A Bruce Feldman tweet on CPJ


I use to go to ATL all the time and speak to many players since pj came here I don't get to ATL as often BUT the few that I have spoken to are either ambivalent to him or don't like him at all. Of course I told the guys I'd never mention their names.


Helluva Engineer
Don't get me naming guys but again I haven't met one that liked him meaning as coach not the man. Now I admit that sample size isn't enormous but I interact with the NFL alum particularly and some I can tell you it isn't glowing. Which also helped form my opinion of him and his style of offense.

I only know and talk to two, but both of them don't like Coach Johnson at all. Also one of the reason I have formed my opinion of him.


GT Athlete
He's probably talking about you and mover, nate (assuming I've read your font right)
I don't believe I played for Paul Johnson

I initially read that as his current players, I just re-read it. My comment above was in reference to current or past players at GT for Johnson.


Helluva Engineer
He could simply say nothing at all...I can tell you that I have no doubt that this rumor is false now.

Eric, honest question then. If what you are saying is true, then this guy flat out lied and made up this story. Other than just trying to garner attention and get hits, what would be the reason?

Coming from CBS, I would think that he would have a tad bit more integrity.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ should be mad, he has to deal with this during the height of recruiting season. It's frustrating.


Helluva Engineer
Feldman should be held accountable for this... He is backtracking hard on his twitter account and getting hammered for it. He won't even own the story calling it a "CBS" story...

What complete garbage. This guy completely throws a coach under the bus, gets exposed and now simply hides behind social media. How does this guy still have a job?

decatur jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Decatur, GA
Y'all Ever heard the saying: "where there's smoke, there's fire?"

I wont deny that CPJ has never used the words, "not, happy, school, buy, out," but there was no actual report by CBS. Feldman sending out a tweet that starts with "Word is," and ends with "source," is not a report. It is an ambiguous tweet. To turn it around and call it a report and then hide behind CBS is ridiculous.


Ramblin' Wreck
Don't get me naming guys but again I haven't met one that liked him meaning as coach not the man. Now I admit that sample size isn't enormous but I interact with the NFL alum particularly and some I can tell you it isn't glowing. Which also helped form my opinion of him and his style of offense.

To me this is because there is an overwhelming mount of arrogance for lack of a better term in the NFL from the front offices on down especially as it pertains to the college game. You see the same thing in college referring to our offense as a "high school offense." Players think that pros play offense the way they do because it's the best way to play when really it has more to do with the fluctuating nature of player contracts and rosters.

decatur jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Decatur, GA
To me this is because CPJ probably has the audacity to tell NFL hopefuls that while they are on the team the team should be their focus rather their own personal aspirations. They didn't sign up to play at GT bc we would let them use it as a four year training ground. There is a me first and I know best mentality prevalent in many super stars. People that groupies flock to and who don't like people that tell them to check their egos at the door. I'm sure CPJ ruffled lots of feathers of people who always had the NFL as the endgame.

I get the feeling he is talking about former players who played for different coaches, like Nick Fergason.


Helluva Engineer
Feldman should be held accountable for this... He is backtracking hard on his twitter account and getting hammered for it. He won't even own the story calling it a "CBS" story...

What complete garbage. This guy completely throws a coach under the bus, gets exposed and now simply hides behind social media. How does this guy still have a job?

I like Fedman, and he's well respected within the journalist community...but that is pretty lame of him caling it a "CBS" story instead of "my earlier tweet/comment". If you write something, own up to it.