2015 Schedule

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Helluva Engineer
Give CPJ the extension and lets get the 2016 class rolling ... Geez . Is the baby guy for real ? CPJ is competing against " factories " at a Stem and has 9 wins ... are you ( baby jacket ) delusional ? Give CPJ more money for his coaching staff , more recruiting dollars and stop tying his hands .
I want to give him an extension that has a positive trigger for performance in 2015.

I want the - "they are so big and were so small we should be happy to win 7-8 games ( counting wofford, gsu, and Tulane) to be the base. We have had good year and have what I think is a great 2015 recruiting class.

Coach if you - Keep this train rolling and a big duration contract along with major commitments are triggered. Commitments include obtaining alumni support for vigorous nation wide recruiting effort. Further we should greatly step up academic support program for athletes.

Coach has his swag back and he is pulling the train. When he shows that he can reload the backfield on the fly, I am sure the stand by alumni will join the effort.

The folks at Athens think we are pretenders and mock gt. I would love for us to win at their place and for coach to just smile.

To get to next level we need all alumni on board.


Ramblin' Wreck
BabyJacket , Players and parents want to know that the coach is going to be there ... My family has had the coaches contract coming up thrown at us on MANY occasions by other schools . Recruiting can be a dirty business . I can only speak on our exp , but I imagine other parents of recruits are getting the same lines thrown at them ... See Fla ... How does their class look .


Jolly Good Fellow
Can you see why I am concerned? The next few games this season and next season could drop that STAT down a point or so. It's weird situation for me because I still have some sour taste from previous seasons. The struggle vs. the Big 4,bowl games, and recruiting isn't worthy of a MAJOR DEAL right now. I do believe he wants to be at tech and that means a LOT more to some I get it.
BJ, I think everyone can see your concern with next year's schedule... it appears to be very challenging today.

I think the part that is not adding up for most folks, including me, is what next year's schedule has to do with us doing what is necessary to retain our successful coaching staff.
Next year's difficult schedule makes it MORE important to secure our coach, subsequently ensuring the continuity and momentum we are enjoying today.

Imagine going into that schedule with a staff uncertain about their future after demonstrating their ability to be competitive with anybody we play...

Imagine recruits enjoying our success and increasing their interest in us, only to learn that their prospective school "isn't yet convinced" that the coach they are deciding on will even be here by their Jr. year.

My thoughts are not directed against you in ANY way... only sincere thoughts of what is best for this program we all love... Cheers friend!


Jolly Good Fellow
Give CPJ the extension and lets get the 2016 class rolling ... Geez . Is the baby guy for real ? CPJ is competing against " factories " at a Stem and has 9 wins ... are you ( baby jacket ) delusional ? Give CPJ more money for his coaching staff , more recruiting dollars and stop tying his hands .

I'm with you flea... we have great momentum and a great group coming in next year... add a couple more like this one and we're on our way to that 5th NC... it's time, and I believe we are building for that run in the next few years.


Jolly Good Fellow
Please provide information where not extending him has hurt the 2016 recruiting class ? Because we don't have 5-10 commits already ? Haha! Last time I checked were on the same track as previous years in recruiting this early in future classes.

You know you are responding to a recruit's father....who might know a thing or two about what's happening on the recruiting trail.

You're with a dwag fan, a troll, or an idiot. Possibly all 3.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, Georgia
Well, this thread is going well. Here's what I'm getting from BabyJacket's posts: We had 4 years of mediocrity (2010-2013) and this is our first impressive year in awhile and a lot of that can be contributed to our schedule being favorable. He wants to make sure it's not a fluke before extending CPJ's contract right now. Because if we fall back into mediocrity with 2015's schedule (or lose our next two/three games), then we're going to regret being with a coach who only has one successful season every couple years. He thinks we're riding too high on our recent success without paying attention to the past and doesn't want us to make a hasty decision. Valid concerns, but maybe not expressed appropriately.

