Clinton & Trump are criminals and should be in jail. /sarcasm

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Not at all. Hillary never built anything outside of a criminal organization.
And once again, if you knew anything about the construction industry......settling out of court is almost mandatory because of the way liability insurance operates. You have no idea what you are talking about, but have sized onto a DNC talking point for the ignorant.
I got my talking points, as you call them, not from the DNC but from several builders I know who say that they would never conduct business the way Trump does, that he forces litigation at the drop of a hat, refuses to pay contractors and believes that law suits are part of his "art of the deal."


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
Oh and not to mention this little tidbit arising out of Arpaio's little lawless reign as sheriff

Maricopa County has had to pay more than $140 million in damages just to settle brutality cases in its jails under Arpaio’s supervision, where more than 160 inmates have died.


Southeastern Michigan
I got my talking points, as you call them, not from the DNC but from several builders I know who say that they would never conduct business the way Trump does, that he forces litigation at the drop of a hat, refuses to pay contractors and believes that law suits are part of his "art of the deal."
Your first problem is confusing a builder with a developer. Refusing to pay contractors that do not perform up to specifications is a natural part of the business. One particular project I was involved in stuck the contractor for 10% of the contract because he failed to meet the specifications. Agreeing to pay him any more would have been a breach of fiscal responsibility to the owners.
A classic example of what happens in the industry.....despite what your "builders" told you.
Worked for a firm involved with a large housing complex and underwent a massive renovation. After the project was complete. a woman that worked in the office of the complex (and three weeks from retiring) claimed to have wrenched her shoulder opening a door. Subsequent investigation found the door closer tension set about 1/2 pound too high.
The ensuing lawsuit named
The property owner
The employer
The General Contractor
The Architect
The door manufacturer
The door closer manufacturer
The door and window subcontractor
The door installer.
plus a couple for entities that I cannot remember .

There were ten groups named. The insurance companies got together and offered up each deductible. It amounted to a little over 50K
The woman took the settlement offer and retired with the bonus.
The company I worked for coughed up 5k. Had they refused, they would be liable for the entire amount of what was awarded if it had gone to trial.

THAT is how business is done, despite what your "builders" claim.


Southeastern Michigan
Let’s just take public information and public statements and leave the leaks aside since they have become part of the controversy dividing our country.

First, Trump has consistently denied that Russia hacked the elections and has stood by that statement in spite of intelligence briefings that have told him otherwise. Second, he continues to say that no one in his campaign ever had any contact with Russia. I can only think of two possible explanations for these statements. He is either playing to his base and doesn’t mind lying or he is so unhinged and he no longer knows truth from fiction.

In addition, Trump lobbied hard during the Republican National Convention for changes to the Republican platform on Ukrainian resistance to Russian attacks and was successful making the platform more pro-Russia.

Here are the members of Trump’s campaign who had ties to Russia as well as the response to their involvement:

Don Trump, Jr. – lied about it and changed his story multiple times.

Jeff Sessions – lied about it and changed his story multiple times.

Rex Tillerson –close ties to Putin, lobbied against sanctions against Russia, which he lied about during his nomination hearing.

Jared Kushner –lied about it.

Carter Page –lied about it and after he got caught up in the investigation Jason Miller and Kellyanne Conway began to put out the lie that he never had any role in the Trump Campaign.

Boris Epshteyn –pro Russia advocate, official spokesman for Trump on the cable news networks who was fired this weekend.

Michael Flynn –has ties to Russia and has offered to testify in exchange for immunity. Lied to Mike Pence about meetings with Russia.

Paul Manfort -worked for Russia and failed to report it to the government. First one to say that Russia investigation was a “nothing burger.” FBI considers him a suspect in criminal activities. His connections to Carter Page and Roger Stone caused them to be drawn into a criminal investigation.

And you talk about political spin?


@Northeast Stinger

Hold up. If you want to set Hill and Trump on balanced scales then weight them for will be pleased as Trump gets launched into orbit. And I don't think Trump is an honest man.

But I truly don't understand your blind eye on Hillary.

Fact- classified info was moved and stored by her to a non secure area. The same act has led to federal felony convictions for others.

Fact- extensive cover up occurred. How many devices were bleach bit? Set on fire? Smashed with hammers? Were withheld from FBI?

These are all known facts. And these actions don't come close to being as egregious as what you, CNN, MSNBC, the Times etc, are so incensed with on Trump. When you excuse or ignore the problems regarding Hill, it's really hard to take you seriously when you scream "Russia collusion!!!"

If the Trump campaign is guilty of anything regarding Hill's servers or DNC email's attempting to retrieve info stolen by the hackers after the fact. Said info that would prove, from Hill servers especially, that she "beyond a shadow of a doubt" committed crime by allowing that data to be stolen from her non secure servers.


