CPJ Radio Show tonight


Matt Winklejohn is the best the ajc has had....Tech gobbled him up quick like for TGW. There was a 2nd Matt that also did a good job. Coley Harvey a while back did a good job before leaving the Macon Tekegraph....I'm rambling now....KS does ok....but he seems pretty ignorant about football in general.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I think Ken is the best gt beat guy I've read.

Ken is a distant 3rd for me. Waaaaay behind Winklejohn and Harvey.

Ken is fair and doesn't treat the job as a burden, which is admirable. I won't go past that as I don't want to rip the guy.


Helluva Engineer
Well, if PJ doesn't get along with Ken, ordinarily that means Ken will stay on that beat.
Matt Winklejohn is the best the ajc has had....Tech gobbled him up quick like for TGW. There was a 2nd Matt that also did a good job. Coley Harvey a while back did a good job before leaving the Macon Tekegraph....I'm rambling now....KS does ok....but he seems pretty ignorant about football in general.

Tech gobbled him up after a while. I think Matt may have been one of the folks who took the buyouts from the AJC, one of the several they've gone through in the last 10-15 years. I think the guy who was on the AJC beat when PJ first got there eventually went to law school. Jack Wilkinson wrote a lot about Tech and I think he may have had the beat back in the 90s. In my estimation, he was the best writer the AJC had during that time, and maybe the best I've read in a long time. Used to play trivia against him at Manuel's in Decatur. Super good dude.


Helluva Engineer
Furman Bisher was the best the AJC ever had. Whether writing about Tech, the Masters, boxing, or whatever.
Totally agree! Do you remember right after Dodd left (maybe 2 years when Carson and Glanville had the guys starting to playing tough defense but we were inept), he wrote the famous line " Ramlin wrek is ga tech and a Helluva shape its in"?
Guy loved tech but was a firm, fair journalist. Great read all the way through his columns


Helluva Engineer
It was either that or grades (or both). I think he's been asked on a few occasions not to report something until it's "GT official" only to go ahead and report it.
Please do not tell me that "GT officials" do not know what Ken's job is and who signs his checks. He neither needs nor requires permission and they surely know that. His job is to go around obstacles, whether it is Johnson or somebody else. Too bad if Johnson doesn't like it. He'll get over it and the readers are better served. I'm trying to imagine a world in which only "official" news is permitted. Oh, yeah. I remember now.


Please do not tell me that "GT officials" do not know what Ken's job is and who signs his checks. He neither needs nor requires permission and they surely know that. His job is to go around obstacles, whether it is Johnson or somebody else. Too bad if Johnson doesn't like it. He'll get over it and the readers are better served. I'm trying to imagine a world in which only "official" news is permitted. Oh, yeah. I remember now.

I think you may be missing what I'm getting from this. I agree...journalists are free to do as they see fit. There is a big "however" though. If CPJ, or another staffer, shared insider info...to give KS a heads up...but on the agreement it was off the record initially....and KS took it to print anyway....well that is a bridge burner sir. Pure and simple.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I think you may be missing what I'm getting from this. I agree...journalists are free to do as they see fit. There is a big "however" though. If CPJ, or another staffer, shared insider info...to give KS a heads up...but on the agreement it was off the record initially....and KS took it to print anyway....well that is a bridge burner sir. Pure and simple.
Agreed. Bottom line, as it is in most professions, it is all about relationships and trust. The coach and the reporter both have a job to do, but if I were in the shoes of the reporter you can bet that I would keep that in mind. Long term, the quality of my work will ultimately be dictated by how good the relationship is. It doesn't mean I would have to blow sunshine all the time. Heck, CPJ doesn't do that himself and I am sure he doesn't expect it of others.


Helluva Engineer
You guys are forgetting that KS was one of the last to report on Skov. He waited till GT officially said it. At least that's how I remember it right now