Coronavirus Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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GT Athlete
Neither of those articles say 300 million N95 masks were delivered between Musk and Gates, the second one identifies one shipment with 130,000 N95 masks and 1.2 million surgical masks so it’s pretty obvious the 300 million number being thrown around consists of mainly surgical masks not N95 masks.


Staff member
That's a huge mixed bag of both good and misleading info.
I'm only going to respnd to misleading items. Don't think I'm disagreeing with all of it.
Anything that reminds one that masks aren't perfect and don't replace other guidelines is a good thing!
seriously man, what the hec does one's race have to do with avoiding this virus? it was bizarre that such was included.

I saw a kid yesterday riding a bike and wearing a bandana over his nose and mouth, like a western bandit. I can see how race could play a factor when you’re covering your face.

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Deleted member 2897

We have a stay at home order plus no gatherings more than 3. Just drive down a main artery here and a house had a Party right there in the front yard cooking out - probably 50 people. Selfish idiots. A police car was pulling in as we drive by LOL.


Neither of those articles say 300 million N95 masks were delivered between Musk and Gates, the second one identifies one shipment with 130,000 N95 masks and 1.2 million surgical masks so it’s pretty obvious the 300 million number being thrown around consists of mainly surgical masks not N95 masks.
I’m not wasting any more time on this. The article’s about N95 masks. Maybe they were really talking about horseshoes? The second article is talking about flying N95 masks from Buffet’s BYD factory to the US. Maybe they suddenly stopped making N95 masks and went to surgical masks or ventilators or hand sanitizer or back to EV production? The people writing these articles are journalists, not lawyers trying to survive in the GT Swarm court of law. Believe it or not, more N95 masks are being made because demand is up & at their very core the Chinese running their country are greedy capitalists.


I saw a kid yesterday riding a bike and wearing a bandana over his nose and mouth, like a western bandit. I can see how race could play a factor when you’re covering your face.

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not now that we have this darn virus. and probably not for young kids. If you're like 18-21 then (before corona) you'd have looked like a western bandit


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
maybe he's kgo1, or have you been logging in and out a lot today?

Hey lil' Becky, say hi to this ee78 guy in the next cubicle...


Lol kg01 doesn't have enough shame for a burner account.

Shame? Shiiiiiiiii ...I can't even pronounce it.

kg walks up in de club like dis ....


.... but still .... everybody needs a burner, amirite?

But I been 'round long enough to not need some 'wet behind the ears' profile to mess with you clowns. :whistle:


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
In early March it was thought that 25-30% of infected people failed to become symptomatic at all, or very mildly so. More recently a few small studies are showing some 50% are symptom free. If so, it would seem imo, perhaps ignorantly so, that the 97% still vulnerable figure in the Washington model is significantly flawed.

The real threat to the 2020 season is, once a player becomes ill, it's over until 2021.

OTOH, if South Korea or Taiwan had CFB, they would probably have at least a partial 2020 season (assuming closed borders, but then they would be starving, as we will if we keep up this current level of shutdown).

I agree with the thought that once you have 1 positive case among players it is over.
That's also part of the reason I am getting more convinced that it may never start.
All these leagues ultimately have some responsibility to everyone that plays the games, everyone that helps put them on, and everyone that comes in person to watch. The potential liability is huge. If you force the players to play and one of them gets really sick - I would expect a lawsuit.
What is somebody attends a game and gets sick. Are they going to have to get anyone who comes to a game to sign a waiver of liability?

The potential health and legal issues are really large imo and are something that will have to be dealt with before any games are played. That is probably an even bigger nightmare for college Presidents.


All the restrictions are hindering herd immunity from taking place. The very probable reason that California has such a low death rate is that the virus was there before anyone knew it, so it spread throughout the population, and now it is largely hindered in spreading further.


Ramblin' Wreck
All the restrictions are hindering herd immunity from taking place. The very probable reason that California has such a low death rate is that the virus was there before anyone knew it, so it spread throughout the population, and now it is largely hindered in spreading further.
If it was there before anyone knew it---a LOT more elderly and compromised people would have died because the "herd" would have infected them while they were developing the herd immunity. Kind of a Solyent Green type approach.


If it was there before anyone knew it---a LOT more elderly and compromised people would have died because the "herd" would have infected them while they were developing the herd immunity. Kind of a Solyent Green type approach.

6 out of 7 people show no symptoms. Remember the elderly couple on the cruise ship when this whole thing started, that got quarantined in Japan for two weeks? They were in their 70's or 80's, and they never had symptoms.

