Lile we did with the swich to adidas, the next time that the radio deal comes up, everything needs to be on the line, up to and including being willing to spend endowment income on buying better segment time, not just ad time.
With 680 we should at the very least have 2-days with a Yellow Jacket Roundtable, and they should carry CPJ's and CJP's weekly media briefings. There should also be various weekly interviews with people like ADTS that get replayed across all time blocks.
This is the only way that we're going to make headway against the radio dial. As the radio dial makes headway, we'll start to get additional coverage in the paper and blogs, and we'll start to sway the undecideds.
Sell the brand, talk the team, spend the money. Make the same type of headway in the next media deal and we'll start righting the ship.