Bracket Challenge


Helluva Engineer
Lovely Ducktown,Tennessee
No nothing like state. North Georgia without the huge ROTC is closer but I don’t think that’s great a comparison either.

Poor UVA going to be memed on for years. Worse than the falcons for their SB.
Rumors are going around that UVA head coach Bennett is talking to the Milwaukee Bucks about the vacant head coaching job. I would take it and leave if I were him.


Helluva Engineer
NBA style is not his style. Milwaukee has a stud in Greek Freak. Is he going to want to play slow down system. 24 second shot clock would push pace some, but see Bennett being more successful in college than pros.


Helluva Engineer
I was on UMBC’s campus a few months ago. Pretty smallish former commuter school. Great for them.

@ilovetheoption is gonna need a new liver
Hunters loss was devastating. He was the only guy we could throw it down low too and hope to have something good happen.

Jack salt is not that guy. Isaiah Wilkins is not that guy.

I'm pretty sure that Thursday evening is going to be the apex of UVA basketball for at least the next 20 years


Helluva Engineer
Hunters loss was devastating. He was the only guy we could throw it down low too and hope to have something good happen.

Jack salt is not that guy. Isaiah Wilkins is not that guy.

I'm pretty sure that Thursday evening is going to be the apex of UVA basketball for at least the next 20 years
Too bad this couldn't happen to puke or uncheats. Feel sorry for those uva players.

What happened to their defense tho? Not the same defense i saw all year.