not have any bias against Tech, like many coaches around this state.

I hope Custis comes back and gets his degree. It would be the best thing for him. Whatever playing he was able to do for use would be good too, but not as important as Custis getting a better future outside of football. We are going to have this used against us in recruiting you can be sure. Nothing would be better than Custis coming back and graduating even if he never played. It would show yet again that we take care of our own.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
The good news is that when I went to GT and soon after, the football program was mostly insignificant. 1980-89 One coach and one group of players changed all of that in 1990, so I still believe it is possible to see football greatness on the flats again.

With that said, 2014 is a different time, and high school fb players are not being prepared for a GT education in most cases, at least not the top 25-35% of them. That is why I am so negative about our chances of turning this thing around.

Whoever is our coach for 2015 forward, he MUST recruit everywhere aggressively. In other parts of the country, not so much the SE, there are guys that would want the GT degree and academic challenge, although they are hard to find. (I am from NW GA, so I am not a biased person against the south, but it is what it is)
I hope Custis comes back. Would be cool to see a kid persevere through all this.

Clayton Co. has been a joke for 30 yrs. I'm sure someone will question my motives for saying that, but it is, and that's just the truth. Sorry. If Custis is having issues because of their incompetence, I would say that would be grounds for a fairly significant lawsuit.

This team could win 7 games. They could also win 10. Let's not act like this is the strongest ACC that there's ever been. Nothing would surprise me, in terms of on-field results.

As far as people bitching about "star rankings"; don't. They're useless. Where we've struggled is finding guys to plug in who can fit one particular need better than anyone else. This is what Stanford excels at. This is what BYU does better than us. Finding exactly what kids do things the right way. I'd go so far as to say that if we have a new coach next year, I'd like it to be someone on Stanford's staff who understands identifying and developing potential athletes years before they set foot on campus....


Helluva Engineer
It's clear the football program has been on a long and steady decline since the unofficial ACC Championship. My main regret is that the descent has never been rapid enough to prompt action. It's like the frog that immediately jumps out of the pot of hot water it is dropped into, but which will allow itself to boil to death if put in a lukewarm pot being slowly heated. Tech is further frozen into inaction by a risk-averse fanbase that resists change and actively discourages even the mildest of criticism.

Whoa easy there drama queen.