Clemson Postgame


Helluva Engineer
Saw Klock at gt hotel . He had teaked ankle but is fine. Told some of us watch just the ol and said that was a war. I told him we are rooting for them and see they are getting better. Great young man and family. Did not realize how tall and big he is as he is quite agile looking in game.


Staff member
I think it is nearly impossible to have a decent passing game with a 5-10 QB who lines up under center and behind a somewhat porous line overall.
I'd put the porous line #1 in the problems for the offense last night. Maybe it's not as bad as I remember, but I don't have a yearning to rewatch the game and be sure.


Helluva Engineer
Honestly, I think that's a manifestation of what I've always said about them. Their offense isn't as dynamic as people say it is. It's all about players, not play calls. Throw the ball to the flats, receiver makes a guy miss, runs 45 yards. On paper it looks like a 45 yard pass but it was really just a guy making a play in space.

In the 2nd half we played well on D so those same passes to the flats went for moderate gains or were incomplete.

They seem to have lost a little something on offense compared to last year


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Those harping on the D in this game just proves you are seeing what you want to see (and believe). Our O put our D on the field the entire first half. The D held their own considering that. A typical D performance in that scenario will usually yield 35+ points.
Yep... 18+ minute TOP for Clemson... obviously under 12 minutes for GT. Goes to show what -1 yards and - 7 yard on first two possessions of the game will do for you. Oh and under 30 yards total going into the half...


Helluva Engineer
Saw Klock at gt hotel . He had teaked ankle but is fine. Told some of us watch just the ol and said that was a war. I told him we are rooting for them and see they are getting better. Great young man and family. Did not realize how tall and big he is as he is quite agile looking in game.
He's just gonna get better and better as his body matures and as he progress through S&C and as he gains reps. Same for all the young gun OL's. Shamire's not even done getting better. Freddie is about the only OL who has peaked.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Yep... 18+ minute TOP for Clemson... obviously under 12 minutes for GT. Goes to show what -1 yards and - 7 yard on first two possessions of the game will do for you. Oh and under 30 yards total going into the half...

The above was of course for teh first half.

TOP end up as
Possession Clemson 31:36 GT 28:24

proves the second half D did a decent job having them give the ball back to us.


- very surprised at how bad our O looked, I've never seen us completely owned like that
- the season is not lost, we can still wiggle our way to the ACCCG
- defense has a little more talent than I thought; coaching (scheme) on that side of the ball is a lot worse than I thought, even though they played well
- offense has very little talent, there's no way to put that nicely

Get ready for Richt and MIA. That is all.

Honestly, I think Dabo pulled back. They could of dropped 50 on us, if he wanted to. Don't be deceived. The defense needs work. Starting with learning how to be aggressive and tackle. I think Roof plays lackadaisical and that transfers over to how the kids play on the field.


Helluva Engineer
Honestly, I think Dabo pulled back. They could of dropped 50 on us, if he wanted to. Don't be deceived. The defense needs work. Starting with learning how to be aggressive and tackle. I think Roof plays lackadaisical and that transfers over to how the kids play on the field.
as another posted, you don't pass with 45 seconds left on the clock if you are pulling off, nor do you keep your starting QB in till the last play. Their play calls were the same pretty much from one half to the second. The main difference is we didn't play off the ball at CB as much, and we got more pressure on Watson. No coach is going to pull off in a way to have his STAR QB get pressured and hit more, it makes no sense, what happened was GT made adjustments imo.


Helluva Engineer
When the guy in front of you physically dominates you play after play, it's a little hard to execute. No Jekyll and Hide, imo. We got are arses beat, almost to a man, almost every play. I'm tired of JT saying, "it was nothing new.... we just need to execute." BS. The new part is the dudes staring at you from across the LOS are bigger, faster, stronger and quicker than you and anybody we have faced so far. It's funny how a defensive scheme that fails against you with lesser players works against you with better players.

According to Phil steel magazine(who collects several recruit services ratings) ,the AVERAGE recruit rating for clems front four was ---18! our OL front five was -- 143. Supposedly the number represents where the guy is at his position coming out of hi school.
their 3 LBs avg was 45.
For whatever it is worth.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
I've completed my post game analysis. It should be noted that this analysis reviews the total game statistics, and then selects the key factors which should be driving success playing football the Georgia Tech Way.

