CPJ interview - Nov 11


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
There are an equal # of teams that spend a ton and get nothing. I mean, at least we're not South Carolina for example.

Just dropping more money at the feet of PJ wouldn't have changed anything. The scheme was too great a hindrance.

This is what it always comes back to with you. You will swat facts away to continue to denigrate CPJ and the TO. I'm not going to bother pointing out facts to you anymore as it's become obvious you do not care to hear the unless it supports your viewpoint.


Milwaukee, WI
This is what it always comes back to with you. You will swat facts away to continue to denigrate CPJ and the TO. I'm not going to bother pointing out facts to you anymore as it's become obvious you do not care to hear the unless it supports your viewpoint.

The exact same applies to you. It’s exhausting even watching the constant back and forth with you two if I’m being honest.


Ramblin' Wreck
This is what it always comes back to with you. You will swat facts away to continue to denigrate CPJ and the TO. I'm not going to bother pointing out facts to you anymore as it's become obvious you do not care to hear the unless it supports your viewpoint.

This is what you always do - change the discussion from an objective one to something personal.

Why are you (and other PJ fans) not able to have any discussion without always - ALWAYS - making it personal?

It's not denigration to point out what I've pointed out. This isn't a personal attack on anyone. It's a discussion-in-hindsight of the objective effects that scheme had on the program. Why must you ALWAYS take it as some weird personal insult/attack? I've not swatted away anything. Frankly, there haven't been any facts posted that support the assertion that more money would've changed the ultimate outcome of PJ and the TO on Georgia Tech football. That too is an objective observation.

If you aren't able to have a discussion on the topic without taking personal offense at the fact that there are other GT fans who disagree with you, then I suggest you don't participate in such discussions.


Helluva Engineer
The exact same applies to you. It’s exhausting even watching the constant back and forth with you two if I’m being honest.
In the specific post he’s replying to, the facts being disputed aren’t the same. Saying “you must pay to have a chance of consistently being top program” is different then “you can pay and no be a top program.”

As an example, to get a degree at GT, you have to first get accepted, and then you have to pass your classes. If you never get admitted, you will never get a degree.

I think becoming a top program has a literal cost of admission, and arguing about what offense we run is stupid until we put ourself in a situation where we can even have a chance.


Ramblin' Wreck
So which is it? From what you have said: Duke was able to improve their recruiting by spending more money. Yet GT could not have improved their recruiting by spending more money.

Can money help, yes or no? If yes, then it could have helped GT. If no, then it did not help Duke. Or maybe the bar will get moved depending upon whether it helps or hurts an argument.

More money wasn't going to overcome the effects the scheme had on recruiting and attracting more talent to Tech campus. That's been my position repeatedly and nothing has been posted to refute it. Duke runs a scheme and has a coach that attracts players that PJ's scheme did not.

You can't remove the effects of the scheme on recruiting from the discussion. If we ran a similar type offense to Duke under PJ, it'd be a more-apt comparison. Not sure why this is so difficult to understand.


Ramblin' Wreck
There’s lot of data about teams that have a week off before a game’s winning percentage is higher. There’s 2 reasons GT caught the brunt of it:
a. Scheme required add’l prep time because it’s inherently difficult to stop
b. GT is one of those teams that is beatable because the margin between us and others was not large
The ACC should have recognized it placed GT at a competitive disadvantage and eliminated that loophole. Not only did they not do that they perpetuated it. Now you tell me why someone who was aware of such an issue would allow it continue? Again it was a GT only problem, well documented and the data was clear. Why?

Again, why did the ACC allegedly intentionally screw us over re:Scheduling? I don't see any answer to that in your reply.


Ramblin' Wreck
In the specific post he’s replying to, the facts being disputed aren’t the same. Saying “you must pay to have a chance of consistently being top program” is different then “you can pay and no be a top program.”

As an example, to get a degree at GT, you have to first get accepted, and then you have to pass your classes. If you never get admitted, you will never get a degree.

I think becoming a top program has a literal cost of admission, and arguing about what offense we run is stupid until we put ourself in a situation where we can even have a chance.

It's only stupid because it shows that the scheme was a hindrance to recruiting, which is completely against the agenda being proffered by those who are big fans of PJ and his scheme.
The fact that recruiting never really improved no matter what success we had on the field during those 11 years is proof enough - top-flight HS talent was never going to want to play in the PJ TO scheme, no matter how many recruiters we hired.

I've still never seen a logical reason why, for 11 years, PJ basically ignored recruiting in the metro ATL area. Or are all of the numerous HS coaches who've made that observation just wrong?


Ramblin' Wreck
Why does it have to be a big conspiracy? Teams routinely asked for bye weeks before playing GT and they were granted, or teams were able to figure out how to make certain requests that ended up with a bye week before GT. It doesn't have to be a big conspiracy by the ACC leadership to screw GT.

so the scheme was a hindrance to our scheduling too.

Wow, so much for it being any kind of great advantage for us. It clearly didn't help recruiting and apparently resulted in biased scheduling. Good riddance!


Because that would mean that the ACC had/has some sort of vendetta against us or PJ, neither of which do I believe nor have you proven.

Frankly, it sounds like a paranoid rant.
I’m not ranting. I cited data, there about a 30,000,000,000:1 chance of our scheduling happening randomly. I allege that 30,000,000,000:1 is very long odds and it being purely coincidental is unlikely to say the least. You appear to advocated that Swofford’s crew has treated us well. The data suggests otherwise. You have no explanation other than you hate CPJ therefore what happened to us was cool with you. I proclaim we’ve been wronged. What explanation/data do you have? So far, you’ve showed your colors and they are not white and gold.


Helluva Engineer
More money wasn't going to overcome the effects the scheme had on recruiting and attracting more talent to Tech campus. That's been my position repeatedly and nothing has been posted to refute it. Duke runs a scheme and has a coach that attracts players that PJ's scheme did not.

