Petrino and Swinney have better market value,
Petrino is lucky to be employed. Swinney will be dumped by Clemson in a few years unless he replaces the coordinators he is losing and no one will pick him up.
I don't think the market value argument is valid at all. I bet SMU would be more than willing to match what we are paying, other than the fact thatCPJ has turned them down for less money already.
I don't know what Pitt's budget is, but I bet they would be willing to pay as much as they can afford to get him. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if VPI wouldn't be willing to take him off our hands considering th mess that is the future of their FB program.
The only teams which would probably shy away from him are the major teams such as Michigan (because they can wi through traditional means) but even amongst them, Nebraska would potentially be willing ton lol the dice.