All this talk the last few years about needing a schematic advantage is true for all teams but for some reason some GT fans have the belief that’s it the end all be all. Listen, I loved Johnson. And if Johnson ran the modern offense he would have been successful. You know why? He’s competent and demands his players are competent. Just like if Kirby or Riley ran the option. There is no magic scheme. But there are coaches who don’t settle for mistake prone football and there are coaches who allow mistake filled football. We’ve had 3 years of watching Collins settle with absolutely no accountability. Sure, he talks about it but we’ve never ever seen it. Throw a pick, get a pat on the butt. Get a penalty, get a clap and encouragement. Miss an assignment, get a hug and sent back in. It’s just been ridiculous. Meanwhile the coach to our east who has way more pressure on him and higher end players has no problem going berserk on a player who misses a play and yanking him out of the game.