I understand the comparison in that Butch was always on brand selling image and recruiting. If you're in the media, that's what you get without looking any deeper. But I think there is plenty to show how CGC is backing up his message with actually implementing specific processes to meet the marketing. There is real intentional difference in how we are practicing, training, organizing our recruiting, being involved in SAs lives outside of football, coordinating with the athletic department, etc. And we have a lot of positive signals of CGCs personal relationships and reputation in the staff that we have assembled on a far leaner budget than a place like Tennessee. So far all indications are that the players are really enjoying themselves, are bought in, and working really hard for CGC. So if you look deeper there is a big difference between the two. Of course, we don't know how it will all work out, and lots of things that show great promise fizzle out. I'm really optimistic that CGC is going to build something here, but how fast that happens and how high we climb are big question marks.