Field Position ... Always a key factor in the game, we yielded an average 13 yd advantage to Clemson. Tough way to play a tough opponent.
Play great Defense ... We gave up 10/18 3rd down conversions and yielded a passing efficiency of 129.5. Not so terrible, but enough to deliver points to sink us.
Make no Mistakes on Offense ... No fumbles and only 2 penalties for 15 yards, so we're playing a disciplined game. Missed assignments and some questionable play calling splits the mistakes 50/50 on players and coaches.
Kicking game ... 8 punts for 39 yards is not bad and one placed on Clemson 2. Decent but not spectacular.
Make breaks and take advantage of them ... Instead of making breaks we gave them up - 2 points on a safety and 3 on a FG after interception. Tigers +5 on breaks.

Summary ... The spread option works best above the 35 yd line and with an average field position starting on the 23, we never quite got there to have a stab at it. Defense was not the worst offender, but gave up enough ground to deliver 21 points, enough to sink us. The problem for the defense is that we were never able to make any breaks for the Jackets to take advantage of ... and instead, yielded another 5 to the enemy. Overall, this looks to me like a game plan gone awry by trying to physically match and rush a team that was physically superior. Let's learn from it and move on.


Helluva Engineer
Our defense played well enough to win. Really, they adjusted faster than most Roof defenses do. After that first quarter, our defense held strong. You can say Clemson took the peddle off the gas, but the defense did what they had to. The offense...*barf*. Did nothing to help the defense, and in some instances (BB pass...really?!!) they hurt the defense.

That's about as bad of a performance as I've seen from any offense anywhere. Negative passing yards heading into the 4th quarter?! For a while, Clemson had more first downs than we had TOTAL YARDS. Think about that.


Helluva Engineer
For info
Tried to post pregame pic of Clemson defense (lb) doing the cut block drill with I think dc venibles (sic).
He was insising the hold blocker down and spring over him and not around.
Clemson is only team I have seen do this drill?????


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I'll be watching the replay tonight. As always, it shows me stuff I didn't see during the game. A few comments:

I am proud of us, as a board. I was hesitant to come on here, but this thread reflects a constructive and proper reaction to the butt whoopin we took. I haven't read any craziness I expected.

As has been said, we got handled plain and simple.

Dabo didn't call his team off. He played to win the game and his defense was in complete control. When that is the case, you don't go for the 4th and shorts near midfield. You punt the ball and make the inept opponent (us) have to go the distance. Even taking a minute chance of not moving the chains is not worth the risk when you are up 3 scores. He ran the ball a little more to burn clock, but he took some shots too, just to keep us playing honest D. Make no mistake, the score would have been higher if our offense was threatening.

Our D did not play great. But, it did play well enough for us to win the game. If our offense was as effective as I was hoping (dreaming), we would have had a good chance to win. I never expected we would STOP them. We didn't, but we did keep them in check. Our defense is not a train wreck. If we continue on the same track, they will have given us a chance for a good season.

Clemson looked like they were selling out to stop our run, if you looked at the the number of Orange shirts that filled the lanes. But every time I watched to see how they were lining up, it was pretty standard 3-4. They just whipped us one on one that bad, so bad that it looked like they were coming with 9 guys.

To my eye, from the north stands, nowhere did the blocking deficiency look worse than with skill players in space and OLs at the second level. They handled us on the inside too, but I don't think it was as dramtic a difference. When I perused the field, their skill guys on both sides just looked so much bigger than ours.

Some of those Clemson ball carriers can really put a foot in the ground.

Some feel like we played without heart. I really don't think that is the case. I have seen this out of my teams before, many times. If you ask me, we were tight. We played tight, and if anything, we put too much pressure on the outcome of this game. This team of ours wants to get the taste of 2015 out of their mouths so bad. I get it, but it doesn't help execution, when your brain starts working that way. Football is a game of emotion and excitement is great, but when you want stuff too bad....... think about our record vs UGA.

Silver lining: I am proud of JT. He didn't show his a$$ and start pressing or making stupid decisions. His team gave him a crap sandwich to eat, and he did the best he could do with it, staying within the framework of what we do. The only guy who forced a play was a rookie BB trying to play QB for one snap.


Helluva Engineer
I'll be watching the replay tonight. As always, it shows me stuff I didn't see during the game. A few comments:

I am proud of us, as a board. I was hesitant to come on here, but this thread reflects a constructive and proper reaction to the butt whoopin we took. I haven't read any craziness I expected.

As has been said, we got handled plain and simple.

Dabo didn't call his team off. He played to win the game and his defense was in complete control. When that is the case, you don't go for the 4th and shorts near midfield. You punt the ball and make the inept opponent (us) have to go the distance. Even taking a minute chance of not moving the chains is not worth the risk when you are up 3 scores. He ran the ball a little more to burn clock, but he took some shots too, just to keep us playing honest D. Make no mistake, the score would have been higher if our offense was threatening.