Helluva Engineer
Let me remember for a second.....
  • which political party destroyed their candidate's cell phone physically with a hammer so it could not be forensically investigated? Oh, the Democrats
  • which political party wiped their candidate's in-home server to avoid having it forensically investigated? Oh, the Democrats
  • which political party had to fire their National Chairwoman for collusion? Oh, the Democrats
  • which political party actually destroyed their own National Committee servers so they could not be forensically investigated? Oh, the Democrats
  • but it is Trump that is guilty of stuff because "where's there's smoke, there's fire"???

Trump Derangement Syndrome RULES! It must be nice to live in the echo chamber.....

@Northeast Stinger
I notice you list a bunch of Trump smoke but ignored these facts about your party's demonstrated collusion. Balanced? Um, no! There is also plenty more smoke on the left beyond those stone cold facts (Lois Lerner, Benghazi, etc)


Southeastern Michigan
Let’s just take public information and public statements and leave the leaks aside since they have become part of the controversy dividing our country.

First, Trump has consistently denied that Russia hacked the elections and has stood by that statement in spite of intelligence briefings that have told him otherwise. Second, he continues to say that no one in his campaign ever had any contact with Russia. I can only think of two possible explanations for these statements. He is either playing to his base and doesn’t mind lying or he is so unhinged and he no longer knows truth from fiction.

In addition, Trump lobbied hard during the Republican National Convention for changes to the Republican platform on Ukrainian resistance to Russian attacks and was successful making the platform more pro-Russia.

Here are the members of Trump’s campaign who had ties to Russia as well as the response to their involvement:

Don Trump, Jr. – lied about it and changed his story multiple times.

Jeff Sessions – lied about it and changed his story multiple times.

Rex Tillerson –close ties to Putin, lobbied against sanctions against Russia, which he lied about during his nomination hearing.

Jared Kushner –lied about it.

Carter Page –lied about it and after he got caught up in the investigation Jason Miller and Kellyanne Conway began to put out the lie that he never had any role in the Trump Campaign.

Boris Epshteyn –pro Russia advocate, official spokesman for Trump on the cable news networks who was fired this weekend.

Michael Flynn –has ties to Russia and has offered to testify in exchange for immunity. Lied to Mike Pence about meetings with Russia.

Paul Manfort -worked for Russia and failed to report it to the government. First one to say that Russia investigation was a “nothing burger.” FBI considers him a suspect in criminal activities. His connections to Carter Page and Roger Stone caused them to be drawn into a criminal investigation.
Oh, and by the way, I said evidence.....which you presented none of.
There is zero proof that Russia changed one vote during the election.


First, Trump has consistently denied that Russia hacked the elections and has stood by that statement in spite of intelligence briefings that have told him otherwise. Second, he continues to say that no one in his campaign ever had any contact with Russia. I can only think of two possible explanations for these statements. He is either playing to his base and doesn’t mind lying or he is so unhinged and he no longer knows truth from fiction.
Are these
When you live in a world where a person can be guilty of being "extremely careless" without any evidence of "gross negligence," then words and truth don't matter to you anymore.
The country voted for a man they believed to be an outsider, free of the beltway stench and what we're learning is big business types are nearly as filthy as the Beltway bandits.

That being said of all the Clinton garbage littering the landscape the most damning was para 2 where Hillary directed an aide to remove the classified markings off the communications so it could be sent via unsecured channels without anyone noticing. If I did that it would have been jail time even if it was just the "appearance of impropriety".

Today we have Podesta, the wheel man of Hillary's cash for strategic unranium assets, restating his Russian involvement. Oops wasn't he Hillary's head politico?????

I'm not a fan of the Command in Chief as he's loose with his mouth, won't jettison his idiotic ideas (i.e. the wall that no longer needs to be built because he cracked down on illegal immigration) & is as big a spender if not more than Daddy & Baby Bush, Slick Willy & Obama but there's one thing he's right about and that's draining the Washington DC swamp.
These career politicians are as dirty as dirty can be. It's all about power and money to them, not what's best for our country.

Now back to Global Warming and waiting for the next expose on how the system rigged the data for personal gain- both for and against because everyone really knows there's little man can do to affect the global climate.

God Bless America, we need it.

Deleted member 2897

Let’s just take public information and public statements and leave the leaks aside since they have become part of the controversy dividing our country.

First, Trump has consistently denied that Russia hacked the elections and has stood by that statement in spite of intelligence briefings that have told him otherwise. Second, he continues to say that no one in his campaign ever had any contact with Russia. I can only think of two possible explanations for these statements. He is either playing to his base and doesn’t mind lying or he is so unhinged and he no longer knows truth from fiction.

In addition, Trump lobbied hard during the Republican National Convention for changes to the Republican platform on Ukrainian resistance to Russian attacks and was successful making the platform more pro-Russia.