You can't remove the effects of the scheme on recruiting from the discussion. If we ran a similar type offense to Duke under PJ, it'd be a more-apt comparison. Not sure why this is so difficult to understand.

The scheme had no affect on defensive recruiting. The offense didn’t really need any better recruiting. We were constantly in the top 30 in scoring every year. And if we were able to build a better defense we could have easily averaged around 10 wins a season without changing our offensive players. If we were winning like that then we’d probably have gotten more talent on offense eventually too because people like to play for a winner.

Our Points per game:

2018: 33
2017: 27.2
2016: 27.7
2015: 25.6
2014: 37.8
2013: 29.1
2012: 31.6
2011: 31.9
2010: 24.8
2009: 33.5
2008: 24.2

Now look at points per game for the 50th best Defense every year:
2018: 25.9
2017: 26.1
2016: 26.7
2015: 26.5
2014: 26.2(It was us!)
2013: 25.8
2012: 26.6
2011: 25.3
2010: 24.7
2009: 24.8
2008: 23.6

A 50th ranked defense is not asking for much. That would have been enough for us to win a lot of games with the exact same offense. Now, was poor defensive recruiting/development primarily a money thing or primarily a flaw of CPJ? That’s up for debate, but I would guess the chances of succeeding on that side would be better with more money than without it.


Georgia Tech Fan
I wish they would interview him again and ask him how it was possible to leave tech in a worse spot when he left then it was when he got here.

This is not true. He left because he got tired of people like not appreciating him. I don’t blame him. GT is a difficult place and unless the administration funds it or turns us into a factory it will continue to be and we know that’s not happening. To have above average seasons for most part with several special seasons and multiple victories over UGA is pretty dang good. I would take it now for sure. I was at game it was embarrassing. If PJ stays or Monken comes in we would have at least had a decent to better than decent year in my opinion. I don’t understand why we want to be like literally every other team in football. We had something unique and pretty good. Too bad it’s gone in my opinion. Maybe Collins turns it around after we suffer through 3-5 years of misery.
At least that’s what it looks like now. Very disappointed and discouraged.


Georgia Tech Fan
Seems like you're making an assumption there. Maybe he didn't wanna rehab a 2nd knee injury, etc

We really don't know. He didn't transfer anywhere did he? Maybe he was ready to be done playing football.

KirVonte is nowhere near done playing football... Ill keep the particulars to myself. But out of respect for my son I won't go all the way in... but an average of 15-20 running (back) plays a game with 7-10 guaranteed to a 1000 yard back is disrespectful and letting us now that in July 2019 is a spit in our face. Fact 2 Mls severe tear is not a 2nd acl tear... 18 months without surgery and it heals on ts own, 6-12 months with surgery; the acl talk is valid but just a re-repair of the first repair that Dr X deemed was not efficient for a running back (and he still gave y'all 1000 yrds on it). Fact 3 KirVonte is squatting 495 on that leg 25 times with ease (2nd Acl tear my a$$) Finally Fact 4 a 2-10 records speaks for itself... more like 1-10, Miami was a flook win and I do not see that changing no matter how many years you give ole boy in this system. With KirVonte you probable beat everyone except Clemson, Va Tech and Georgia, and those games would have been / would be close based on his pride alone. Again out of respect for my son... no disrespect to the program... but as I stated before GT has not showed him much love over his time there and it remains the same... and that's disrespectful. There is a lot of chatter on this forum... but numbers speak for themselves. Lets let time give us the numbers that speak for themselves for Geoff.


Im a 3*
KirVonte is nowhere near done playing football... Ill keep the particulars to myself. But out of respect for my son I won't go all the way in... but an average of 15-20 running (back) plays a game with 7-10 guaranteed to a 1000 yard back is disrespectful and letting us now that in July 2019 is a spit in our face. Fact 2 Mls severe tear is not a 2nd acl tear... 18 months without surgery and it heals on ts own, 6-12 months with surgery; the acl talk is valid but just a re-repair of the first repair that Dr X deemed was not efficient for a running back (and he still gave y'all 1000 yrds on it). Fact 3 KirVonte is squatting 495 on that leg 25 times with ease (2nd Acl tear my a$$) Finally Fact 4 a 2-10 records speaks for itself... more like 1-10, Miami was a flook win and I do not see that changing no matter how many years you give ole boy in this system. With KirVonte you probable beat everyone except Clemson, Va Tech and Georgia, and those games would have been / would be close based on his pride alone. Again out of respect for my son... no disrespect to the program... but as I stated before GT has not showed him much love over his time there and it remains the same... and that's disrespectful. There is a lot of chatter on this forum... but numbers speak for themselves. Lets let time give us the numbers that speak for themselves for Geoff.

Thank you for take. Always great to see facts brought the board. 2 points stuck out:

1) Wow... 12-15/games is disrespectful? Unless you’re Wisconsin/ Jonathan Taylor, most 1000yd backs like Swift & Etienne are only getting those numbers. How many carries would’ve been adequate?

4) So the record is the record and will be that no matter the years, but you deem your son would give the team an extra 4-5 wins. Would you elaborate what about your son skill set that would’ve changed GTFB season?


Georgia Tech Fan
Thank you for take. Always great to see facts brought the board. 2 points stuck out:

1) Wow... 12-15/games is disrespectful? Unless you’re Wisconsin/ Jonathan Taylor, most 1000yd backs like Swift & Etienne are only getting those numbers. How many carries would’ve been adequate?

4) So the record is the record and will be that no matter the years, but you deem your son would give the team an extra 4-5 wins. Would you elaborate what about your son skill set that would’ve changed GTFB season?

Can he play defensive or offensive line?