Our D did not play great. But, it did play well enough for us to win the game. If our offense was as effective as I was hoping (dreaming), we would have had a good chance to win. I never expected we would STOP them. We didn't, but we did keep them in check. Our defense is not a train wreck. If we continue on the same track, they will have given us a chance for a good season.

Clemson looked like they were selling out to stop our run, if you looked at the the number of Orange shirts that filled the lanes. But every time I watched to see how they were lining up, it was pretty standard 3-4. They just whipped us one on one that bad, so bad that it looked like they were coming with 9 guys.

To my eye, from the north stands, nowhere did the blocking deficiency look worse than with skill players in space and OLs at the second level. They handled us on the inside too, but I don't think it was as dramtic a difference. When I perused the field, their skill guys on both sides just looked so much bigger than ours.

Some of those Clemson ball carriers can really put a foot in the ground.

Some feel like we played without heart. I really don't think that is the case. I have seen this out of my teams before, many times. If you ask me, we were tight. We played tight, and if anything, we put too much pressure on the outcome of this game. This team of ours wants to get the taste of 2015 out of their mouths so bad. I get it, but it doesn't help execution, when your brain starts working that way. Football is a game of emotion and excitement is great, but when you want stuff too bad....... think about our record vs UGA.

Silver lining: I am proud of JT. He didn't show his a$$ and start pressing or making stupid decisions. His team gave him a crap sandwich to eat, and he did the best he could do with it, staying within the framework of what we do. The only guy who forced a play was a rookie BB trying to play QB for one snap.

Thanks for good post.
Please look at the way Clemson moved on SNAP out of what you call pretty conventional.. Loked like they were way faster than us atcgetting to spot.

Please look at blocking late in game. It looked like a different technique (zone down blocking for counter runner to come behind and rest of guys beingv? decoys) that resulted in some yards. I HAVE SOME HOPE WE CAN USE THIS TO NEGATE AGGRESSIVE DEF
Also did Sham hold or-tackle defender on long run play where he was flagged. . I thought he was engaged and just landed on defender as part of play.
Sure seemed like the pure TO was not used very often??


Helluva Engineer
My only comment is that those who take solace in the second half performance are making a huge mistake, imho. The game was over by halftime, whether Dabo went conservative on play-calling (he, did..some) or whether their players let up because they knew we were overmatched (imho, they did...some)...the second half means NOTHING. The only stats that are relevant were the first half stats and they represent a butt-whipping of epic proportions.

There is a thread on our offense,e and I must admit that I am over watching any GT QB drop back only to have the pass rush right in his face. On 50% of Clemson's passes, their OLine could have been statues with no blocks and we couldn't have gotten to him. I like that idea. Simple. Called the shotgun. Rush is negated. Throw that 5 yard out and screen and slant all night long. Would we have won the game? Heck, no. But we would have had more of a fighting chance. It has become crystal clear that if you can jam our running game, we are cooked. And our running games doesn't require one or two guys to execute well (as a short passing game does), it requires 5 or 6 guys executing well.

On D, I am sick of the bend but don't break D. We ahem an outstanding rushing defense. But we back our D Backs 7 yards off the line of scrimmage. If we played press defense on the edges, would we have gotten beaten deep? Yup...3 or 4 times maybe. But those are much harder passes to execute well. As it was, we had NO chance on D to stop them because of scheme. Remember, in my view, the 2nd half results were meaningless, and they scored pretty much at will in the 1st half on just took them doing drives instead of quick strikes).

Overall, we may have a 7-5 season. Some will call that successful. If 3 or 4 of the losses are like this one (uncompetitive) the season isn't a success to me. Losing by 10 points in a good game would have been quite acceptable to me. What I saw last night was not. Good passing teams, will beat us handily because we refuse to gamble on D, and our offense is too weak to win the games by outscoring folks.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Ok, the guilt is killing me. Last night's loss was on me. I came home about 3 minutes into the 1st quarter to find my 3mo-old having been dressed, by my wife, in a bright orange onesie. I thought nothing of it and settled in to continue to watch the drubbing.

After each bungled "dive", after each 8yd cushion on 3rd and 3 I glared at that onesie. It haunted me like Poe's tell-tale heart. By halftime I was seeing those coked-out Clemson mascot eyes on my kid's shirt.


I couldn't take it anymore. I changed him into something white at the start of the 3rd quarter. Man why didn't I change him when I first got home?

Unk T

Georgia Tech Fan
Lawrenceville, Georgia
5) Very lucky on Searcy pass near our own goal line. Thought at game and replay confirmed it was backwards and should have been ruled a fumble. So we did get some breaks.

I was very disappointed in how Searcy gave up on that play. He just stopped. Like it never occurred to him that it could have been a lateral.