Everyone else is in the idea that CPJ has earned his contract extension. The knock on him was that he couldn't beat the Big 4, of which we've beaten 3 and have a chance at taking out the fourth with a 2 week prep time. We're 9-2, something that hardly ever happens at GT and a lot of that is due to coaching and team chemistry/mental toughness which is brought on by a sense of trust in the system and support in one another. You take away the trust in the head coach staying and our strongest asset in our team unity gets uprooted. There's also the major concern that players do not want to commit to a school whose coach is going to leave before they're a redshirt freshman, so it doesn't matter if we score 0 points in our next few games because we don't want that negative recruitment. I think the majority of people on this board flocked here to escape the pessimism of the GT fanbase and while this post wasn't inherently pessimistic, it still kind of rained on everyone's parade. Everyone is riding high and posts like these kind of dampen that feeling.

My opinion is that this program is on the rise and a lot of that is CPJ's doing. He's fought for a recruiting office, he's made the right hires, and he pushes players on and off the field. He runs a squeaky clean program and even at 7-5 we have something to be proud of. Like others have said, we're behind other programs in a lot of areas and CPJ does a lot with very little. I'm under the impression that if we give him more that we'll see exponential growth. I understand BabyJacket's concerns, but I think you need to see that our very recent success is the work of Paul Johnson and his staff and not because of some fluke. We're trending upwards and this year was representative of that. I'm very excited for the years ahead and I look at 2015's schedule and just grin.


Helluva Engineer
GT has 34 majors. NFL Camp is not one of the 34 majors. All of the factory schools offer NFL Camp as a course of study until one leaves for the NFL in 2 to 3 years sans graduation.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Bottom to me is that the program is headed in the right direction. Not extending CPJ's contract is hurting and will continue to hurt 2016 recruiting. Flea77 has first hand real experience with this for the 2015 class. Those that can't comprehend that will most likely never understand.
BigDaddyBuzz, thanks for the insight regarding an extension!


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
Go back and take a few minutes to read some of my post please. Since 2010 we have not been a very good team(not going into details with this). This is not a Hate CPJ thread or anything to that nature. Simply a post as to why we should WAIT before the season is up until we do. THWG!

No, this is a thread titled—by you—"2015 schedule" in which you have never actually discussed our schedule next year. From the start you have made this all about not extending CPJ's contract, with complete disregard to the real success we've shown on the field this season. The only thing that is more futile than your attempt to dismiss our success this season is the futility that I am displaying right now by responding your tenaciously uninformed troll.



UGA,FSU,and Bowl game. Want me to call you over the phone and explain it you more ?
The possibility of losing to FSU is why he has earned the extension.

I wasn't calling for CPJ head like someone other posters took it. I wrote it to show some other posters that are riding *high* off this season, that a few games left this year and next year could be a nightmare. For me this thread was started because I read where people wanted something done before the UGA game. I say let the season play out and go from there. If we beat UGA,(FSU)if we make it, and Bowl game then yeah , give the man 2 more years. We could easily win these games or lose them. My problem is extended him now. I am just looking at the next 14-15 games that could end up being a disaster(LOT of seniors on offense are leaving). I have a very good reason to be concerned just like some of you have reasons not to be concerned.

*I am not going to write about past seasons and the recruiting problems(Other than this year).I am not going to write about the struggles in the past with the big 4.

I am a TECH man to the day I die! I love the program just as much as anyone on here.
(1)Damn right Im riding a high right now. I can count the number of 9 win seasons during my life on one hand.
(2)If we beat UGA, FSU, and win our bowl....we should sign CPJ to a lifetime contract paying him at least a dollar more than the highest paid coach in the ACC or HC at uga, whichever is greater, every year.
(3)We all would like to see better recruiting. As you note things are looking good this year. With respect to past years...those guys just won 9 for us and we have a chance at more wins before we are done. Don't be pissin on the young men who make up this team I love so much.