The death rate, when factoring in the asymptomatic cases, is less than the common cold. I know more people who have been struck by lightning than people who have coronavirus. In fact, if it's as contagious as they say it is, not only do I not know anyone with it, I also haven't come in contact with anyone with it.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Good article from Nate Silver on why case counts are not a good statistic to follow.
Uses the same underlying data for 4 different scenarios based on the testing that is occurring. Depending upon what type of scenario you are in you get very different results in positive cases and almost all are misleading in different ways.

He also explains the huge lag you have in results, about 15 days so you are always looking well into the past with case counts.
He reiterates that the best metrics for now are deaths and hospitalizations.


Good article from Nate Silver on why case counts are not a good statistic to follow.
Uses the same underlying data for 4 different scenarios based on the testing that is occurring. Depending upon what type of scenario you are in you get very different results in positive cases and almost all are misleading in different ways.

He also explains the huge lag you have in results, about 15 days so you are always looking well into the past with case counts.
He reiterates that the best metrics for now are deaths and hospitalizations.
@RamblinRed Dude, you dig out some awesome statistics. Bravo Sir!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
6 out of 7 people show no symptoms. Remember the elderly couple on the cruise ship when this whole thing started, that got quarantined in Japan for two weeks? They were in their 70's or 80's, and they never had symptoms.

The death rate, when factoring in the asymptomatic cases, is less than the common cold. I know more people who have been struck by lightning than people who have coronavirus. In fact, if it's as contagious as they say it is, not only do I not know anyone with it, I also haven't come in contact with anyone with it.

None of what you posted is remotely accurate but thanks for posting.
The asymptomatic rate is estimated to be between 30-50%. The incubation period is extremely long. A person starts showing flu symptoms in 1-4 days. For COVID19 it is 5-14 days. Meanwhile they are contagious during at least part of the time period whether they show symptoms or not.

The transmission rate without any mitigation measures is roughly twice that of the flu - 2.5 vs 1.2 - which means it can spead exponetially faster. The current studies on mortality rate including asymptomatic cases is 0.66 vs 0.1 for the flu.
The common cold kills almost no one.

The hospitalization rate for the flu is 2%, so far for COVID19 it is 19%. The average length of stay in the hospital for the flu is 5 days, for COVID19 is 19 days.

I already know 2 people who have gone through it, including my neighbor 2 doors down who has self quarantined in her house for the last 2 weeks (fortunately she has not had to stay in the hospital, especially since she is 31 weeks pregnant).

If you don't know anyone personally touched by it count your blessings.


Helluva Engineer
Good article from Nate Silver on why case counts are not a good statistic to follow.
Uses the same underlying data for 4 different scenarios based on the testing that is occurring. Depending upon what type of scenario you are in you get very different results in positive cases and almost all are misleading in different ways.

He also explains the huge lag you have in results, about 15 days so you are always looking well into the past with case counts.
He reiterates that the best metrics for now are deaths and hospitalizations.
Good morning read. Spells everything out.

Deleted member 2897

Good article from Nate Silver on why case counts are not a good statistic to follow.
Uses the same underlying data for 4 different scenarios based on the testing that is occurring. Depending upon what type of scenario you are in you get very different results in positive cases and almost all are misleading in different ways.

He also explains the huge lag you have in results, about 15 days so you are always looking well into the past with case counts.
He reiterates that the best metrics for now are deaths and hospitalizations.

Good to see the Swarm lead the world on data analysis. :D We pointed out the UKs desperately poor testing situation weeks earlier.

In the US, we’re actually seeing a powerful deceleration in new cases. Is that from a testing limit (testing volume peaked at 100,000 - 120,000 per day 7-10 days ago I think), or do we not need to test any more than that because our pre-screening is weeding people out? We’re still running 85% negative results. All interesting stuff.

One thing is sad for sure - there’s a decent chance later this week that we have as many deaths as 9/11 every day.


6 out of 7 people show no symptoms. Remember the elderly couple on the cruise ship when this whole thing started, that got quarantined in Japan for two weeks? They were in their 70's or 80's, and they never had symptoms.

The death rate, when factoring in the asymptomatic cases, is less than the common cold. I know more people who have been struck by lightning than people who have coronavirus. In fact, if it's as contagious as they say it is, not only do I not know anyone with it, I also haven't come in contact with anyone with it.
I was in the didn’t know anybody, that knew anybody, that knew anybody that knew anybody that knew anybody that had it camp. Now I‘m in the I know somebody, who knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who has it camp. It’s creeping closer.
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