Well I live up here and yes Hillbillies are still alive and well. However, it must not be that awful with the absolute flood of people that pile in here on the weekends from Atlanta. Secondarily, I guarantee that you and your rear end are safer here than down in the city or West Virginia for...
Not sure what all brought him from USC to here but why jump ship from a place that wanted you, provided you a starting job, and is your home state if I am not mistaken.... if it's not money it makes no sense. I am about sick of our Dlineman being poached to go succeed at other locations. Between...
Vandy beat some good teams this year. This is tough because it's definitely a game we can lose if we are not ready. As some have alluded to we better win for the optics.
Super pumped for this crazy win. Defense played horrible tonight especially tackling. However I can't believe how happy I am to have 7 wins going into the Dwags. I hope Haynes King is okay. I still have to wonder how this year would have looked had he been healthy. Go Jackets!
Philo looks like a stud!! Ridiculous that our receivers can't catch perfectly thrown balls. I am afraid until Haynes gets back results will be similar. Defense looked really good in my opinion.
Maybe I am crazy but with who both teams started in game 2 I am beginning to think the Braves and Mets had a little gentlemans agreement going on. Both teams got in.... no stress in game 2
Wanted to give Kyle a shout out. Played a great game. I believe he led the team in tackles and often was firing into gaps like a missile. I like many others on here were excited to see what he could do. I am looking forward to seeing him be the man in our LB group for years to come.
Georgia Tech will be 5-3 in conference which should put us in the top 5 in the ACC. Will that have a positive affect on our bowl although our record won't be fantastic?
Just listened to the presser and injuries were addressed quick. Sounds like everyone was back and ready but Sylvain has to get checked again. unless it's coach speak doesn't seem season ending or anything.
Here is all I have to say. This is tragic no matter the circumstances but imagine if it was your child and you got the call that morning... you find out that your son is dead after a university employee/staffer whatever title you want to give, was driving the vehicle and in charge of your kids...
This has gotten so far out of control its not even funny. How can college football for lack of a better term ever be "fair" again. How can you pay a high schooler 13 million dollars when he has never thrown a pass. I can get behind getting these guys some money but this is crazy. The rich get...
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