Please provide information where not extending him has hurt the 2016 recruiting class ? Because we don't have 5-10 commits already ? Haha! Last time I checked were on the same track as previous years in recruiting this early in future classes.
Flea already provided that info so maybe I should let this slide. But just to make sure you get it, no one is more qualified to provide insight on this than flea, except maybe Will himself or our other '15 recruits.
Middle, Ga
When have I called for the man to be fired ? All I said was wait until the season is up before we make an extension ! We could all be in shambles this time next year. Losing a lot of guys on the offense plus the tough schedule :(. I'm gaining faith with each week ! I am rooting for the guy and this staff but the media will be on his tail and the AD's tail *if*(maybe he is reading the board tonight :)) and proves me wrong. It's a tricky situation for a AD who is we all know is looking for the next basketball coach to hire. I'm not sure his solitary ways the past year is because he doesn't know what to think about CPJ just yet. I believe he is going to treat him right if he starts by beating the mutts! It's a special year folks , I need to sit back and enjoy this thing and not be a party pooper.


What you simply fail to see is where he is at contractually at the moment and how a lack of extension will completely scuttle the '16 class. You also apparently judge a season on a single game...the one in Athens this year.

I still fail to see how your worries about next year and desire to hold the extension till after us this year mesh. .........unless you hate CPJ, are convinced we lose in Athens, and feel we will all jump off the CPJ bandwagon if we do lose there?

Ain't trying to pick on ya but really fail to see your logic. I'm done now though.


Georgia Tech Fan
BJ1990 i can see waiting to extend until before the bowl game. It keeps the focus on the team and players.

Coach is great and I really like him, but his jimmies and joes are really hustling out there and deserve a lot of the limelight. I'm afraid extending before the Gaggers or ACC championship would take focus from the team.

I'm confident he will get an extension. I can also see a financial flip side to this similar to joe flacco before he won a Super Bowl. He didn't sign an extension preseason where he would have made 15-18 mil a year, bet on himself and lead a team to a Super Bowl and signed a 20+ mil contract after the season ended. He bet on himself and won. Right now his stock is high with the potential to explode, lose out as you mentioned and come back to about what he's got now.

I don't care how much we pay CPJ, I think the contract may have a small salary increase with bigger incentives for good seasons like this one. He is paid near the top of the ACC and I believe that's where he belongs. Top paid no, we don't have that keesh and we're not that type of program. But top 5 in the league, certainly!


Helluva Engineer
l Would never extend a guy based on one season. There is too much luck involved. What I want to know is what are the problems, what are we doing to fix the problems, and are we having any success?

Problems have been:
Recruiting (QB, DL, BB, WR, OL).
Defense (due to DC and DL recruiting misses).
Special Teams

Reuniting appears on the upswing. We appear stocked at QB, WR, & OL. BB has been frustrating with Custis not working out.MLD is a blue chip however, and CJ Leggett could also be a terror. Incoming WR recruits are lights out. DL remains an issue though Freeman is the Truth.

Clearly the recruiting staff recently hired is making a huge difference.Wouldn't say 'crootjn's fixed but it clearly is going in a positive direction.Now we just need to keep the staff together.

Defense people can of course still debate and though I believe Roof will get it done based on statistical evidence throughout his career he hasn't done it yet. This is still the biggest question mark.

Special Teams are basically fixed. ButKer and Rodwell are good and should getbetter, and coverage and returns are good.

In addition kids are graduating with great degrees and not getting in legal troubles like most major programs.

Finally the above qualitative information is being quantified on the field with wins and losses.

No question in mInd CPJ gets extended. How much and for kow long will be a function of the free market as it should be.


Helluva Engineer
Please provide information where not extending him has hurt the 2016 recruiting class ?
It worked against Bobby Bowden and Mack Brown. Why do you think Muschamp had only 9 commits. Any rumor that a coach will not be there for your entire career will sway a high school kid.
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