I actually started posting on the Hive when I was in high school around 2000 or 2001. It was good at first then the board grew, and it eventually became too toxic for my taste.
Around 2008ish I left the Hive and began perusing Stingtalk and Quinlan's site. I actually paid for a premium membership there, but eventually grew frustrated with Kelly's temper tantrums, vagueness, and too often subscriber info that turned out to be incorrect.
He was right a majority of the time however, but it was the handful of times he was adamant about something and was rude to others that disagreed, then he turned out to be wrong. It was his Brian Gregory fiasco that forced me to leave.
Iirc, I came here not too long after. I rarely post and I'm here more for news and rumors, as well as X and O's breakdowns from the more football knowledgable than myself and the former players. That's what I enjoy most about this site. Sure there is BS and pettiness at times, and there are a few turd posters, but all in all, I've enjoyed my time here. And I've only had to block 1 individual.
It's the internet and were all human, so I tend to overlook the ridiculous, the few trolls, and the pettiness. You will find that anywhere.
I just hope this place doesnt devolve into trash like some of the other boards. If so, a new one will pop up to fill the void.