Bobby Dodd Stadium

Augusta, GA
Did anyone else notice that the stats usually presented on the board beneath the west stands press boxes were minimal for the JSU game, and when there were smaller in size than last year due to advertising space?


I'm not a fan of the new security to enter the stadium. I don't understand why change it up after all this time

A bit ridiculous. They plan on finding a gun on someone's waste line?

Umm...they're checking for guns, bombs, etc and you guys are bitching?

Is there something I'm missing?

Security for games is almost all smoke and mirrors. Primarily keeps law abiding citizens from carrying weapons into games, for which there is some reason to do. Doesn't prevent criminal carry but most criminals aren't coming to our games at least. So it does help discourage joe dumbarse from carrying drunk etc.

Having said that it has always been easy to carry a gun or knife into the stadium despite what the laws in the state have stipulated. This was true Saturday also.

I don't "carry" to games but almost always have a folding knife or two on me, including to our home games. The guy that "wanded" me at the game didn't detect my medium size Swiss Army, small multi tool, or my larger spyderco. No doubt in my mind he wouldn't have detected my handgun either if I had it on me at the time.

Tech should have provided notice of new security measures to fans. Had they done so I'd have left my knives in my vehicle. If they had detected them and I had been forced to walk all the way back to my parking location....I'd have been highly pissed.

But it's all smoke and mirrors for the most part. I could bypsss most venues security if I really wanted to just by viewing their focus / practices for a few minutes prior to entering. True at games, six flags, and Disney.

Even if security was actually more effective it would do little to slow a mass casualty attack of a determined party. Scary but true.


Jolly Good Fellow
Disagree. I bet you guys lock your doors at night, correct?

"Well, if they really want to find a way in they will no matter what, with just a little planning"

Same thing. But I guarantee you that you don't leave your doors unlocked.
Locking my doors gives me a few extra seconds to get to my gun [emoji2]

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Jolly Good Fellow
They weren't trying too hard. The wand went off on me and the guy just assumed it was because of my necklace and let me through. So if you want to get something in, just have a visible metal object near it and you probably won't be stopped.


Disagree. I bet you guys lock your doors at night, correct?

"Well, if they really want to find a way in they will no matter what, with just a little planning"

Same thing. But I guarantee you that you don't leave your doors unlocked.

I agree with ya. And yes I lock my doors. That way I the loud bang of the door getting kicked, or glass breaking, wakes me up so I can grab a gun.

Call 911 you say. Ok sure, after I've protected my family I will. Cops won't get there in time to.

Crowd events can't be effectively protected. Yes police will eventually stop the threat. Many will die and be injured first though. Won't keep me from going to games but it's true. Will happen somewhere in the US eventually.


Lmao dude wtf????

I'm sitting beside you next time, in case anyone decides to step.

All those tools come in handy and get used daily. I don't carry em to "be tacticool". I actually use em daily. The only one that could be used in self defense is the spyderco. I'd run from trouble before I'd use it in that manner. Now if Irun and get caught....? Well I tried to run. :)

Caveat....I do typically conceal carry when in public with the family. Chances of ever needing to protect them is small. But I couldn't live with myself if I failed to do so if that ever occurred. But again. Would only happen if escape wasn't possible instead.


Ramblin' Wreck
I posted this on TOS related to this issue:

A determined person will not be deterred by wanding - or metal detectors. Doing this type of screening only allows for the facility manager to limit/avoid liability in the event of an attack. It also helps to make the sheeple feel more "secure".

Looking forward to the crush of people at Gate 4 being even worse since attaching wrist-bands to bags was bad enough.
- It took from 12:05PM to the coin toss to get from 3rd Street in front of Gate 4 to my seats in 111.

You want security at a public event? Maintain 24/7/52 vigilance at the facility, inspect every item that enters the facility -no matter how small, disallow any carry-in items and only allow naked people to attend.

Even then you have to hope that one of them did not swallow a bomb.

Wanding can be a very effective way to detect the presence of metallic objects on a person, but it takes training and competence - and lots of time. When dealing with a large volume of inspections, passing through a walk-through metal detector and only wanding those who cannot pass through without setting it off will increase the number of people per hour your can process.

