AJC: MBS series financial details


Helluva Engineer
Get to the money. Todd wants GT playing Big Boy football.

Changing a home/home series to a home/neutral series like we would do to an FCS team. And you call it Big Boy football.



Helluva Engineer
I would love to see us play ND, FSU, or Clemson there every year. Same team. Big event. Similar to the UF/Gaggers game. Or get to the point where a big name wants to play us there every year for their recruiting benefit. Ohio St, Michigan, PSU, Oklahoma, or the like.


Ramblin' Wreck
You have to be delusional to spin renting a stadium at half capacity and less than your own as "playing big boy football"
I know one of the first rules of the internet is to not feed the trolls, but I'm not sure exactly what you are objecting to in this thread. Is it merely @ATL1 use of the phrase "playing Big Boy football"? Do you not think that Georgia Tech already plays "big boy football"? We play in a Power 5 conference and we are not in the cellar of that conference.

If you think that Georgia Tech does not already play "big boy football", what is your definition of "big boy football"? Is it defined by wins and losses, attendance, revenue, conference affiliation? If we are not there yet in your opinion, wouldn't doing something different than what we have been doing be a step in the right direction? You would have to agree that playing in MBS would be different than what we are currently doing.

Please clearly express your opinion rather than calling out other posters on this message board as delusional. It reflects poorly upon your character, unless you are, indeed, just a troll.


Ramblin' Wreck
We need the money to invest in the football program and help us get over the hump. I’m ok with losing a home game if they make MBS a home atmosphere for GT. “GEORGIA TECH” in each end zone. GT logo on the 50. Every screen playing a nonstop GT highlight reel. The hi fi PA system blaring music that the players want to hear. I can get behind all of that.


Southeastern Michigan
I know one of the first rules of the internet is to not feed the trolls, but I'm not sure exactly what you are objecting to in this thread. Is it merely @ATL1 use of the phrase "playing Big Boy football"? Do you not think that Georgia Tech already plays "big boy football"? We play in a Power 5 conference and we are not in the cellar of that conference.

If you think that Georgia Tech does not already play "big boy football", what is your definition of "big boy football"? Is it defined by wins and losses, attendance, revenue, conference affiliation? If we are not there yet in your opinion, wouldn't doing something different than what we have been doing be a step in the right direction? You would have to agree that playing in MBS would be different than what we are currently doing.

Please clearly express your opinion rather than calling out other posters on this message board as delusional. It reflects poorly upon your character, unless you are, indeed, just a troll.
Oh look.....another wanna be room monitor. :rolleyes:


Helluva Engineer
You have to be delusional to spin renting a stadium at half capacity and less than your own as "playing big boy football"
Half empty stadium? Do you not see how BDS looks on any given Saturday game? It’s half empty and half of the fans that do show up are from the other team. It’s not like we’re sacrificing a huge home field advantage, there’s probably going to be way more sidewalk fans excited to go to MBS than BDS, and will more than likely be more people there than what BDS can even hold. Sure you’re going to have to abandon a little “tradition”, but when you went $9.5 million in the hole over the last year, you gotta do something to make a profit. Tradition just ain’t cutting it.


Helluva Engineer
I know one of the first rules of the internet is to not feed the trolls, but I'm not sure exactly what you are objecting to in this thread. Is it merely @ATL1 use of the phrase "playing Big Boy football"? Do you not think that Georgia Tech already plays "big boy football"? We play in a Power 5 conference and we are not in the cellar of that conference.

If you think that Georgia Tech does not already play "big boy football", what is your definition of "big boy football"? Is it defined by wins and losses, attendance, revenue, conference affiliation? If we are not there yet in your opinion, wouldn't doing something different than what we have been doing be a step in the right direction? You would have to agree that playing in MBS would be different than what we are currently doing.

Please clearly express your opinion rather than calling out other posters on this message board as delusional. It reflects poorly upon your character, unless you are, indeed, just a troll.

He's just still sour about the coaching change and is going to put down whatever we do to try and improve our program from here on out. Because playing in a half empty BDS in primetime vs Virginia is real "Big Boy Football".