Here are the members of Trump’s campaign who had ties to Russia as well as the response to their involvement:

Don Trump, Jr. – lied about it and changed his story multiple times.

Jeff Sessions – lied about it and changed his story multiple times.

Rex Tillerson –close ties to Putin, lobbied against sanctions against Russia, which he lied about during his nomination hearing.

Jared Kushner –lied about it.

Carter Page –lied about it and after he got caught up in the investigation Jason Miller and Kellyanne Conway began to put out the lie that he never had any role in the Trump Campaign.

Boris Epshteyn –pro Russia advocate, official spokesman for Trump on the cable news networks who was fired this weekend.

Michael Flynn –has ties to Russia and has offered to testify in exchange for immunity. Lied to Mike Pence about meetings with Russia.

Paul Manfort -worked for Russia and failed to report it to the government. First one to say that Russia investigation was a “nothing burger.” FBI considers him a suspect in criminal activities. His connections to Carter Page and Roger Stone caused them to be drawn into a criminal investigation.

This has to be one of the most stupid comments I've ever read on the internet. Talking to someone is not a crime. Do you have any idea how many representatives (business and government) these guys have spoken to in the last 2 years? I would argue its at least over 100 different countries. You could literally pick any major country and find this many or more that had conversations with dozens of folks along the way over the last 2 years.

I just read another article in the paper this weekend about how Trump was trying to build a Trump Tower in Russia in 2015. OH NO! And who do you think all this information keeps leaking from? All these private phone conversations? Its the intel agencies. I don't trust them as far as I can pee. Its a silent coup.

"Boris Epshteyn –pro Russia advocate, official spokesman for Trump on the cable news networks who was fired this weekend." I mean, this comment is just simply hilarious. Where did you get your degree from? SO WHAT.

So you should either move on, or come back and provide real evidence. Someone having a conversation with someone is not evidence of anything other than having a conversation with someone.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
This has to be one of the most stupid comments I've ever read on the internet. Talking to someone is not a crime. Do you have any idea how many representatives (business and government) these guys have spoken to in the last 2 years? I would argue its at least over 100 different countries. You could literally pick any major country and find this many or more that had conversations with dozens of folks along the way over the last 2 years.

I just read another article in the paper this weekend about how Trump was trying to build a Trump Tower in Russia in 2015. OH NO! And who do you think all this information keeps leaking from? All these private phone conversations? Its the intel agencies. I don't trust them as far as I can pee. Its a silent coup.

"Boris Epshteyn –pro Russia advocate, official spokesman for Trump on the cable news networks who was fired this weekend." I mean, this comment is just simply hilarious. Where did you get your degree from? SO WHAT.

So you should either move on, or come back and provide real evidence. Someone having a conversation with someone is not evidence of anything other than having a conversation with someone.

He's just parroting the Fake News.

Taken within context, Trump's denials have only been of his involvement in colluding with Russia. The Fake News combined the Russian hack of the DNC with alleged collusion with Trump. So, every time he denied the latter, they said he was denying the former.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Oh and not to mention this little tidbit arising out of Arpaio's little lawless reign as sheriff

Maricopa County has had to pay more than $140 million in damages just to settle brutality cases in its jails under Arpaio’s supervision, where more than 160 inmates have died.

A few facts about Joe Arpaio:

Violated the Fourth Amendment on multiple occasions.

Repeatedly defied Federal Court Orders.

Engaged in torturing of detainees.

Had an unusually high number of deaths among his detainees.

For over a year ignored his duties as sheriff while using the funds of his department to research the Birther Conspiracy in Hawaii.

Left over 400 cases of child abuse and neglect unattended and unresolved.

Said it was an honor to be compared to and complimented by the KKK.

Current sheriff says Arpaio left the department over 70 million dollars in the hole.

Was voted out of office resoundingly by the people.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
So as I was saying...

Here is pretty much a direct quote from Donald Trump. “I have never had any dealings with Russia, none of my people have ever had any dealings with Russia, I have no future plans to invest in Russia, all of my people are staying away from Russia.” Trump has made many statements similar to this over the last year or so.

In the Spring of 2015 U.S. Intelligence picked up a large volume of chatter among Russian operatives that discussed their relationships with Trump associates and whether or not supporting Trump as a candidate would be useful.

Emails between Russia and Trump officials, which were then circulated among campaign staff, had phrases like, “Putin can help get our boy elected.” These were part of a larger discussion on completing a deal with Russia to build the largest Trump tower in the world in Moscow.

An unidentified current aid to Trump has released emails showing that the campaign tried to set up meetings between Trump and Putin. This happened at the same time that Trump started making public speeches that said if he was elected Russia would become “our best friend.”