The CSC Event staff was not well trained, and did not seem to know what to do in the event someone set the detectors off. Not to mention what would have happened if they did find a gun? There were too many people around and no cops on hand to step in. They ran the wand too fast over the people that were in front of me, had a hiccup on the person directly in front of me and let me pass unchecked.

Making all this even more worthless is the fact that all incoming bags are not inspected in a baggage scanner. Simply looking at a bag and attaching a wrist band will not deter anyone who wants to bring in a weapon - even if the bag is "clear".

I am all for something that will reduce the risk of an attack, however there needs to be an effective return on my personal investment of my time, and the increase in my cost of attending the event (I am sure CSC did not provide wands for free). The security requirements and costs that would actually reduce the possibility of an attack at Grant Field would probably render the event beyond what most fans would pay or endure. Life has its risks, going to a large (or small) public event can be dangerous. I have chosen to accept the risk and attend the game. What I don't want is to become a forced participant in a farce where we pretend we are doing something that helps us all be "secure".

Against a determined actor, locking your door at night is just as ineffective as airport-level security. As it has been said, a lock only keeps an honest man honest.

What happened Saturday was a joke.


It does deter joe dumbarse from carrying while drunk. I'm pro 2nd amendment but I admit there are a lot of people that carry that I don't want to be around. Luckily most of them self identify with "open carry."


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
My friend was charged $6 for a large. When he asked why since the sign said $4, he was told that the sign is wrong.

I wonder if this is part of the concessions' training?

I was in the Lower West and stood in line before kick-off with no apparent movement. I shifted over to the drinks only line thinking "This will move faster."

Wrong. Didn't move at all. I timed the girls behind the register and looked at all the wasted motion. Girls ...
  • It's drinks only. Prep the cups and keep 4-5 always full of ice
  • Motion goes left to right. So eliminate the cross-overs
  • Coke and Coke Zero biggest sellers. Have 2-3 always ready to go.
  • Put a big sign over the sign that drinks are $4 when they are $6. (This is the same problem as last year.)
In 5 minutes, we could have concessions running like a top.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
OK. My positive rant on BDS ...

I took my date on a tour of Tech prior to the game. We did Yellow Jacket Alley, Bobby Dodd Way, the Campanile, the Hill, the Tech Tower, fraternity row, and the dorms down Techwood. We followed the Wreck into BDS ... overall, she loved it. Granted, she is a UT season ticket holder but thought the whole experience was great and the campus was beautifully landscaped and completely not what she had expected. (I think she was thinking more of an urban campus like Georgia State.) She had no idea Tech had so much classic architecture.

The ease of getting into and out of BDS makes it my favorite stadium. This is especially true if you take Marta. The staff, even in the muffed up security check, was extremely polite.

  • Concessions are still a mess. Who sells what? Last year Sonny's sold brats and this year not. Have a pizza place, a burger/dog place, a brat place, a BBQ place, and other. Fix the signage with this year's prices. Get the queue's down. Turn the video's on so you can watch the game while standing in line. Why not create an app and prepay and go pick up?
  • Get rid of that gawd awful East Stand Club. It's prime real estate and none of the fat cats even sit down at the game. I'm fine with a reserved club section .... but in the heart of the stands?
  • Create a Season Ticket holder lane to get in. Make me feel special for having bought the whole package.
  • Upgrade the schedule. I would still prefer to schedule the crappiest teams in the SEC to East Kansas College of Women. Let's play Vandy, Miss State, and Auburn or TN occassionally. Not only are they traditional rivals, there are tons of alumni in the area.
  • Put in some beer/brat kiosks around the entrance.
That's my rant. I love BDS. With a little love and care, it could make for the finest venue in the South to watch a game.


Helluva Engineer
After Mercedes Benz stadium on Monday, boy oh boy, I was so glad to be back at Bobby Dodd today! It's just the right size and the atmosphere feels so familiar. It just felt like home.
Know what you mean. I'd never want one of those great stadiums at my college ...