Clemson Game


Ramblin' Wreck
A little perspective. We lost a game yesterday that was not only very winnable but we should have won. Everything has been going wrong this year 1) Injuries 2) Lose Gotsis in first half 3) DJ White drops a TD int that would have won the game 4) Some questionable play calling at the goal line and on 4th downs (Duke and UNC). I thought we showed improvement this week on offense despite a gut wrenching loss. We really could have won the last two games. ND beat us but they had circled our game.

To beat Clemson we will have to shutdown Watson running and make him pass. On offense we will need to just execute the option and not make mistakes and take advantage if they load the box. One disappointment this year, is not doing this. Yesterday UNC began to load the box and stop the pitch with aggressive defensive rush to the outside. We should be able to counter that with some short passes to Abacks or slot receiver. We didn't. Why? I don't understand not throwing to the slot guy and was he an eligible receiver? 'I would love you guys that watch film to look at this. And we need to make the big play when the opportunity arises, yesterday we had several chances to win the game. Int, ball at 1 yard line, even ball at their 40 with lead and fumble it back 30 yards to give them the ball for go ahead lead.

In summary, I have been watching football a long time, and while we have problems ----- this is not a terrible team like some we had in the 80's that had no shot. Football this year has shown some weird games of teams like Indiana giving Ohio St. a game yesterday.


Helluva Engineer
We became a good team last year. We were pretty shaky at the beginning.

Every week guys looked at the film, practiced hard, and fixed what was wrong.

IF we can do that this year and not get down/feel sorry for ourselves we can AGAIN become a very good football team. We just have to keep our heads up, work hard, and fix things. It's frustrating because we are so close.

We have some really fun games left to play, and we have some exciting young players.

I am eager to see how much better we can get this year!


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
The recipe is fairly simple to beating Clemson. Sustain drives and win the TOP. Their D is good, but not deep. Last night they were totally gassed at the end. We have not been able to sustain drives this year.
Not picking in @gtg936g , but TOP is overrated.

Only stat that counts and gets the check mark in the W column is Points scored.


Helluva Engineer
Not picking in @gtg936g , but TOP is overrated.

Only stat that counts and gets the check mark in the W column is Points scored.

I agree, I am just saying we need to sustain drives early. I actually think we have more offensive depth than they do defensively. We need to wear the down and stay in the game, and win the 4th quarter offensively. That would be my strategy. If we have a lot of 3 and outs early we will be in trouble.

Matt E

GT Athlete
I loved the no huddle look, but it seemed we would line up and check with the sideline after looking like we would snap the ball fast. It would be nice to mix it up and see us go quickly a few times to mix it up without checking with the sideline. At Clemson barking signals with the guys lined up may be difficult due to crowd noise. Notre Dame doesn't come close to Death Valley from a noise perspective.


Helluva Engineer
As I sit and watch them expose a Notre Dame team that looks nothing like what we played, I wonder how we can stay in this game and for how long.
Sitting at the game today, being up 21 pts, I was thinking (next week will really be a good game with a Win under out belt). Not so fast!!
This Clemson D is electric. I don't see any part so far of their team that is lacking. Our only hope is that CU comes out with their heads up their asses and doesn't show up to play. If we as a fan base are having a hard time to find the answers, how does the team of young men do it?
If CU wins this game, we could possibly playing a top 8 team.
What (if any) are the answers that may help get us through next week? or is next week already written up as a loss?
When the 2 teams came on the field, I knew ND had no chance. With all the noise and rain, Kelly looked like he was ready to get back on the bus and go home. And i think this attitude passed on to his team
He now knows about Death Valley. We may get our asses whipped too, but at least we know what we ate getting into.
Go Yellow Britchies, sting those sons of bitches!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Has anybody looked at the ND - CLEM box score? If you do, you may re-adust your thoughts about ND having no chance etc etc.

DC Bee

Ramblin' Wreck
Springfield, VA
When the 2 teams came on the field, I knew ND had no chance. With all the noise and rain, Kelly looked like he was ready to get back on the bus and go home. We may get our asses whipped too, but at least we know what we ate getting into.

I think Klempsun can be beat with good fundamentals, especially keeping assignments and good tackling on defense. They are very talented and they look solid, but they don't look scary good from what I've seen against UL & ND. Granted they came out smoking hot against ND and took advantage of the deer in the headlights, which was enough to carry them to victory.

GT will have its work cut out for sure.

Here's an intangible. GT has not lost 4 IAR under CPJ. 3 IAR 3 times - 2010, 2012, & 2013. But not 4. I really hope the team is tired of losing and puts a good game together. I hope the pressure to perform gets to Klempsun, but their offensive playbook is so simple which works to their favor.

This series is a great rivalry and is generally a close game. If GT can play well and get some turnovers and capitalize on them, they can pull an upset. Never underestimate the ability of Klempsun to Clemson.