Trump Jr. has a series of email exchanged which included his “If this is true; I love it” quote with a Russian official regarding getting help defeating Hillary Clinton. This is the meeting in which the story changed at least five times and the number of people present at the meeting was changed from 3 to 4 to five to six to eight. It is also the meeting in which Trump dictated to his son what his explanation should be for the meeting, an explanation that was later recanted under oath.

Papadopoulous and campaign manager Lewandowski exchanged several emails with the subject, “Putin wants to host the Trump team when the time is right.”

U.S. intelligence agencies picked up a large volume of chatter between then campaign manager Paul Manafort and Russia asking for Russia’s help in defeating Hillary Clinton.

Shortly after entering office Trump disclosed highly classified information in a White House meeting with the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, and the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.

A former highly respected British intelligence officer has a dossier showing that Russia has been cultivating Trump as an asset for the last 5 years and has highly incriminating evidence to leverage him as an intelligence asset. A Senate Committee seems to be split over whether or not to make public the contents of this report which they have received in sworn testimony.

Deleted member 2897

So as I was saying...

Here is pretty much a direct quote from Donald Trump. “I have never had any dealings with Russia, none of my people have ever had any dealings with Russia, I have no future plans to invest in Russia, all of my people are staying away from Russia.” Trump has made many statements similar to this over the last year or so.

In the Spring of 2015 U.S. Intelligence picked up a large volume of chatter among Russian operatives that discussed their relationships with Trump associates and whether or not supporting Trump as a candidate would be useful.

Emails between Russia and Trump officials, which were then circulated among campaign staff, had phrases like, “Putin can help get our boy elected.” These were part of a larger discussion on completing a deal with Russia to build the largest Trump tower in the world in Moscow.

An unidentified current aid to Trump has released emails showing that the campaign tried to set up meetings between Trump and Putin. This happened at the same time that Trump started making public speeches that said if he was elected Russia would become “our best friend.”

Trump Jr. has a series of email exchanged which included his “If this is true; I love it” quote with a Russian official regarding getting help defeating Hillary Clinton. This is the meeting in which the story changed at least five times and the number of people present at the meeting was changed from 3 to 4 to five to six to eight. It is also the meeting in which Trump dictated to his son what his explanation should be for the meeting, an explanation that was later recanted under oath.

Papadopoulous and campaign manager Lewandowski exchanged several emails with the subject, “Putin wants to host the Trump team when the time is right.”

U.S. intelligence agencies picked up a large volume of chatter between then campaign manager Paul Manafort and Russia asking for Russia’s help in defeating Hillary Clinton.

Shortly after entering office Trump disclosed highly classified information in a White House meeting with the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, and the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.

A former highly respected British intelligence officer has a dossier showing that Russia has been cultivating Trump as an asset for the last 5 years and has highly incriminating evidence to leverage him as an intelligence asset. A Senate Committee seems to be split over whether or not to make public the contents of this report which they have received in sworn testimony.

So what.

All I see is our intelligence agencies illegally tapping their political opponents' phones and illegally leaking classified and personal information. That's the real story. There is nothing wrong with anything you just posted. If there was, someone would have been arrested a year ago.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
So what.

All I see is our intelligence agencies illegally tapping their political opponents' phones and illegally leaking classified and personal information. That's the real story. There is nothing wrong with anything you just posted. If there was, someone would have been arrested a year ago.

Well, that is exactly the argument I would use about Hillary. She has been investigated for 30 years and no one has ever found anything to charge her with or anything to arrest her for. The famous Whitewater investigation with Ken Starr spent years and found nothing and finally had to settle for a stain on Monica Lewinsky's dress.

The investigation of Trump is looking more and more like the Watergate investigation but with juicier tidbits. By the way, it is illegal to accept foreign assistance in a U.S. election.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I will quit posting on this topic unless people continue to want to argue that Trump's campaign was all above board.

Here are a couple of interesting things related to the Robert Mueller investigation. First, he seems to be building a solid case of obstruction of justice, aided and abetted by Trump running his mouth off.

Second, he has brought in a special IRS financial crimes unit. They specialize in money laundering, something circumstantial evidence is already pointing to Paul Manafort having engaged in with plutocrats in the Ukraine. Fun fact about this special IRS unit. Since the early 1900s this unit has saved the American taxpayer $19 million per year for each agent that has worked for the IRS. That's a lot of money.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
So what.

All I see is our intelligence agencies illegally tapping their political opponents' phones and illegally leaking classified and personal information. That's the real story. There is nothing wrong with anything you just posted. If there was, someone would have been arrested a year ago.

BTW the IC wasn't tapping the "political opponents" phone, they were conducting ongoing counter intel of various Russian entities including the embassy under the appropriate FISA warrants. Contacts between theses entities and the Trump campaign/staff personnel was/is perfectly legal and ethical. U.S> citizens' conversations with entities under authorized surveillance by the IC is not protected communication.