You have got to be kidding!!! Do you seriously believe that every scientist in every country in the world is falsifying data to support AGW just to keep money flowing? You must have a very poor opinion of scientists and engineers. Dadgum man, most of us probably work for government agencies in some way shape or form as consultants or employees....are you suggesting that we all falsify data to come to a pre-determined outcome? Do you want to come down to Key Largo and explain to all those homeowners that the sea water that has been sitting in their roads for 3+ months was just an illusion? If I schedule that meeting will you come down and explain the your truth of AGW to the homeowners? I can just see it, you stand up in front of the crowd and tell them, "Everything is fine...the sea level is not rising and all those scientists are liars". Those good folks would run you out of town on a rail.
By the way may also want to ask who is funding the "anti-AGW" studies. Is it possible that those are funded by the coal, oil, automotive, etc. industries that have the most to lose in the transition to renewables?